76 research outputs found

    Screening for resistance to four fungal diseases and associated genomic regions in a snap bean diversity panel

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    Anthracnose, white mold, powdery mildew, and root rot caused by Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, Scletorinia sclerotiorum, Erysiphe spp., and Pythium ultimum, respectively, are among the most frequent diseases that cause significant production losses worldwide in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Reactions against these four fungal diseases were investigated under controlled conditions using a diversity panel of 311 bean lines for snap consumption (Snap bean Panel). The genomic regions involved in these resistance responses were identified based on a genome-wide association study conducted with 16,242 SNP markers. The highest number of resistant lines was observed against the three C. lindemuthianum isolates evaluated: 156 lines were resistant to CL124 isolate, 146 lines resistant to CL18, and 109 lines were resistant to C531 isolate. Two well-known anthracnose resistance clusters were identified, the Co-2 on chromosome Pv11 for isolates CL124 and CL18, and the Co-3 on chromosome Pv04 for isolates CL124 and C531. In addition, other lesser-known regions of anthracnose resistance were identified on chromosomes Pv02, Pv06, Pv08, and Pv10. For the white mold isolate tested, 24 resistant lines were identified and the resistance was localized to three different positions on chromosome Pv08. For the powdery mildew local isolate, only 12 resistant lines were identified, and along with the two previous resistance genes on chromosomes Pv04 and Pv11, a new region on chromosome Pv06 was also identified. For root rot caused by Pythium, 31 resistant lines were identified and two main regions were located on chromosomes Pv04 and Pv05. Relevant information for snap bean breeding programs was provided in this work. A total of 20 lines showed resistant or intermediate responses against four or five isolates, which can be suitable for sustainable farm production and could be used as resistance donors. Potential genes and genomic regions to be considered for targeted improvement were provided, including new or less characterized regions that should be validated in future works. Powdery mildew disease was identified as a potential risk for snap bean production and should be considered a main goal in breeding programs

    Deciphering the Impact of a Bacterial Infection on Meiotic Recombination in Arabidopsis with Fluorescence Tagged Lines

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    International audiencePlants are under strong evolutionary pressure to maintain surveillance against pathogens. One major disease resistance mechanism is based on NB-LRR (NLR) proteins that specifically recognize pathogen effectors. The cluster organization of the NLR gene family could favor sequence exchange between NLR genes via recombination, favoring their evolutionary dynamics. Increasing data, based on progeny analysis, suggest the existence of a link between the perception of biotic stress and the production of genetic diversity in the offspring. This could be driven by an increased rate of meiotic recombination in infected plants, but this has never been strictly demonstrated. In order to test if pathogen infection can increase DNA recombination in pollen meiotic cells, we infectedArabidopsisFluorescent Tagged Lines (FTL) with the virulent bacteriaPseudomonas syringae. We measured the meiotic recombination rate in two regions of chromosome 5, containing or not an NLR gene cluster. In all tested intervals, no significant difference in genetic recombination frequency between infected and control plants was observed. Although it has been reported that pathogen exposure can sometimes increase the frequency of recombinant progeny in plants, our findings suggest that meiotic recombination rate inArabidopsismay be resilient to at least some pathogen attack. Alternative mechanisms are discussed

    Organisation physique et évolution moléculaire du locus B4 de gènes de résistance chez Phaseolus vulgaris

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    Le locus de résistance B4 de Phaseolus vulgaris, localisé en région sub-télomérique du bras court du chromosome 4, est un locus particulièrement complexe regroupant de nombreux gènes de résistance spécifique ainsi que des QTLs de résistance dirigés contre des champignons des virus et des bactéries. Une carte physique du locus B4 a été réalisée à partir de clones génomiques de type BAC (Bacterial Artificial Chromosome) du génotype BAT93. Environ 650 kb du locus B4 ont été complètement séquencés et annotés, révélant l existence d environ 30 séquences de type CNL (Coiled coil-Nucleotide Binding Site-Leucine Rich Repeat), classe prépondérante des gènes de résistance spécifique chez les plantes, réparties en 4 sous-clusters . Cette séquence de 650 kb a servi de base pour réaliser différents types d analyses : développement de marqueurs moléculaires liés à des gènes R, étude d expression, de diversité et de micro-synténie avec les génomes de Medicago trucatula et Lotus japonicus. L excellente synténie observée dans cette région du génome entre ces espèces végétales a permis de démontrer que les séquences CNL de type B4 y sont absentes chez M. truncatula et L. japonicus. Ces analyses, couplées à des études phylogénétiques, ont permis de proposer que les séquences CNL du locus B4, proviennent d un évènement de recombinaison ectopique, impliquant des séquences CNL d un autre locus de résistance du haricot localisé à l extrémité du groupe de liaison B11, le locus Co-2 . Les processus de recombinaison ectopique représentent un nouveau mécanisme évolutif important pour la génération de la diversité moléculaire des gènes de résistance chez les plantes.The Phaseolus vulgaris B4 R-gene locus, located in sub-telomeric region of the short arm of the chromosome 4, is a complex locus harbouring many specific resistance gene as well as QTL against fungi, virus and bacteria. A physical map of the B4 R-gene locus has been constructed with Phaseolus vulgaris BAT93 genotype genomic BAC (Bacterial Artificial Chromosome) clones. We have completely sequenced and annotated a 650 kb region spanning this B4 R-gene cluster revealing the occurrence of 26 CNL (Coiled coil-Nucleotide Binding Site-Leucine Rich Repeat) sequences, the major specific resistance gene class, distributed in 4 sub-clusters. This 650 kb sequence served as a basis to build different types of analysis: molecular markers linked to R-genes development, expression analyses, diversity analyses, microsynteny analyses with the 2 model legumes genomes Medicago truncatula and Lotus japonicus. Conserved microsynteny was observed, with the notable exception of CNL sequences which appeared to be completely absent in the corresponding regions of M. truncatula and L. japonicus. These results, coupled with phylogenetic analysis, suggest that in the bean genome, CNL sequences of the B4 locus derived from CNL sequences from another cluster, the Co-2 cluster located at the end of the linkage group B11, through an ectopic recombination event between non-homologous chromosomes. Ectopic recombination represents therefore a new important evolutionary mechanism for the evolution of plant disease resistance genes.ORSAY-PARIS 11-BU Sciences (914712101) / SudocSudocFranceF
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