71 research outputs found

    Energy measurement and fragment identification using digital signals from partially depleted Si detectors

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    A study of identification properties of a Si-Si DE-E telescope exploiting an underdepleted residual-energy detector has been performed. Five different bias voltages have been used, one corresponding to full depletion, the others associated with a depleted layer ranging from 90% to 60% of the detector thickness. Fragment identification has been performed using either the DE-E technique or Pulse Shape Analysis (PSA). Both detectors are reverse mounted: particles enter from the low field side, to enhance the PSA performance. The achieved charge and mass resolution has been quantitatively expressed using a Figure of Merit (FoM). Charge collection efficiency has been evaluated and the possibility of energy calibration corrections has been considered. We find that the DE-E performance is not affected by incomplete depletion even when only 60% of the wafer is depleted. Isotopic separation capability improves at lower bias voltages with respect to full depletion, though charge identification thresholds are higher than at full depletion. Good isotopic identification via PSA has been obtained from a partially depleted detector whose doping uniformity is not good enough for isotopic identification at full depletion.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures 5 tables; submitted to European Physical Journal

    ASPEK SOSIAL BUDAYA DALAM NOVEL MENAK JINGGO SEKAR KEDATON KARYA LANGIT KRESNA HARIADI (Kajian Sosiologi Sastra, Nilai Pendidikan Karakter, dan Relevansinya dengan Pembelajaran Sastra di SMA)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan aspek sosial budaya masyarakat Kerajaan Majapahit yang terungkap dalam novel Menak Jinggo Sekar Kedaton karya LKH., (2) mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan tanggapan pembaca di daerah Banyuwangi dan Surakarta terhadap novel Menak Jinggo Sekar Kedaton Karya LKH, (3) mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter yang terdapat dalam novel Menak Jinggo Sekar Kedaton Karya LKH, dan (4) mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan relevansi novel Menak Jinggo Sekar Kedaton Karya LKH dengan Pembelajaran Sastra di SMA. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode content analysis (analisis isi). Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah membaca, mencermati, menafsirkan, dan menganalisis novel Menak Jinggo Sekar Kedaton karya LKH. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) teks, novel Menak Jinggo Sekar Kedaton karya LKH; (2) catatan lapangan hasil wawancara yang terdiri atas dua bagian, yaitu bagian deskripsi dan bagian refleksi; (3) tanggapan pembaca terhadap novel Menak Jinggo Sekar Kedaton karya LKH dan (4) buku-buku literatur yang relevan. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan analisis dokumen dan wawancara secara mendalam. Trianggulasi dilakukan dengan trianggulasi sumber, metode, dan teori dengan pengecekan data dokumen dan hasil wawancara untuk mendapatkan simpulan yang sama. Data tersebut diperoleh dengan mengkaji novel Menak Jinggo Sekar Kedaton karya LKH melalui analisis isi, yaitu melakukan penafsiran terhadap teks untuk dipahami isinya. Teknik cuplikan yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling, sampel mewakili informasinya. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis model interaktif yang meliputi tiga komponen yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan simpulan. Hasil penelitan dapat disimpulkan bahwa (1) aspek sosial budaya masyarakat Majapahit yang terungkap dalam novel meliputi: a) sistem religi, yakni kepercayaan agama Hindu dan Budha. Sistem nilai dan pandangan hidup, yakni berani mengucap sumpah, Hamukti Palapa. Upacara keagamaan yang terungkap yaitu Abiseka, Srada, Upacara Pitra Yadnya (Ngaben), Upacara keagamaan Pahargyan; b) sistem kemasyarakatan, terdiri dari sistem kekerabatan, assosiasi dan pekumpulan masyarakat, dan sistem kenegaraan; c) sistem pengetahuan terdiri dari pengetahuan musim, flora dan fauna, waktu, ruang, dan bilangan, dan perilaku antar sesama manusia; d) sistem bahasa, yaitu bahasa lisan dan bahasa tulisan Jawa Kuno; e) sistem kesenian yaitu lukis dan gambar, tata rias, bagunan, seni musik, dan kesusastraan; f) sistem mata pencaharian meliputi: bercocok tanam atau bertani, pegawai atau petugas pemerintah, nelayan atau perikanan; g) sistem peralatan hidup meliputi: alat transportasi, peralatan komunikasi, bentuk peralatan konsumsi dalam bentuk wadah, pakaian dan perhiasan, tempat berlindung dan perumahan, dan senjata; (2) tanggapan pembaca di daerah Banyuwangi dan Surakarta memberikan kontribusi yang positif dan menambah wawasan; (3) nilai pendidikan karakter yang terungkap yaitu 11 nilai; dan (4) memiliki relevansi terhadap pembelajaran sastra di SM

