102 research outputs found

    History of Cities in Western Siberia in Representations of Journal “Siberian Lights”: Political and Historical Contexts of 1920s — 1940s

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    Changes in the representation of the history of cities in Western Siberia in the journal “Siberian Lights” in the period from the beginning of the 20s to the mid 40s of the XX century are considered. These changes are interpreted by analyzing the general contexts of the development of historical local lore in Siberia and the activities of various subjects of the memory policy at both local and state levels. The relevance of the study is due to the increased interest on the part of society and the state in the problems of forming the historical memory of Russians about the national and regional past as one of the foundations of social identities. The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that until now the Siberian magazine periodicals of the Soviet era, in particular, “Siberian Lights”, are poorly understood as one of the significant means of forming the historical memory of society about the past of Western Siberia. The composition of the authors of materials on the history of Western Siberian cities is described in the article. The stages of the development of the history representation of West Siberian cities in the publications of the journal are determined, reflecting various, ideologically determined assessments of the historical past of the cities of Western Siberia. It is proved that during the Great Patriotic War, authors of works on the history of Western Siberian cities synthesized both the experience of Siberian ethnographers and their antagonists, pursuing the task of stimulating patriotic upsurge and the necessary social mobilization

    Politics of memory: historical symbols and commemorative practices in the system of socio-political selfregulation of the region (Siberia of the XX – early XXI centuries)

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    The purpose of this article is to generalize the dynamics of developing politics of memory, which was reflected in the processes of socio-political self-regulation of the Siberian region during the XX in the early XXI centuries. The study solves the problem of identifying the basic institutionalized forms and methods of using historical symbols within the framework of public commemorative practices and typical historical narratives, being established in Siberia in the XX beginning of the XXI centuries. The tasks also include identifying the stages of history of diverse manifestations of politics of memory in the memorial culture of Siberia in this period. The relevance of this article is due to the need of studying the meaning and methods of using historical symbols and commemorations within the framework of the politics of memory in order to form a critical, scientifically based position in relation to it. The study was implemented within the framework of the Memory Studies problem field and relies on interdisciplinary, sociocultural and socio-constructivist approaches. Comparative, diachronic, and systemic genetic methods there were used. For the first time the authors of the project intend to consider the politics of memory in relation to Siberia as a system that has gradually been formed and transformed depending on various conditions and factors. The scientific significance of the project is that the politics of memory implemented in the region by means of historical symbols and commemorative practices will be studied as a complex sociocultural phenomenon of regulating social consciousness of the regional society. As a result of the project implementation, the dynamics of using historical symbols and commemorations by various actors of regional politics in the sphere of building relations with central authorities and internal regional socio-political self-regulation processes. The authors define the stages of history of diverse manifestations of the memory policy in the memorial culture of Siberia. The Siberian macro-region, in spite of certain ethnocultural features in the areas where local peoples are densely populated, has emerged as one of the most Russian-oriented in its culture and dominant socio-political identity. And the basis of this result was the aggregate symbolic self-regulation of the Siberian society, which includes the dialectically complementary national and regional levels of memory policy

    Publications of Altai Fairy Tales and Heroic Legends in Context of Construction of 1920—1980s Soviet Politics of Memory

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    The issue of Altai fairy tales and heroic legends in the context of the 1920—1980s Soviet politics of memory is considered. Attention is paid to the participation of carriers of folklore traditions, folklorists, translators, writers, poets and editors in the creation of collections of Altai fairy tales. The specificity of their activities at different historical stages is characterized. The relevance of the study is due to the growing scientific and public interest in oral folk art in connection with the formation and development of the cultural memory of the peoples of Russia as the basis of social identities. The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that the publication of editions of Altai folk tales and heroic legends, collected, processed and published in Soviet times, is considered as a means of forming the cultural memory of Altai and other peoples of our country about the historical past of Altai Mountains. The authors note that Altai fairy tales, the publications of which have experienced a serious impact of the state politics of memory, have become the property of book culture rather than a living tradition of oral folk art. It is shown that in the late Soviet and early post-Soviet periods, book editions of fairy tales in the mass consciousness began to be perceived as a significant source for the interpretation of the historical past of the Altai ethnos

