14 research outputs found

    On the Surjectivity of Galois Representations Associated to Elliptic Curves over Number Fields

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    Given an elliptic curve EE over a number field KK, the β„“\ell-torsion points E[β„“]E[\ell] of EE define a Galois representation \gal(\bar{K}/K) \to \gl_2(\ff_\ell). A famous theorem of Serre states that as long as EE has no Complex Multiplication (CM), the map \gal(\bar{K}/K) \to \gl_2(\ff_\ell) is surjective for all but finitely many β„“\ell. We say that a prime number β„“\ell is exceptional (relative to the pair (E,K)(E,K)) if this map is not surjective. Here we give a new bound on the largest exceptional prime, as well as on the product of all exceptional primes of EE. We show in particular that conditionally on the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis (GRH), the largest exceptional prime of an elliptic curve EE without CM is no larger than a constant (depending on KK) times log⁑NE\log N_E, where NEN_E is the absolute value of the norm of the conductor. This answers affirmatively a question of Serre

    A bound on the Hodge filtration of the de Rham cohomology of supervarieties

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    We study the relation between the Hodge filtration of the de Rham cohomology of a proper smooth supervariety XX and the usual Hodge filtration of the corresponding reduced variety X0X_0.Comment: 7 page

    The Deligne-Mumford operad as a trivialization of the circle action

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    We prove that the tree-like Deligne-Mumford operad is a homotopical model for the trivialization of the circle in the higher-genus framed little discs operad. Our proof is based on a geometric argument involving nodal annuli. We use Riemann surfaces with analytically parametrized boundary as a model for higher-genus framed little discs.Comment: 52 page

    Mirror symmetry and the K theory of a p-adic group

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    Thesis: Ph. D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Mathematics, 2016.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (pages 59-61).Let G be a split, semisimple p-adic group. We construct a derived localization functor Loc : ... from the compactified category of [BK2] associated to G to the category of equivariant sheaves on the Bruhat-Tits building whose stalks have finite-multiplicity isotypic components as representations of the stabilizer. Our construction is motivated by the "coherent-constructible correspondence" functor in toric mirror symmetry and a construction of [CCC]. We show that Loc has a number of useful properties, including the fact that the sections ... compactifying the finitely-generated representation V. We also construct a depth </= e "truncated" analogue Loc(e) which has finite-dimensional stalks, and satisfies the property RIP ... V of depth </= e. We deduce that every finitely-generated representation of G has a bounded resolution by representations induced from finite-dimensional representations of compact open subgroups, and use this to write down a set of generators for the K-theory of G in terms of K-theory of its parahoric subgroups.by Dmitry A. Vaintrob.Ph. D