    The epitaxy of gold

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    Nitrogen sorption tests, SEM-windowless EDS and XRD analysis of mechanically alloyed nanocrystalline getter materials

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    Gas absorbing materials (getters) find several applications in modern vacuum technology; in particular to maintain required vacuum levels in evacuated and sealed enclosures. The gas absorbing properties of these getters depend on the physico-chemical nature of their surfaces. The aim of this work is to study the absorption properties of commercial Zr-based alloys (non-evaporable getters) after mechanical alloying by means of a high vacuum planetary ball milling equipped with an in-situ compaction facility. The main aim was to refine the grain size and to develop particular defect structures to enhance the getter properties. The results have shown an improvement of the specific pumping speed of the ball milled commercial Zr-Zr(V,Fe)2 alloy with respect to the starting microcrystalline material. In particular, under our experimental conditions, the specific pumping speed vs absorbed gas curve presents a maximum after 2 hours of milling; prolonged milling reduced the pumping speed of the alloyed material. This behaviour is explained in terms of two opposing simultaneous chemical and structural effects

    Production of TiA14V + SiC fibers composite and its structural evolution after heat treatments [Preparazione del composito Ti6Al4V+SiC fibre e sua evoluzione strutturale dopo trattamenti termici]

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    A composite of Ti6A14V alloy reinforced with unidirectional SCS-6 SiC fibers has been fabricated by Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) at CSM (Centro Sviluppo Materiali). Fig.1 shows the inner structure of a SCS-6 fiber (left) and the composite cross-section (right). The stages of the preparation route are illustrated in fig.2: 1- preparation of the multilayered structure (5 layers of Ti6Al4V, 4 layers of SiC); 2- material cutting in its final shape (200 x 450 mm2); 3-material allocation in the mould, which is then evacuated (3x.10-6 mbar); 4- heating (T =890°C); 5- pressure application (Pmax= 1200 bar) for 30 minutes; 6- cooling down to room temperature; 7- composite extraction from the mould. The material has been studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM.) XRD patterns of the composite and of the matrix alloy (powder) have been recorded at different temperatures up to 600°C in argon atmosphere and at room temperature after the thermal cycle for investigating the material structural evolution. Moreover, XRD spectra of composite and alloy were recorded at room temperature after heat treatments of 1 hour at 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600°C. The experiments have been performed by employing a hightemperature X-ray camera. A sketch of its heating system is shown in fig.3. Overall spectra (5° ÷ 45° 2_ angular range, steps of 0.05° and counting time of 2s/step) and precision peak profiles of the {100}, {002}, {101}, {102}, {110} and {103} reflections (steps of 0.005° and 10s/step) were collected using Mo-Kα radiation (λ=0.071 nm). The central peak positions have been determined by an iterative procedure. The strain (εhkl) affecting {hkl} planes was obtained by eq.(1), where d and d0 are the interplanar spacings of the composite and of a stress free sample (Ti6Al4V powder) respectively. Fig.4 shows precision profiles of the first three diffraction peaks of matrix alloy and composite, collected at increasing temperatures up to 600°C. In both cases the peaks shift to lower angles as temperature increases; interplanar spacings are reported in table 1. Fig 5 shows the hexagonal cell parameters (a,c) vs temperature of composite and powder. Composite values are smaller than the powder ones for every temperature. The εhkl trends vs. temperature are plotted in fig.6: higher the temperature higher the strain, the values are negative and different for each set of planes. Fig. 7 compares the spectra of composite and powder before and after the thermal cycle. The composite peaks result shifted towards higher angles whereas those of the powder in the opposite way. Angular peak positions and interplanar spacings of composite in as-prepared condition (I) and after thermal cycle up to 600° C (F) are reported in table 2. The XRD spectra of composite after heat treatments of 1 hour at different temperatures are shown fig.8: the peak positions progressively shift towards higher angles by increasing the treatment temperature. Metal-fiber interface in the as-prepared material and after heating of 1 hour at 600°C in air has been investigated by AFM (see micrographs in figg. 9 and 10). The AFM observations show that the interface is not seriously damaged by the treatment in air. The increase of cell parameters during heating in composite and alloy is due both to thermal expansion and gas absorption. After cooling the increase of a and c observed in the alloy with respect the original values is due to trappig of gas, in particular nitrogen and oxygen, in the lattice: gas solubility increases at higher temperature and a residual part remains in the lattice after cooling. On the contrary, composite lattice was found compressed after cooling: X-ray diffraction peaks shift towards higher angles. The composite exhibits the same behaviour after heating of 1 hour at temperatures ranging from 100 to 600°C. Being σz=0, the compression along z-axis, giving the strain εz measured by XRD, is due to a biaxial state of tensile stresses in the plane of the sample surface (see fig.11). The origin of residual stresses of different sign in alloy and composite is connected to the role played by the fibers, which constrain the lattice expansion following gas absorption. This explanation is supported by AFM showing the integrity of metal-fiber interface also after the heat treatment at 600°C in air. Another results is that different strains affect different sets of crystalline planes of the composite. Therefore, to minimize the residual state of stress following heat treatments in atmosphere containing N 2 and O2, texture control seems of the utmost importance