    COmmuNity-engaged SimULation Training for Blood Pressure Control (CONSULT-BP): A study protocol

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    BACKGROUND: Healthcare professionals have negative implicit biases toward minority and poor patients. Few communication skills interventions target implicit bias as a factor contributing to disparities in health outcomes. We report the protocol from the COmmuNity-engaged SimULation Training for Blood Pressure Control (CONSULT-BP), a trial evaluating a novel educational and training intervention targeting graduate medical and nursing trainees that is designed to mitigate the effects of implicit bias in clinical encounters. The CONSULT-BP intervention combines knowledge acquisition, bias awareness, and practice of bias mitigating skills in simulation-based communication encounters with racially/ethnically diverse standardized patients. The trial evaluates the effect of this 3-part program on patient BP outcomes, self-reported patient medication adherence, patient-reported quality of provider communication, and trainee bias awareness. METHODS: We are conducting a cluster randomized trial of the intervention among cohorts of internal medicine (IM), family medicine (FM), and nurse practitioner (NP) trainees at a single academic medical center. We are enrolling entire specialty cohorts of IM, FM, and NP trainees over a 3-year period, with each academic year constituting an intervention cycle. There are 3 cycles of implementation corresponding to 3 sequential academic years. Within each academic year, we randomize training times to 1 of 5 start dates using a stepped wedge design. The stepped wedge design compares outcomes within training clusters before and after the intervention, as well as across exposed and unexposed clusters. Primary outcome of blood pressure control is measured at the patient-level for patients clustered within trainees. Eligible patients for outcomes analysis are: English-speaking; non-White racial/ethnic minority; Medicaid recipient (regardless of race/ethnicity); hypertension; not have pregnancy, dementia, schizophrenia, bipolar illness, or other serious comorbidities that would interfere with hypertension self-control; not enrolled in hospice. Secondary outcomes include trainee bias awareness. A unique feature of this trial is the engagement of academic and community stakeholders to design, pilot test and implement a training program addressing healthcare. DISCUSSION: Equipping clinicians with skills to mitigate implicit bias in clinical encounters is crucial to addressing persistent disparities in healthcare outcomes. Our novel, integrated approach may improve patient outcomes. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT03375918. PROTOCOL VERSION: 1.0 (November 10, 2020)

    Изучение противопаркинсонического, противовоспалительного и анальгетического действия метаболита гимантана АДК-1058 в сравнении с гимантаном

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    Antiparkinsonian, anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity of ADK-1058, a metabolite of hemantane, was investigated in comparison with hemantane at the effective dose of 20 mg/kg. ADK-1058 exhibits a minor antiparkinsonian effect by reducing the severity of oLigokinesia in C57BL/6 mice with MPTP-induced parkinsonian syndrome. ADK-1058 exhibits anti-inflammatory activity in the model of acetic acid peritonitis, but has no analgesic effect in visceral or somatic pain in mice. Effects of ADK-1058 at the dose of 20 mg/kg do not exceed antiparkinsonian, anti-inflammatory or analgesic effects of hemantane at the dose of 20 mg/kg.В сравнительном аспекте проведено изучение противопаркинсонического, противовоспалительного и противоболевого действия метаболита гимантана АДК-1058 и гимантана в эффективной дозе 20 мг/кг. АДК-1058 проявляет слабую противопаркинсоническую активность, снижая выраженность олигокинезии у мышей С57B1/6 с МФТП-вызванным паркинсоническим синдромом. АДК-1058 проявляет противовоспалительную активность на модели уксуснокислого перитонита, но не оказывает анальгетического действия в отношении висцеральной и соматической боли. Метаболит гимантана АДК-1058 (20 мг/кг) по противопаркинсоническому, противовоспалительному и противоболевому действию не превосходит соответствующую активность гимантана (20 мг/кг)

