18 research outputs found

    A survey on the challenges, limitations, and opportunities of online testing of infants and young children during the COVID-19 pandemic: using our experiences to improve future practices

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    In developmental psychology, the widespread adoption of new methods for testing children does not typically occur over a matter of months. Yet, the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated social distancing requirements created a sudden need among many research groups to use a new method with which they had little or no experience: online testing. Here, we report results from a survey of 159 researchers detailing their early experiences with online testing. The survey approach allowed us to create a general picture of the challenges, limitations, and opportunities of online research, and it identified aspects of the methods that have the potential to impact interpretations of findings. We use the survey results to present considerations to improve online research practices

    Ion Channels in Glioma Malignancy

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    Brain tumors come in many types and differ greatly in outcome. They are classified by the cell of origin (astrocytoma, ependymoma, meningioma, medulloblastoma, glioma), although more recently molecular markers are used in addition to histology. Brain tumors are graded (from I to IV) to measure their malignancy. Glioblastoma, one of the most common adult primary brain tumors, displays the highest malignancy (grade IV), and median survival of about 15 months. Main reasons for poor outcome are incomplete surgical resection, due to the highly invasive potential of glioblastoma cells, and chemoresistance that commonly develops during drug treatment. An important role in brain tumor malignancy is played by ion channels. The Ca2+-activated K+ channels of large and intermediate conductance, KCa3.1 and KCa1.1, and the volume-regulated anion channel, whose combined activity results in the extrusion of KCl and osmotic water, control cell volume, and in turn migration, invasion, and apoptotic cell death. The transient receptor potential (TRP) channels and low threshold-activated Ca (T-type) channels have equally critical role in brain tumor malignancy, as dysregulated Ca2+ signals heavily impact on glioma cell proliferation, migration, invasion. The review provides an overview of the current evidence involving these channels in brain tumor malignancy, and the application of these insights in the light of future prospects for experimental and clinical practice

    Asymmetries and visual field summaries as predictors of glaucoma in the ocular hypertension treatment study

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    PURPOSE. To evaluate whether baseline visual field data and asymmetries between eyes predict the onset of primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) in Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study (OHTS) participants. METHODS. A new index, mean prognosis (MP), was designed for optimal combination of visual field thresholds, to discriminate between eyes that developed POAG from eyes that did not. Baseline intraocular pressure (IOP) in fellow eyes was used to construct measures of IOP asymmetry. Age-adjusted baseline thresholds were used to develop indicators of visual field asymmetry and summary measures of visual field defects. Marginal multivariate failure time models were constructed that relate the new index MP, IOP asymmetry, and visual field asymmetry to POAG onset for OHTS participants. RESULTS. The marginal multivariate failure time analysis showed that the MP index is significantly related to POAG onset (P &lt; 0.0001) and appears to be a more highly significant predictor of POAG onset than either mean deviation (MD; P = 0.17) or pattern standard deviation (PSD; P = 0.046). A 1-mm Hg increase in IOP asymmetry between fellow eyes is associated with a 17% increase in risk for development of POAG. When threshold asymmetry between eyes existed, the eye with lower thresholds was at a 37% greater risk of development of POAG, and this feature was more predictive of POAG onset than the visual field index MD, though not as strong a predictor as PSD. CONCLUSIONS. The MP index, IOP asymmetry, and binocular test point asymmetry can assist in clinical evaluation of eyes at risk of development of POAG.</p