13 research outputs found

    Dragging two-dimensional discrete solitons by moving linear defects

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    We study the mobility of small-amplitude solitons attached to moving defects which drag the solitons across a two-dimensional (2D) discrete nonlinear-Schr\"{o}dinger (DNLS) lattice. Findings are compared to the situation when a free small-amplitude 2D discrete soliton is kicked in the uniform lattice. In agreement with previously known results, after a period of transient motion the free soliton transforms into a localized mode pinned by the Peierls-Nabarro potential, irrespective of the initial velocity. However, the soliton attached to the moving defect can be dragged over an indefinitely long distance (including routes with abrupt turns and circular trajectories) virtually without losses, provided that the dragging velocity is smaller than a certain critical value. Collisions between solitons dragged by two defects in opposite directions are studied too. If the velocity is small enough, the collision leads to a spontaneous symmetry breaking, featuring fusion of two solitons into a single one, which remains attached to either of the two defects

    Driving defect modes of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices

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    We present an approximate analytical theory and direct numerical computation of defect modes of a Bose-Einstein condensate loaded in an optical lattice and subject to an additional localized (defect) potential. Some of the modes are found to be remarkably stable and can be driven along the lattice by means of a defect moving following a step-like function defined by the period of Josephson oscillations and the macroscopic stability of the atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Defect modes of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice with a localized impurity

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    We study defect modes of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice with a localized defect within the framework of the one-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation. It is shown that for a significant range of parameters the defect modes can be accurately described by an expansion over Wannier functions, whose envelope is governed by the coupled nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation with a delta-impurity. The stability of the defect modes is verified by direct numerical simulations of the underlying Gross-Pitaevskii equation with a periodic plus defect potentials. We also discuss possibilities of driving defect modes through the lattice and suggest ideas for their experimental generation.Comment: 14 pages, 9 Figures, 1 Tabl

    Dissipation-induced coherent structures in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We discuss how to engineer the phase and amplitude of a complex order parameter using localized dissipative perturbations. Our results are applied to generate and control various types of atomic nonlinear matter waves (solitons) by means of localized dissipative defects.Comment: 4pages, 7 figure

    Symmetric and asymmetric localized modes in linear lattices with an embedded pair of χ(2)\chi ^{(2)}-nonlinear sites

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    We construct families of symmetric, antisymmetric, and asymmetric solitary modes in one-dimensional bichromatic lattices with the second-harmonic-generating (χ(2)\chi ^{(2)}) nonlinearity concentrated at a pair of sites placed at distance ll. The lattice can be built as an array of optical waveguides. Solutions are obtained in an implicit analytical form, which is made explicit in the case of adjacent nonlinear sites, l=1l=1. The stability is analyzed through the computation of eigenvalues for small perturbations, and verified by direct simulations. In the cascading limit, which corresponds to large mismatch qq, the system becomes tantamount to the recently studied single-component lattice with two embedded sites carrying the cubic nonlinearity. The modes undergo qualitative changes with the variation of qq. In particular, at l≥2l\geq 2, the symmetry-breaking bifurcation (SBB), which creates asymmetric states from symmetric ones, is supercritical and subcritical for small and large values of qq, respectively, while the bifurcation is always supercritical at l=1l=1. In the experiment, the corresponding change of the phase transition between the second and first kinds may be implemented by varying the mismatch, via the wavelength of the input beam. The existence threshold (minimum total power) for the symmetric modes vanishes exactly at q=0q=0, which suggests a possibility to create the solitary mode using low-power beams. The stability of solution families also changes with qq