    How payment for research participation can be coercive

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    The idea that payment for research participation can be coercive appears widespread among research ethics committee members, researchers, and regulatory bodies. Yet analysis of the concept of coercion by philosophers and bioethicists has mostly concluded that payment does not coerce, because coercion necessarily involves threats, not offers. In this article we aim to resolve this disagreement by distinguishing between two distinct but overlapping concepts of coercion. Consent- undermining coercion marks out certain actions as impermissible and certain agreements as unenforceable. By contrast, coercion as subjection indicates a way in which someone’s interests can be partially set back in virtue of being subject to another’s foreign will. While offers of payment do not normally constitute consent-undermining coercion, they do sometimes constitute coercion as subjection. We offer an analysis of coercion as subjection and propose three possible practical responses to worries about the coerciveness of payment

    Оценка влияния нейротоксина МФТП и противопаркинсонического препарата гимантана на целостность ДНК в структурах головного мозга мышей С57BL/6

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    Hemantane (N-adamant-2-yl-hexamethylenimine hydrochloride) is an antiparkinsonian drug with a multicomponent mechanism of action, including a modulating effect on the activity of dopamine and serotonergic mediator systems, a selective inhibitory effect on MAO-B, properties of a low-affinity non-competitive channel blocker of glutamate NMDA receptors, has moderate antiradical and anti-inflammatory activity. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of the neurotoxin MPTP, which is used for modeling of parkinsonian syndrome, and the hemantane on the DNA integrity in the striatum and frontal cortex of the brain of C57BL/6 mice by the DNA comet assay – gel electrophoresis of DNA single cells. Results. In the first experiment, hemantane was administered once a day for 5 days before the MPTP (20 mg/kg, i.p.), then together with MPTP once a day for 5 days. In the second experiment hemantane 10 mg/kg was injected preliminarily for 4 days and 40 minutes before MPTP 30 mg/kg. The obtained results confirm the absence of an effect on DNA of hemantane at a therapeutic dose of 10 mg / kg. In the experimental schemes used, we did not reveal the expected increase in the level of DNA damage under the influence of MPTP, and, accordingly, we were not able to assess the protective effect of hemantane.Гимантан (гидрохлорид n-(2-адамантил) гексаметиленимина) – противопаркинсонический препарат, обладающий поликомпонентным механизмом действия, включающим модулирующее влияние на активность дофамин- и серотонинергической медиаторных систем, избирательный ингибирующий эффект на МАО-В, свойства низкоаффинного неконкурентного блокатора ионного канала глутаматных рецепторов NMDA подтипа, обладает умеренной антирадикальной и противовоспалительной активностью. Целью настоящего исследования явилась оценка влияния нейротоксина МФТП, применяемого для моделирования паркинсонического синдрома, и противопаркинсонического препарата гимантана на целостность ДНК в стриатуме и фронтальной коре головного мозга мышей С57BL/6 методом ДНК-комет – гель-электрофореза ДНК одиночных клеток. Результаты. В первом эксперименте гимантан вводили один раз в сутки в течение 5 дней до начала введения МФТП (20 мг/кг, в/б), затем вместе с МФТП один раз в сутки в течение 5 дней. Во втором – гимантан 10 мг/кг вводили предварительно 4 дня и за 40 мин до МФТП 30 мг/кг. Полученные результаты подтверждают отсутствие у гимантана в терапевтической дозе 10 мг/кг эффекта на ДНК. В использованных схемах экспериментов не удалось установить ожидаемого возрастания уровня ДНК повреждений под влиянием МФТП, и соответственно, оценить защитный эффект гимантана

    Нейропептид цикло-L-пролилглицин противодействует скополамин-индуцированному нарушению долговременной памяти у крыс в тесте «Распознавание нового объекта»

