28 research outputs found

    Reorientation ability in redtail splitfin (Xenotoca eiseni): Role of environmental shape, rearing in group and exposure time

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    When passively disoriented in an enclosed space, animals use the geometry of the environment (angular cues and metrically distinct surfaces) to find a position. Whether the ability to deal with geometry is a mechanism available at birth, with little influence of previous experience with the same kind of information, is still debated. We reared fish (Xenotoca eiseni) in tanks of different shape (circular or rectangular) either singly or in group and tested at different ages (at one week or one, five or ten months). Fish were trained to reorient in an enclosure with a distinctive geometry (a rectangular arena) and a blue wall providing non-geometric, featural information. Then, they were tested after an affine transformation that created conflict between geometric and non-geometric information as learned during training. We found that all fish, since one-week old, use significantly more the geometry of the enclosure for reorientation independently from the experience in circular or rectangular tanks. At one month of age, we observed a modulatory effect of rearing experience during learning with an advantage of individuals reared singly in rectangular cages, but no difference was evident at test. Furthermore, such effect on learning propensity disappeared later in development, i.e., when fish were trained at five or ten months of age. These results confirm that the use of geometric information provided by the shape of an enclosure is spontaneous and inborn, and that a modulatory effect of experience can appear briefly during ontogeny, but experience is not essentially needed to deal with geometry

    A Detour Task in Four Species of Fishes

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    Four species of fish (Danio rerio, Xenotoca eiseni, Carassius auratus, and Pterophyllum scalare) were tested in a detour task requiring them to temporarily abandon the view of the goal-object (a group of conspecifics) to circumvent an obstacle. Fishes were placed in the middle of a corridor, at the end of which there was an opaque wall with a small window through which the goal was visible. Midline along the corridor two symmetrical apertures allowed animals to access two compartments for each aperture. After passing the aperture, fishes showed searching behavior in the two correct compartments close to the goal, appearing able to localize it, although they had to temporarily move away from the object’s view. Here we provide the first evidence that fishes can solve such a detour task and therefore seem able to represent the “permanence in existence” of objects, which continue to exist even if they are not momentarily visible

    Exposure to agricultural pesticide impairs visual lateralization in a larval coral reef fish

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    Lateralization, i.e. the preferential use of one side of the body, may convey fitness benefits for organisms within rapidly-changing environments, by optimizing separate and parallel processing of different information between the two brain hemispheres. In coral reef-fishes, the movement of larvae from planktonic to reef environments (recruitment) represents a major life-history transition. This transition requires larvae to rapidly identify and respond to sensory cues to select a suitable habitat that facilitates survival and growth. This \u27recruitment\u27 is critical for population persistence and resilience. In aquarium experiments, larval Acanthurus triostegus preferentially used their right-eye to investigate a variety of visual stimuli. Despite this, when held in in situ cages with predators, those larvae that previously favored their left-eye exhibited higher survival. These results support the "brain\u27s right-hemisphere" theory, which predicts that the right-eye (i.e. left-hemisphere) is used to categorize stimuli while the left-eye (i.e. right-hemisphere) is used to inspect novel items and initiate rapid behavioral-responses. While these experiments confirm that being highly lateralized is ecologically advantageous, exposure to chlorpyrifos, a pesticide often inadvertently added to coral-reef waters, impaired visual-lateralization. This suggests that chemical pollutants could impair the brain function of larval fishes during a critical life-history transition, potentially impacting recruitment success

    Recognition of partly occluded objects by fish

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    Abstract: The ability to visually complete partly occluded objects (so-called "amodal completion") has been documented in mammals and birds. Here, we report the first evidence of such a perceptual ability in a fish species. Fish (Xenotoca eiseni) were trained to discriminate between a complete and an amputated disk. Thereafter, the fish performed test trials in which hexagonal polygons were either exactly juxtaposed or only placed close to the missing sectors of the disk in order to produce or not produce the impression (to a human observer) of an occlusion of the missing sectors of the disk by the polygon. In another experiment, fish were first trained to discriminate between hexagonal polygons that were either exactly juxtaposed or only placed close to the missing sectors of a disk, and then tested for choice between a complete and an amputated disk. In both experiments, fish behaved as if they were experiencing visual completion of the partly occluded stimuli. These findings suggest that the ability to visually complete partly occluded objects may be widespread among vertebrates, possibly inherited in mammals, birds and fish from early vertebrate ancestors