    The Ubehebe volcanic field (Death Valley, Ca): High fidelity analog site supporting MSL11 integrated science mission goals. Clay cicle and habitability potential under arid hydroclimatic conditions

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    The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission will primarily search for potentially habitable, ancient geological environments, as preliminary step to future life detection, e.g., the ESA/US 20128 Pasteur ExoMars, and sample return missions. All MSL sites candidates include hydrated clay minerals, or phyllosilicates, and have been evaluated in this work by context, diversity, habitability and preservation of potential of organics. The Ubehebe volcanic field is proposed as a high fidelity analog site

    A preliminary study of human pineal gland concretions: structural and chemical analysis.

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    Acervuli and fragments of pineal gland obtained from 33 subjects of both sexes and age ranging from 1 to 87 years, (30 autopsy and 3 biopsy specimens) were analyzed by light microscopy, transmission and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray energy dispersive microanalysis. It was found that primary mineralization occurs in an organic matrix formed by pinealocytes and that hydroxyapatite also takes place in mineral deposition. From our analysis, the formation of acervuli appears to be age and sex independent and can be possibly related to the secretory activity of the gland

    Composite material based on piezoelectric core-shell nanofibers for tactile recognition

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    In recent years, self-sensing composite materials based on the direct piezoelectric effect have attracted widespread interest as they combine the composite material's mechanical performances with the piezoelectric phase's sensing capability. In this context, piezoelectric nanofibers exhibit minimal impact on the mechanical structure of the composite – differently from bulky films or ceramic disks - and represent a promising strategy for robotic applications or wearable devices. This work aims to develop a self-sensing laminate based on piezoelectric core-shell nanofibers (PEDOT:PSS-based core and P(VDF-TrFE)-based shell). Each layer of the laminate is made of a flexible epoxy material and embeds aligned nanofibers. By orthogonally overlapping two layers, the intersection points of the matrix-like arrangement of the nanofibers generate a network of piezoelectric pixels, which are responsible for sensing. Such a self-sensing composite material exhibited a noticeable capability to recognize the exact position of a mechanical stimulus on its surface

