7 research outputs found

    Regulation of the Concentration Heterogeneity and Thermal Expansion Coefficient in the Metastable Invar FeNi31.1 Alloy

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    Mössbauer spectroscopy and electron microscopy study of the active redistribution of Ni atoms during the process of polymorphous transformation α→γ in the metastable FeNi31.1 alloy revealed that slow heating (at the rate of 0.2 K/min) results in the depletion of the initial α-phase with a beneficiation of developing disperse γ-phase plates according to the equilibrium diagram. A regulation possibility of the concentration heterogeneity and austenite thermal expansion coefficient resulted from the polymorphous transformation α→γ was shown. Comparison with data of FeNi35 alloy irradiation by high-energy electrons responsible for the variation of atomic distribution and thermal expansion coefficient (owing to the spinodal decomposition) was performed

    Mössbauer Analysis of Deformation–Induced Acceleration of Short-Range Concentration Separation in Fe-Cr Alloys—Effect of the Substitution Impurity: Sb and Au

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    The effect of doping the ferrite alloy Fe-16Cr by the oversized impurities Sb and Au on the mechanism of the short-range ordering induced by “warm” severe plastic deformation was studied using the method of Mössbauer spectroscopy. A comparison between the results obtained and the positron annihilation data on the evolution of the defects of vacancy type stabilized by the impurities Sb and Au was performed. It has been established that the impurities Sb and Au entail a shift of the temperature region of short-range ordering realization in conditions of applying pressure torsion towards greater temperatures by 250 and 100 K, respectively

    Atomic Order and Submicrostructure in Iron Alloys at Megaplastic Deformation

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    The subject of the present review consists of summing up our previous results on the study of the relaxation of structure along the way (i) of atomic redistribution—in the form of short-range clustering in binary iron alloys—induced by megaplastic deformation (i.e., of super large value), and (ii) of the dissolution and precipitation of disperse nitrides and carbides in steels and intermetallics in ageing alloys. Within the capacity of the main method of executing megaplastic deformation, along with the practically important milling in ball mills and friction-providing external action, we employed high pressure torsion (HPT) in Bridgman anvils, which permitted the control of the degree, rate, and temperature of deformation action. At the local level of two nearest neighbors (one or two coordination shells in relation to an iron atom) we studied atomic mass transfer, stipulated by generation of a large number of point defects of deformation origin, and conducted a comparison with a case of irradiation by high-energy electrons. We established a change in the direction of phase transformations, as well as anomalous acceleration of the ordering and precipitation of disperse phases upon altering the temperature (T < 0.3Tmelt) and rate of deformation (from 2 × 10−2 to 8 × 10−2 s−1). We also demonstrated the possibility of regulating the ultra-fine-grained structure with solid⁻solution strengthening and dispersion hardening

    Regulation of the Concentration Heterogeneity and Thermal Expansion Coefficient in the Metastable Invar FeNi<sub>31.1</sub> Alloy

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    Mössbauer spectroscopy and electron microscopy study of the active redistribution of Ni atoms during the process of polymorphous transformation α→γ in the metastable FeNi31.1 alloy revealed that slow heating (at the rate of 0.2 K/min) results in the depletion of the initial α-phase with a beneficiation of developing disperse γ-phase plates according to the equilibrium diagram. A regulation possibility of the concentration heterogeneity and austenite thermal expansion coefficient resulted from the polymorphous transformation α→γ was shown. Comparison with data of FeNi35 alloy irradiation by high-energy electrons responsible for the variation of atomic distribution and thermal expansion coefficient (owing to the spinodal decomposition) was performed

    Mechanosynthesis of High-Nitrogen Steels Strengthened by Secondary Titanium Nitrides

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    The solid-phase mechanical synthesis of high-nitrogen ferritic and austenitic steel composites in the course of mechanical activation in a ball mill is studied by the method of M&ouml;ssbauer spectroscopy and electron microscopy. For mechanical alloying, mixtures of iron alloys doped with transition metals (Ni, Cr, Mn, and Ti) and nitrides with low stability to deformation (CrN and Mn2N) were used. The correlation between the phase&ndash;concentration composition of the mechanically synthesized samples and the heat of formation of transition metal nitrides, which are part of the initial metal mixtures, is investigated. It is established that the use of titanium as an alloying additive of the Fe component of the mixture accelerates the processes of dissolution of primary nitrides and allows the transference of chromium and manganese to the position of substitution in the metallic solid solution. In addition, the titanium additive entails the formation of secondary nitrides with stabilizing the nanostructure of the mechanically synthesized samples

    Structure–Phase Transitions in the Friction Contact Zone of High-Nitrogen Chromium–Manganese Austenitic Steel

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    The influence of contact stresses on the phase and concentration composition of thin surface layers and wear products in the tribological contact zone of high-nitrogen FeMn22Cr18N0.83 steel was studied using Mössbauer spectroscopy, X-ray structural analysis, and electron microscopy. It was shown that contact compressive stresses developing under the conditions of dry sliding friction in the surface layers (20–25 microns) resulted in the strain-induced dissolution of cellular precipitation products (nitrides Cr2N) and increased the average content of nitrogen in austenite. Antiferromagnetic ordering in austenite caused by the precipitation of secondary nitrides with low chromium and nitrogen content was observed in tiny external layers (~0.1 microns) of the friction surface and products of steel adhesive wear. The effect of tension stresses in the friction contact zone on the formation of strain-induced martensite and nitrides with α″-Fe16N2 structures was established in the wear products

    Critical Redistribution of Nitrogen in the Austenitic Cr-Mn Steel under Severe Plastic Deformation

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    A narrow temperature range of changes in the mechanism and kinetics of structural-phase transformations during mechanical alloying under deformation in rotating Bridgman anvils was determined by the methods of M&ouml;ssbauer spectroscopy, electron microscopy, and mechanical tests in the high-nitrogen chromium-manganese steel FeMn22Cr18N0.83. The experimentally established temperature region is characterized by a change in the direction of nitrogen redistribution&mdash;from an increase in the N content in the metal matrix during cold deformation to a decrease with an increase in the temperature and degree of severe plastic deformation. The change in the direction of nitrogen redistribution is due to the acceleration of the decomposition of a nitrogen-supersaturated solid solution of austenite with the formation of secondary nanocrystalline nitrides. The presence of a transition region for the mechanism of structural-phase transitions is manifested in the abnormal behavior of the mechanical properties of steel