    Perception of subjective contours in fish

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    Abstract: The ability of fish to perceive subjective (or illusory) contours, ie contours that lack a physical Counterpart in terms of luminance contrast gradients, was investigated. In the first experiment, redtail splitfins (Xenotoca eiseni), family Goodeidae, were trained to discriminate between a geometric figure (a triangle or a square) oil various backgrounds and a background without any Figure. Thereafter, the fish performed test trials in which illusory squares or triangles were obtained by (i) interruptions of a background of diagonal lines, (ii) phase-shifting of a background of diagonal lines, and (iii) pacmen spatially arranged to induce perception of Kanizsa subjective surfaces. In all three conditions, fish seemed to generalise their responses to Stimuli perceived as subjective contours by humans. Fish chose, correctly, squares or triangles made of interrupted or phase-shifted diagonal lines from uniform backgrounds of diagonal lines, as well as illusory square or triangle Kanizsa figures from figures in which the inducing pacmen were scrambled. In the second experiment, fish were trained to discriminate between a vertical and a horizontal bar with luminance contrast gradients, and then tested with vertically and horizontally oriented illusory bars, created either through interruption or spatial phase-shift of inducing diagonal lines. Fish appeared to be able to generalise the orientation discrimination to illusory contours. These results demonstrate that redtail splitfins are capable of perceiving illusory contours

    Extra-Visual Systems in the Spatial Reorientation of Cavefish

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    Disoriented humans and animals are able to reorient themselves using environmental geometry ("metric properties" and "sense") and local features, also relating geometric to non-geometric information. Here we investigated the presence of these reorientation spatial skills in two species of blind cavefish (Astyanax mexicanus and Phreatichthys andruzzii), in order to understand the possible role of extra-visual senses in similar spatial tasks. In a rectangular apparatus, with all homogeneous walls (geometric condition) or in presence of a tactilely different wall (feature condition), cavefish were required to reorient themselves after passive disorientation. We provided the first evidence that blind cavefish, using extra-visual systems, were able i) to use geometric cues, provided by the shape of the tank, in order to recognize two geometric equivalent corners on the diagonal, and ii) to integrate the geometric information with the salient cue (wall with a different surface structure), in order to recover a specific corner. These findings suggest the ecological salience of the environmental geometry for spatial orientation in animals and, despite the different niches of adaptation, a potential shared background for spatial navigation. The geometric spatial encoding seems to constitute a common cognitive tool needed when the environment poses similar requirements to living organisms

    Temporal pattern of social aggregation in tadpoles and its influence on the measurement of lateralised response to social stimuli

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    Tadpoles of several species have been proven to prefer using the left hemifield during fixation of their own mirror images. The lateral bias typically emerges some minutes after the placement of the animals in the test apparatus. Here we checked whether such a temporal pattern was associated with lateralisation per se, or rather reflected temporal variations in social aggregation. We tested the temporal changes in tadpoles\u2019 movements directed towards conspecifics and other parts of the environment. We found that the propensity to move to make social aggregation only appears after about 5 min following placement in a novel environment and this corresponded quite well with the appearance of lateralisation, when tadpoles showed a higher probability of approaching a conspecific appearing on their left hemifield rather than on their right hemifield. These findings confirm, using natural conspecifics, evidence that in tadpoles, the left hemifield is better at detecting and directing approach responses to social stimuli

    How fish do geometry in large and in small spaces

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    Abstract: It has been shown that children and non-human animals seem to integrate geometric and featural information to different extents in order to reorient themselves in environments of different spatial scales. We trained fish (redtail splitfins, Xenotoca eiseni) to reorient to find a corner in a rectangular tank with a distinctive featural cue (a blue wall). Then we tested fish after displacement of the feature on another adjacent wall. In the large enclosure, fish chose the two comers with the feature, and also tended to choose among them the one that maintained the correct arrangement of the featural cue with respect to geometric sense (i.e. left-right position). In contrast, in the small enclosure, fish chose both the two corners with the features and the corner, without any feature, that maintained the correct metric arrangement of the walls with respect to geometric sense. Possible reasons for species differences in the use of geometric and non-geometric information are discusse