17 research outputs found

    Decision Making using Internet of Things and Machine Learning: A bibliometric approach to tracking main research themes

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    The internet has become an integral part of our life, we connect daily for informational, social, entertainment and even work and economic purposes. Therefore, it is completely normal to connect to the internet; But it is not only people, also these everyday objects or things in our environment who connect to the network to take advantage of its benefits. This next stage in the evolution of the internet, in which connectivity extends to the objects which surround us, is known as the Internet of Things. Sensors, Machines, Devices, Wearables are part of the Internet of Things and these can be identified to be recognized and interact without the need for a human being. With the Internet of Things, the connection extends to any type of object. All these interconnected devices and people produce an immense amount of data, when analyzed, they become a tool that allows organizations to make wise decisions in real time by having information on various market situations and ensuring a better understanding of behavior and consumer preferences. One of the disciplines of Artificial Intelligence responsible for analyzing this large amount of data is Machine Learning, whose sole purpose is to improve the Decision-Making process. To understand the relationship between Internet of Things, application of Machine Learning and the Decision Making process, a bibliometric analysis is carried out from 2013 to 2020 to know its evolution, trends, research areas, authors and other aspects using Scopus

    Exploring the role of Medical Decision Making in biotechnology field through science mapping

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    Biotechnology is defined as science that uses living organisms to enhance the human life and the environment. However, it's not a new science as many people think. The first Biotechnology product registered is the cheese, and since then it has been part of daily life. Likewise, there are many genes related with cancer that contain SNPs, which are the most common variation in the human genome. The SNPs are found in genes related to important functions such as metabolism. However, these variations can cause amino acid substitution, leading to a malformation in the second structure of the protein, affecting its functions and interactions. Biotechnology field has increased exponentially during the last years. With this the knowledge of medicine has expanded, as well. In Biotechnology is important the management of information and its organization for a correct investigation. This leads to the creation of data-base companies, which make easier the information management. In this research, Medical Decision Making and Biotechnology through science mapping have been analyzed using bibliometric tools, in order to explore the scientific productivity and compare important aspect to consider in scientific research. Furthermore, to understand its importance in Medical Decision Support Systems, Genetics and Reproduction, Drug Industry, and Clinical Practice and Research

    Passive Internalization of Bioactive β-Casein Peptides into Phospholipid (POPC) Bilayers. Free Energy Landscapes from Unbiased Equilibrium MD Simulations at μs-Time Scale

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    Abstract Absorption of bioactive peptides in the intestinal epithelium take place in the apical or the basolateral tight junctions of the cells. Depending on the peptide size and hydrophobicity, translocation mechanisms involve processes of passive diffusion, active transport by peptide-cotransporters such as members of the PepT family, and transcytosis by internalization vesicles. In this work, we investigated passive diffusion of bioactive peptides of 6, 17, and 30 amino acids into lipid bilayers of (POPC) phospholipid molecules. We initially selected these three peptides because such fragments are produced by partial hydrolysis of β-casein (BCN), and because of their physiological functions: BCN6 is an agonist of opioid receptors; BCN17 is an inhibitor of thrombin and angiotensin-converting enzymes, and BCN30 promotes secretion of the protective mucin barrier in the intestine. Our computational set up consisted of unbiased equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations, at the μs-time scale, using an all-atom force field. Each peptide was allowed to freely fold and unfold, as well as enter and exit the lipid bilayer, which allows determination of peptide affinity for the bilayer interface and hydrophobic core. Passive internalization of BCN6 (YPVEPF), BCN17 (YQEPVLGPVR GPFPIIV), and BCN30 (GVSKVKEAMA PKHKEMPFPK YPVEPFTESQ) displayed different dynamics at the bilayer interface: the BCN6 peptide attached and detached throughout the simulation trajectory; BCN17 and BCN30 attached irreversibly to the bilayer interface, respectively, with N- and C-terminus fragments in close contact with lipid molecules. Quenching of tyrosine fluorescence data suggest interfacial interactions of BCN6, BCN17 and BCN30 in POPC lipid bilayers, consistent with the proposed modeling set up. This approach gave valuable information of peptide insertion and folding at a lipid bilayer, allowing to explore the initial stages of the peptide adsorption at the interface, and providing a model for evaluation of amphipathic properties of potential biofunctional peptides

