56 research outputs found

    Estimation for L\'{e}vy processes from high frequency data within a long time interval

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    In this paper, we study nonparametric estimation of the L\'{e}vy density for L\'{e}vy processes, with and without Brownian component. For this, we consider nn discrete time observations with step Δ\Delta. The asymptotic framework is: nn tends to infinity, Δ=Δn\Delta=\Delta_n tends to zero while nΔnn\Delta_n tends to infinity. We use a Fourier approach to construct an adaptive nonparametric estimator of the L\'{e}vy density and to provide a bound for the global L2{\mathbb{L}}^2-risk. Estimators of the drift and of the variance of the Gaussian component are also studied. We discuss rates of convergence and give examples and simulation results for processes fitting in our framework.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOS856 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Asymptotic equivalence of nonparametric diffusion and Euler scheme experiments

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    We prove a global asymptotic equivalence of experiments in the sense of Le Cam's theory. The experiments are a continuously observed diffusion with nonparametric drift and its Euler scheme. We focus on diffusions with nonconstant-known diffusion coefficient. The asymptotic equivalence is proved by constructing explicit equivalence mappings based on random time changes. The equivalence of the discretized observation of the diffusion and the corresponding Euler scheme experiment is then derived. The impact of these equivalence results is that it justifies the use of the Euler scheme instead of the discretized diffusion process for inference purposes.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AOS1216 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Computable infinite dimensional filters with applications to discretized diffusion processes

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    Let us consider a pair signal-observation ((xn,yn),n 0) where the unobserved signal (xn) is a Markov chain and the observed component is such that, given the whole sequence (xn), the random variables (yn) are independent and the conditional distribution of yn only depends on the corresponding state variable xn. The main problems raised by these observations are the prediction and filtering of (xn). We introduce sufficient conditions allowing to obtain computable filters using mixtures of distributions. The filter system may be finite or infinite dimensional. The method is applied to the case where the signal xn = Xn is a discrete sampling of a one dimensional diffusion process: Concrete models are proved to fit in our conditions. Moreover, for these models, exact likelihood inference based on the observation (y0,...,yn) is feasable

    Filtering the Wright-Fisher diffusion

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    We consider a Wright-Fisher diffusion (x(t)) whose current state cannot be observed directly. Instead, at times t1 < t2 < . . ., the observations y(ti) are such that, given the process (x(t)), the random variables (y(ti)) are independent and the conditional distribution of y(ti) only depends on x(ti). When this conditional distribution has a specific form, we prove that the model ((x(ti), y(ti)), i 1) is a computable filter in the sense that all distributions involved in filtering, prediction and smoothing are exactly computable. These distributions are expressed as finite mixtures of parametric distributions. Thus, the number of statistics to compute at each iteration is finite, but this number may vary along iterations.Comment: 24 page

    Penalized nonparametric mean square estimation of the coefficients of diffusion processes

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    We consider a one-dimensional diffusion process (Xt)(X_t) which is observed at n+1n+1 discrete times with regular sampling interval Δ\Delta. Assuming that (Xt)(X_t) is strictly stationary, we propose nonparametric estimators of the drift and diffusion coefficients obtained by a penalized least squares approach. Our estimators belong to a finite-dimensional function space whose dimension is selected by a data-driven method. We provide non-asymptotic risk bounds for the estimators. When the sampling interval tends to zero while the number of observations and the length of the observation time interval tend to infinity, we show that our estimators reach the minimax optimal rates of convergence. Numerical results based on exact simulations of diffusion processes are given for several examples of models and illustrate the qualities of our estimation algorithms.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/07-BEJ5173 in the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Filtering the Wright-Fisher diffusion

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    International audienceWe consider a Wright-Fisher diffusion (x(t)) whose current state cannot be observed directly. Instead, at times t1 < t2 < ..., the observations y(ti) are such that, given the process (x(t)), the random variables (y(ti)) are independent and the conditional distribution of y(ti) only depends on x(ti). When this conditional distribution has a specific form, we prove that the model ((x(ti),y(ti)), i≥\ge1) is a computable filter in the sense that all distributions involved in filtering, prediction and smoothing are exactly computable. These distributions are expressed as finite mixtures of parametric distributions. Thus, the number of statistics to compute at each iteration is finite, but this number may vary along iterations

    Parametric inference for discrete observations of diffusion processes with mixed effects

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    Pré-publication, Document de travail HAL Id : hal-01332630, version 1Stochastic differential equations with mixed effects provide means to model intraindividual and in-terindividual variability in biomedical experiments based on longitudinal data. We consider N i.i.d. stochastic processes (Xi(t), t ∈ [0, T ]), i = 1,. .. , N , defined by a stochastic differential equation with linear mixed effects. We consider a parametric framework with distributions leading to explicit approximate likelihood functions and investigate the asymptotic behaviour of estimators under the double asymptotic framework: the number N of individuals (trajectories) and the number n of observations per individual tend to infinity within the fixed time interval [0, T ]. The estimation method is assessed on simulated data for various models comprised in our framework

    Nonparametric Laguerre estimation in the multiplicative censoring model

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    International audienceWe study the model Yi=XiUi,  i=1,…,nY_i=X_iU_i, \; i=1, \ldots, n where the UiU_i's are {\em i.i.d.} with β(1,k)\beta(1,k) density, k≥1k\ge 1, the XiX_i's are {\em i.i.d.}, nonnegative with unknown density ff. The sequences (Xi),(Ui),(X_i), (U_i), are independent. We aim at estimating ff on R+{\mathbb R}^+ from the observations (Y1,…,Yn)(Y_1, \dots, Y_n). We propose projection estimators using a Laguerre basis. A data-driven procedure is described in order to select the dimension of the projection space, which performs automatically the bias variance compromise. Then, we give upper bounds on the L2{\mathbb L}^2-risk on specific Sobolev-Laguerre spaces. Lower bounds matching with the upper bounds within a logarithmic factor are proved. The method is illustrated on simulated data

    Sobolev-Hermite versus Sobolev nonparametric density estimation on R

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    International audienceIn this paper, our aim is to revisit the nonparametric estimation of f assuming that f is square integrable on R, by using projection estimators on a Hermite basis. These estimators are defined and studied from the point of view of their mean integrated squared error on R. A model selection method is described and proved to perform an automatic bias variance compromise. Then, we present another collection of estimators, of deconvolution type, for which we define another model selection strategy. Considering Sobolev and Sobolev-Hermite spaces, the asymptotic rates of these estimators can be computed and compared: they are mainly proved to be equivalent. However, complexity evaluations prove that the Hermite estimators have a much lower computational cost than their deconvolution (or kernel) counterparts. These results are illustrated through a small simulation study
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