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    Background. Cyclo-L-prolylglycine (CPG) was designed and synthesized at the V.V. Zakusov as a topological analogue of the classical nootrop piracetam and was further identified as an endogenous compound. Previously, the nootropic effect of CPG was revealed in a model of retrograde amnesia in rats induced by electroconvulsive shock in the passive avoidance test (PAT).Objective. The aim of the present study was to investigate the nootropic effect of CPG under more physiological conditions in the absence of strong stressors.Methods. Amnesia in rats was modeled by intraperitoneal (ip) administration of scopolamine at a dose of 2 mg/kg. CPG was administered ip at doses of 0.1 and 1.0 mg/kg 15 minutes after scopolamine. Short- and long-term memory were recorded in the novel object recognition test.Results. It was found that scopolamine disrupted only the long-term memory of rats. CPG at a dose of 0.1 mg/ kg almost completely counteracted this impairment. CPG by itself had no effect on memory at both doses studied.Conclusion. Thus, CPG exhibits nootropic activity not only in the aversive conditions of the PAT and electroconvulsive shock-induced amnesia, but also in the neutral situation in the novel object recognition test, when the amnesia was caused by the administration of scopolamine.Цикло-L-пролилглицин (ЦПГ) сконструирован и синтезирован в НИИ фармакологии имени В.В. Закусова как топологический аналог классического ноотропа пирацетама и в дальнейшем идентифицирован как эндогенное соединение. Ранее ноотропный эффект ЦПГ был выявлен на модели ретроградной амнезии у крыс, вызванной электрошоком, в тесте условного рефлекса пассивного избегания (УРПИ).Цель. Цель настоящего исследования — изучить ноотропный эффект ЦПГ в более физиологичных условиях в отсутствие сильных стрессирующих факторов.Методы. Амнезию у крыс моделировали внутрибрюшинным (в/б) введением скополамина в дозе 2 мг/кг. ЦПГ вводили в/б в дозах 0,1 и 1,0 мг/кг через 15 мин после скополамина. Кратковременную и долговременную память регистрировали в тесте распознавания нового объекта.Результаты. Установлено, что введение скополамина нарушало только долговременную память крыс. ЦПГ в дозе 0,1 мг/кг практически полностью противодействовал этому нарушению. Сам ЦПГ не влиял на память крыс в обеих изученных дозах.Заключение. Таким образом, ЦПГ проявляет ноотропную активность не только в аверсивных условиях теста УРПИ и электрошоковой амнезии, но и в нейтральной ситуации в тесте распознавания нового объекта, когда амнезия была вызвана введением скополамина

    Влияние гимантана на уровень продуктов перекисного окисления липидов в головном мозге при экспериментальном паркинсоническом синдроме

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    In two animaL modeLs of parkinsonian syndrome - induced by 1-methyL-4-phenyL-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropiridine (MPTP) in C57BL/6 mice and 6-hydroxidopamine (6-OHDA) in rats noveL antiparkinsonian drug hemantane was shown to reduce the increase of brain LeveL of Lipid peroxidation caused by both neurotoxines. In prefrontaL cortex and striatum of mice which were treated with hemantane 10 mg/kg 5 days before MPTP and 5 days together with MPTP and in rats which received hemantane during 21 days after 6-OHDA injection in mediaL forebrain bundLe the LeveLs of maLondiaLdehyde and conjugated dienes were significantLy Lower than in untreated animaLs. The data obtained is consistent with antioxidant properties of hemantane.На двух моделях паркинсонического синдрома (ПС), индуцированного 1-метил-4-фенил-1,2,3,6-тетрагидропиридином (МФТП) у мышей C57BL/6 и 6-гидроксидофамином (6-ГОДА) у крыс, показана способность нового противопаркинсонического препарата гимантана в эффективной дозе 10 мг/кг при двух режимах введения (5 дней до нейротоксина МФТП и совместно с ним в течение 5 дней, а также при введении в течение 21 дня на фоне развивающегося 6-ГОДА индуцированного ПС) ослаблять вызываемую нейротоксинами активацию перекисного окисления липидов. Введение гимантана приводило к снижению уровней малонового альдегида и диеновых конъюгатов во фронтальной коре и стриатуме. Полученные данные согласуются с ранее установленными антиоксидантными свойствами гимантана