    Understanding the relationship between e-learning and web 2.0: A bibliometric and thematic analysis from 2006 to 2020

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    Today, e-learning and the social web are immersed in a process of change and evolution, caused mainly by the social, cultural and technological revolution that we are experiencing. The latter is even more intense than the rest, since for many it is considered a catalyst for the rest and its speed of change is greater in all senses. Among the changes that it brings with it, we can highlight the use of communication technologies as an active and constant means of change, being the Web 2.0 one of the most relevant aspects. Although there is no definition as such, Web 2.0 can be understood as all those websites that facilitate the sharing of information, interoperability, user-centered design, as well as collaboration on the network, coming to understand this concept as the social web. However, the novelty of the concept and its rapid evolution makes it difficult to identify and analyze the main lines of research that exist. This situation can be understood as an opportunity, if we consider that the domain of e-learning and Web 2.0 will allow us to have a greater projection at an international level and a better understanding of its application. Taking into account this opportunity, the present article proposes the analysis of the main research lines of e-learning and Web 2.0, the definition of its intellectual structure and the identification of the most productive and referent authors, as well as the organizations and countries that support these, among other aspects. To this end, bibliometric techniques and tools will be used to easily analyze the publications available in the main databases, establishing a reference framework for professionals, academics and organizations on the use of e-learning and Web 2.0, its challenges and opportunities from a holistic perspective

    Research trends in Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining from Knowledge Management approach: A science mapping from 2007 to 2020

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    The internationalization of markets and the increasing intensification of competition, forces managers of organizations or companies to make precise decisions in the shortest possible time. When the organization promotes the exchange of knowledge, it is oriented towards the sustained improvement of processes and internal communication. In the same way, relations with the outside environment improve: customers and suppliers. The birth of the Internet and later of social networks led to public ideas, debates and opinions; which constitute an interesting source to detect opinion trends among users. This complex data analysis is carried out by different disciplines of artificial intelligence with the implementation of algorithms. One of those disciplines is the Analysis of Feelings, which through an opinion, emotion or attitude that is mainly inferred from a text, analyzes and classifies them. The approach of these methodologies assumes the interest of this work for the extraction of information that allows its later use in the decision-making of organizations. Finally, to learn more about its evolution, trends, research areas, authors and publications, a Bibliometric Analysis was applied from 2007 to date on Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining from Knowledge Management

    The synergic relationship between e-commerce and sentiment analysis: A content analysis of published articles between 2007 and 2020

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    E-commerce or electronic commerce is a trend with greater boom as time passes. It has achieved unstoppable growth and is still in the transformation phase, which is why, in time, it will position itself as the most competitive and complex market. It is expected that there will be more than 2 billion digital buyers in the world in 2020, by 2021 it will reach $ 4.88 Billion in global retail e-commerce sales alone and by 2040, it is expected that around 95% of all purchases are made through e-commerce and 85% of consumers do research online before making a purchase. This research carried out by consumers represents a great challenge for companies, since hundreds, thousands and even millions of users can speak positively or negatively about their products or services, causing changes in how their brand is perceived. For this reason, organizations have developed strategies and tools to manage their reputation; One of them is the Sentiment Analysis, which is defined as an automated technique to extract significant information from customers, related to their attitudes, emotions and opinions. This information informs organizations about what consumers like and what they do not like about their products and services and allows them to understand the mood of customers, as well as the effects that occur around the opinions of customers to the long of the time. This complex data analysis is carried out with the implementation of Automated algorithms. The approach of these methodologies assumes the interest of this work for the extraction of information that allows its later use in the decision-making of organizations. And to learn more about its evolution, trends, research areas, authors and outstanding publications, a Bibliometric Analysis was applied from 2007 to date on synergy between Electronic Commerce and Sentiment Analysis

