62 research outputs found

    Epitaxial patterning of nanometer-thick Y3Fe5O12 films with low magnetic damping

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    Magnetic insulators such as yttrium iron garnet, Y3Fe5O12, with extremely low magnetic damping have opened the door for low power spin-orbitronics due to their low energy dissipation and efficient spin current generation and transmission. We demonstrate reliable and efficient epitaxial growth and nanopatterning of Y3Fe5O12 thin-film based nanostructures on insulating Gd3Ga5O12 substrates. In particular, our fabrication process is compatible with conventional sputtering and liftoff, and does not require aggressive ion milling which may be detrimental to the oxide thin films. Structural and magnetic properties indicate good qualities, in particular low magnetic damping of both films and patterned structures. The dynamic magnetic properties of the nanostructures are systematically investigated as a function of the lateral dimension. By comparing to ferromagnetic nanowire structures, a distinct edge mode in addition to the main mode is identified by both experiments and simulations, which also exhbits cross-over with the main mode upon varying the width of the wires. The non-linear evolution of dynamic modes over nanostructural dimensions highlights the important role of size confinement to their material properties in magnetic devices where Y3Fe5O12 nanostructures serve as the key functional component.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, Nanoscale (2015

    High frequency dynamics modulated by collective magnetization reversal in artificial spin ice

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    Spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance (ST-FMR) arises in heavy metal/ferromagnet heterostructures when an alternating charge current is passed through the bilayer stack. The methodology to detect the resonance is based on the anisotropic magnetoresistance, which is the change in the electrical resistance due to different orientations of the magnetization. In connected networks of ferromagnetic nanowires, known as artificial spin ice, the magnetoresistance is rather complex owing to the underlying collective behavior of the geometrically frustrated magnetic domain structure. Here, we demonstrate ST-FMR investigations in a square artificial spin-ice system and correlate our observations to magnetotransport measurements. The experimental findings are described using a simulation approach that highlights the importance of the correlated dynamics response of the magnetic system. Our results open the possibility of designing reconfigurable microwave oscillators and magnetoresistive devices based on connected networks of nanomagnets

    Tuning edge localized spin waves in magnetic microstripes by proximate magnetic structures

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    The propagation of edge localized spin waves (E-SWs) in yttrium iron garnet (YIG) microstripes with/without the proximate magnetic microstructures is investigated by micromagnetic simulations. A splitting of the dispersion curve with the presence of permalloy (Py) stripe is also observed. The E-SWs on the two edges of YIG stripe have different wavelengths, group velocities, and decay lengths at the same frequencies. The role of the Py stripe was found to be the source of the inhomogeneous static dipolar field without dynamic coupling with YIG. This work opens new perspectives for the design of innovative SW interference-based logic devices

    Hybrid magnonics: physics, circuits and applications for coherent information processing

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    Hybrid dynamic systems have recently gained interests with respect to both fundamental physics and device applications, particularly with their potential for coherent information processing. In this perspective, we will focus on the recent rapid developments of magnon-based hybrid systems, which seek to combine magnonic excitations with diverse excitations for transformative applications in devices, circuits and information processing. Key to their promising potentials is that magnons are highly tunable excitations and can be easily engineered to couple with various dynamic media and platforms. The capability of reaching strong coupling with many different excitations has positioned magnons well for studying solid-state coherent dynamics and exploiting unique functionality. In addition, with their gigahertz frequency bandwidth and the ease of fabrication and miniaturization, magnonic devices and systems can be conveniently integrated into microwave circuits for mimicking a broad range of device concepts that have been applied in microwave electronics, photonics and quantum information. We will discuss a few potential directions for advancing magnon hybrid systems, including on-chip geometry, novel coherent magnonic functionality, and coherent transduction between different platforms. As future outlook, we will discuss the opportunities and challenges of magnonic hybrid systems for their applications in quantum information and magnonic logic.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    Simultaneous Optical and Electrical Spin-Torque Magnetometry with Stroboscopic Detection of Spin-Precession Phase

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    Spin-based coherent information processing and encoding utilize the precession phase of spins in magnetic materials. However, the detection and manipulation of spin precession phases remain a major challenge for advanced spintronic functionalities. By using simultaneous electrical and optical detection, we demonstrate the direct measurement of the precession phase of Permalloy ferromagnetic resonance driven by the spin-orbit torques from adjacent heavy metals. The spin Hall angle of the heavy metals can be independently determined from concurrent electrical and optical signals. The stroboscopic optical detection also allows spatially measuring local spin-torque parameters and the induced ferromagnetic resonance with comprehensive amplitude and phase information. Our study offers a route towards future advanced characterizations of spin-torque oscillators, magnonic circuits, and tunnelling junctions, where measuring the current-induced spin dynamics of individual nanomagnets are required.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Room temperature deposition of superconducting Niobium Nitride films by ion beam assisted sputtering