    Production of TiA14V + SiC fibers composite and its structural evolution after heat treatments [Preparazione del composito Ti6Al4V+SiC fibre e sua evoluzione strutturale dopo trattamenti termici]

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    A composite of Ti6A14V alloy reinforced with unidirectional SCS-6 SiC fibers has been fabricated by Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) at CSM (Centro Sviluppo Materiali). Fig.1 shows the inner structure of a SCS-6 fiber (left) and the composite cross-section (right). The stages of the preparation route are illustrated in fig.2: 1- preparation of the multilayered structure (5 layers of Ti6Al4V, 4 layers of SiC); 2- material cutting in its final shape (200 x 450 mm2); 3-material allocation in the mould, which is then evacuated (3x.10-6 mbar); 4- heating (T =890°C); 5- pressure application (Pmax= 1200 bar) for 30 minutes; 6- cooling down to room temperature; 7- composite extraction from the mould. The material has been studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM.) XRD patterns of the composite and of the matrix alloy (powder) have been recorded at different temperatures up to 600°C in argon atmosphere and at room temperature after the thermal cycle for investigating the material structural evolution. Moreover, XRD spectra of composite and alloy were recorded at room temperature after heat treatments of 1 hour at 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600°C. The experiments have been performed by employing a hightemperature X-ray camera. A sketch of its heating system is shown in fig.3. Overall spectra (5° ÷ 45° 2_ angular range, steps of 0.05° and counting time of 2s/step) and precision peak profiles of the {100}, {002}, {101}, {102}, {110} and {103} reflections (steps of 0.005° and 10s/step) were collected using Mo-Kα radiation (λ=0.071 nm). The central peak positions have been determined by an iterative procedure. The strain (εhkl) affecting {hkl} planes was obtained by eq.(1), where d and d0 are the interplanar spacings of the composite and of a stress free sample (Ti6Al4V powder) respectively. Fig.4 shows precision profiles of the first three diffraction peaks of matrix alloy and composite, collected at increasing temperatures up to 600°C. In both cases the peaks shift to lower angles as temperature increases; interplanar spacings are reported in table 1. Fig 5 shows the hexagonal cell parameters (a,c) vs temperature of composite and powder. Composite values are smaller than the powder ones for every temperature. The εhkl trends vs. temperature are plotted in fig.6: higher the temperature higher the strain, the values are negative and different for each set of planes. Fig. 7 compares the spectra of composite and powder before and after the thermal cycle. The composite peaks result shifted towards higher angles whereas those of the powder in the opposite way. Angular peak positions and interplanar spacings of composite in as-prepared condition (I) and after thermal cycle up to 600° C (F) are reported in table 2. The XRD spectra of composite after heat treatments of 1 hour at different temperatures are shown fig.8: the peak positions progressively shift towards higher angles by increasing the treatment temperature. Metal-fiber interface in the as-prepared material and after heating of 1 hour at 600°C in air has been investigated by AFM (see micrographs in figg. 9 and 10). The AFM observations show that the interface is not seriously damaged by the treatment in air. The increase of cell parameters during heating in composite and alloy is due both to thermal expansion and gas absorption. After cooling the increase of a and c observed in the alloy with respect the original values is due to trappig of gas, in particular nitrogen and oxygen, in the lattice: gas solubility increases at higher temperature and a residual part remains in the lattice after cooling. On the contrary, composite lattice was found compressed after cooling: X-ray diffraction peaks shift towards higher angles. The composite exhibits the same behaviour after heating of 1 hour at temperatures ranging from 100 to 600°C. Being σz=0, the compression along z-axis, giving the strain εz measured by XRD, is due to a biaxial state of tensile stresses in the plane of the sample surface (see fig.11). The origin of residual stresses of different sign in alloy and composite is connected to the role played by the fibers, which constrain the lattice expansion following gas absorption. This explanation is supported by AFM showing the integrity of metal-fiber interface also after the heat treatment at 600°C in air. Another results is that different strains affect different sets of crystalline planes of the composite. Therefore, to minimize the residual state of stress following heat treatments in atmosphere containing N 2 and O2, texture control seems of the utmost importance