    Decision Management in the telework context: Trends, challenges and implications

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    Teleworking is presented as a novel labor model, which breaks the stereotypes of traditional work, being a very attractive way for organizations due to all the benefits and advantages that the implementation of this new labor trend brings, in the same way, it can also see as a way to attract human talent or keep it within the organization, avoiding theft or flight of personnel. The change or transformation has not been easy for organizations to adopt, barriers that have been overcome thanks to technological advances, cost reduction, changes in organizational culture, opening to international markets, greater training for the use of ICTs, among other. In general, it is thought that teleworking is only having a computer and an internet connection, however all the other characteristics or basic elements that are required for its correct performance are left beside, which will be called pillars of Telework: efficiency, work oriented to results, commitment, sustainability, indirect supervision, etc. In this context, the objective of this work is to analyze the trends, challenges and implications of teleworking

    Current status of the e-learning research field: Challenges and opportunities in the e-learning research field during COVID-19 pandemic

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    If we stop to think, most of the things we do today require us to be connected. Whether for work, shopping or even to socialize, there is always an alternative for routine tasks to be performed over the Internet. As expected, all this technological evolution even transformed teaching, with the implementation of a methodology called e-learning. This refers to the learning process that takes place over the Internet and with the support of technological tools. Among its advantages we can point out: Substantial savings, Empowerment of human talent, the semiotics of the medium helps the student and teacher in their digital transformation, Triple-A access: (Anywhere, Anyplace and Anytime) and can be adapted to particular needs. However, this educational advance has been accelerated by the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, applying educational innovation, too, has become a necessity to respond to the increased demand for educational services on digital platforms. Therefore, the objective of this research is to carry out an analysis of bibliometric networks to identify the intellectual structure of the e-learning research field during the COVID-19 pandemic, to learn more about its evolution, trends, research areas, authors, among others

    Intelligent processes in the context of Mining 4.0: Trends, research challenges and opportunities

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    Industry 4.0 is a frontier topic of knowledge and is inserted into the innovation ecosystem thanks to the inclusion of information and communication technologies, supported by the cyber-physical systems and internet of things applied to industrial processes. The 4th Industrial Revolution describes the set of continuous transformations in the systems that surround us, it is also known as industry 4.0 and in the last five years, it has become a primary issue in the industrial economy. Industry 4.0 makes possible high potential scenarios in the industry, allows the disruption of a new industrial model. The convergence of new technologies transform sectors and markets, and the digitization of companies represents a radical change in the way of doing business. Mining is one of the sectors that have been supported with technologies associated with industry 4.0; these technologies have promoted the conditions for making strategic decisions using intelligent processes whose objectives are the digitization of the mining process and consolidation of the competitive position in the sector. This article links the concept of Industry 4.0 with that of Mining 4.0, it focuses on the discussion of trends, challenges, opportunities and technologies that the mining sector requires to successfully face them

    The cyber security in the age of telework: A descriptive research framework trough science mapping

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    Teleworking is a work model that has been widely accepted by organizations, mostly since it has many advantages over traditional work. Most organizations have implemented it to attract new human talent and keep the existing one, preventing the flight of intellect or theft by competition. For the worker it also presents several advantages, such as savings in travel times, savings in fuel costs and more free time. However, one of the many disadvantages of teleworking is information security. We live in a digitized world, where cyber attacks represent a great threat for users and organizations, attacks that are increasing day by day. Cyber security, also known as information technology security or electronic information security, has become a necessity in the world we live in, where ICTs have had a great development as well as acceptance by users. Cyber security seeks to identify the strategies, to implement and to maintain a safe environment, but also to prevent threats and / or attacks. The main objective of cyber security is to generate trust between customers, suppliers and the general market, about the information that is handled on the network. Cyber security must be one step ahead of crime to offer support in all the digital movements that we do