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    We use room temperature ion beam assisted sputtering (IBAS) to deposit niobium nitride thin films. Electrical and structural characterizations were performed by electric transport and magnetization measurements at variable temperatures, X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy. Compared to reactive sputtering of NbN, films sputtered in presence of an ion beam show remarkable increase in the superconducting critical temperature Tc_{\rm{c}}, while exhibiting lower sensitivity to nitrogen concentration during deposition. Thickness dependence of the superconducting critical temperature is comparable to films prepared by conventional methods at high substrate temperatures and is consistent with behavior driven by quantum size effects or weak localization.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Magnetization reversal in Py/Gd heterostructures

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    Using a combination of magnetometry and magnetotransport techniques, we studied temperature and magnetic field behavior of magnetization in Py/Gd heterostructures. It was shown quantitatively that proximity with Py enhances magnetic order of Gd. Micromagnetic simulations demonstrate that a spin-flop transition observed in a Py/Gd bilayer is due to exchange-spring rotation of magnetization in the Gd layer. Transport measurements show that the magnetoresistance of a [Py(2 nm)/Gd(2 nm)]25 multilayer changes sign at the compensation temperature and below 20 K. The positive magnetoresistance above the compensation temperature can be attributed to an in-plane domain-wall, which appears because of the structural inhomogeneity of the film over its thickness. By measuring the angular dependence of resistance we are able to determine the angle between magnetizations in the multilayer and the magnetic field at different temperatures. The measurement reveals that due to a change of the chemical thickness profile, a non-collinear magnetization configuration is only stable in magnetic fields above 10 kOe.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Temperature-Dependent Anisotropic Magnetoresistance and Spin-Torque-Driven Vortex Dynamics in a Single Microdisk

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    Spin-orbit-torque-driven dynamics have recently gained interest in the field of magnetism due to the reduced requirement of current densities and an increase in efficiency, as well as the ease of implementation of different devices and materials. From a practical point of view, the low-frequency dynamics below 1 GHz is particularly interesting since dynamics associated with magnetic domains lie in this frequency range. While spin-torque excitation of high-frequency modes has been extensively studied, the intermediate low-frequency dynamics have received less attention, although spin torques could potentially be used for both manipulation of the spin texture, as well as the excitation of dynamics. In this work, we demonstrate that it is possible to drive magnetic vortex dynamics in a single microdisk by spin-Hall torque at varying temperatures, and relate the results to transport properties. We find that the gyrotropic mode of the core couples to the low-frequency microwave signal and produces a measurable voltage. The dynamic measurements are in agreement with magnetic transport measurements and are supported by micromagnetic simulations. Our results open the door for integrating magnetic vortex devices in spintronic applications.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Controlled interconversion of quantized spin wave modes via local magnetic fields

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    In the emerging field of magnonics, spin waves are considered for information processing and transmission at high frequencies. Towards this end, the manipulation of propagating spin waves in nanostructured waveguides for novel functionality has recently been attracting increasing focus of research. Excitations with uniform magnetic fields in such waveguides favors symmetric spin wave modes with odd quantization numbers. Interference between multiple odd spin wave modes leads to a periodic self-focusing effect of the propagating spin waves. Here we demonstrate, how antisymmetric spin wave modes with even quantization numbers can be induced by local magnetic fields in a well-controlled fashion. The resulting interference patterns are discussed within an analytical model and experimentally demonstrated using microfocused Brillouin light scattering ({\mu}-BLS).Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Strong magnon-photon coupling in ferromagnet-superconducting resonator thin-film devices

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    We demonstrate strong magnon-photon coupling of a thin-film permalloy device fabricated on a coplanar superconducting resonator. A coupling strength of 0.152 GHz and a cooperativity of 68 are found for a 30-nm-thick permalloy stripe. The coupling strength is tunable by rotating the biasing magnetic field or changing the volume of permalloy. We also observe an enhancement of magnon-photon coupling in the nonlinear regime of the superconducting resonator, which is mediated by the nucleation of dynamic flux vortices. Our results demonstrate a critical step towards future integrated hybrid systems for quantum magnonics and on-chip coherent information transfer