2,494 research outputs found

    Adopting hydrogen direct reduction for the Swedish steel industry : A technological innovation system (TIS) study

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    The Swedish steel industry stands before a potential transition to drastically lower its CO2 emissions using direct hydrogen reduction instead of continuing with coke-based blast furnaces. Previous studies have identified hydrogen direct reduction as a promising option. We build upon earlier efforts by performing a technological innovation system study to systematically examine the barriers to a transition to hydrogen direct reduction and by providing deepened quantitative empirics to support the analysis. We also add extended paper and patent analysis methodology which is particularly useful for identifying actors and their interactions in a technological system. We conclude that while the innovation system is currently focused on such a transition, notable barriers remain, particularly in coordination of the surrounding technical infrastructure and the issue of maintaining legitimacy for such a transition in the likely event that policies to address cost pressures will be required to support this development

    Control-Oriented Modeling and Experimental Validation of a Deoiling Hydrocyclone System

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    As the treated water from offshore oil and gas production is discharged to the surrounding sea, there is an incentive to improve the performance of the offshore produced water treatment, to reduce the environmental pollutants to the sea. Regulations determine both the maximum allowed oil concentration and the total annual quantity. It is reasonable to assume that when better separation equipment or methods are developed, the regulation will become more strict, and force other producers to follow the trend towards zero harmful discharge. This paper develops and validates a hydrocyclone model to be used as a test-bed for improved control designs. The modeling methodology uses a combination of first-principles to define model structure and data-driven parameter identification. To evaluate and validate the separation performance, real-time fluorescence-based oil-in-water (OiW) concentration monitors, with dual redundancy, are installed and used on sidestreams of a modified pilot plant. The installed monitors measure the inlet and outlet OiW concentration of the tested hydrocyclone. The proposed control-oriented hydrocyclone model proved to be a reasonable candidate for predicting the hydrocyclone separation performance

    Targets for the MalI repressor at the divergent Escherichia coliK-12malX-malI promoters

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    Random mutagenesis has been used to identify the target DNA sites for the MalI repressor at the divergent Escherichia coli K-12 malX-malI promoters. The malX promoter is repressed by MalI binding to a DNA site located from position -24 to position -9, upstream of the malX promoter transcript start. The malI promoter is repressed by MalI binding from position +3 to position +18, downstream of the malI transcript start. MalI binding at the malI promoter target is not required for repression of the malX promoter. Similarly, MalI binding at the malX promoter target is not required for repression of the malI. Although the malX and malI promoters are regulated by a single DNA site for cyclic AMP receptor protein, they function independently and each is repressed by MalI binding to a different independent operator site

    TargetRNA: a tool for predicting targets of small RNA action in bacteria

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    Many small RNA (sRNA) genes in bacteria act as posttranscriptional regulators of target messenger RNAs. Here, we present TargetRNA, a web tool for predicting mRNA targets of sRNA action in bacteria. TargetRNA takes as input a genomic sequence that may correspond to an sRNA gene. TargetRNA then uses a dynamic programming algorithm to search each annotated message in a specified genome for mRNAs that evince basepair-binding potential to the input sRNA sequence. Based on the calculated basepair-binding potential of each message with the given sRNA regulator, TargetRNA outputs a ranked list of candidate mRNA targets along with the predicted basepairing interaction of each target to the sRNA. The predictive performance of TargetRNA has been validated experimentally in several bacterial organisms. TargetRNA is freely available at http://snowwhite.wellesley.edu/targetRNA

    Evaluering af trafiksikkerhedsrevision

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    Via Trafik og Transportøkonomisk institutt (Norge) har for Vejregelgruppen for Trafiksikkerhed foretaget en evaluering af trafiksikkerhedsrevision i Danmark. Formålet med evalueringen var at undersøge, om trafiksikkerhedsrevision fortsat er rentabelt, undersøge brugernes holdning til systemet og undersøge om systemet kan forbedres. Evalueringen er gennemført som en effektundersøgelse af gennemførte trafiksikkerhedsrevisioner i Danmark og en spørgeskemaundersøgelse blandt revisorer, projekterende og bygherrer. Effektvurderingen er gennemført som en med-uden evaluering. Det vil sige, hvor mange personskadeuheld der vil være, uden at revisionen blev gennemført, sammenlignet med, hvor mange personskadeuheld der vil være, når revisionen er gennemført, og tiltag/løsningsforslag er implementeret. I alt indgår der 28 revisioner i analysen. Spørgeskemaundersøgelsen omfatter 68 revisorer, 63 bygherrer og 49 projekterende. Evalueringen viser, at trafiksikkerhedsrevision stadig er et godt og rentabelt virkemiddel til at reducere antallet af uheld i Danmark. I de 28 undersøgte revisioner er der fundet et samlet benefit-cost forhold på 1,25 og en samlet uheldsbesparelse på 2,2 personskadeuheld pr. år. Evalueringen viser, at der er stor tilfredshed blandt revisorer, bygherrer og projekterende med trafiksikkerhedsrevisionssystemet. Ingen af de tilsammen 165 adspurgte har tilkendegivet, at de er utilfredse med revisionsprocessen. Den alt dominerende holdning blandt bygherrer og projekterende er, at trafiksikkerhedsrevision forbedrer projekterne, og der er generelt stor tilfredshed med de revisioner, der bliver udført. Evalueringen viser dog, at der er flere områder, hvor der er mulighed for at forbedre systemet, bl.a. information, uvildighed og kvalitetssikring