32 research outputs found

    Gap Structure of the Hofstadter System of Interacting Dirac Fermions in Graphene

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    The effects of mutual Coulomb interactions between Dirac fermions in monolayer graphene on the Hofstadter energy spectrum have been studied. Our studies indicate that the effects of the interaction depend strongly on the amplitude of the periodic potential. For large amplitudes the interaction effects are small and the properties of the system are primarily determined by the periodic potential but for small amplitudes the interaction greatly influences the band gap. The signature of the interaction effects in the Hofstadter system can be probed through magnetization where the Coulomb effects are dominant for small amplitudes of the periodic potential.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Modified version, accepted for publication in PR

    Fractal Butterflies of Dirac Fermions in Monolayer and Bilayer graphene

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    We present an overview of the theoretical understanding of Hofstadter butterflies in monolayer and bilayer graphene. After a brief introduction on the past work in conventional semiconductor systems, we discuss the novel electronic properties of monolayer and bilayer graphene that helped to detect experimentally the fractal nature of the energy spectrum. We have discussed the theoretical background on the Moir\'e pattern in graphene. This pattern was crucial in determining the butterfly structure. We have also touched upon the role of electron-electron interaction in the butterfly pattern in graphene. We conclude by discussing the future prospects of butterfly search, especially for interacting Dirac fermions.Comment: Invited article for IET Circuits, Devices and Systems, special issue "Graphene Electronics

    Tunability of the Fractional Quantum Hall States in Buckled Dirac Materials

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    We report on the fractional quantum Hall states of germanene and silicene where one expects a strong spin-orbit interaction. This interaction causes an enhancement of the electron-electron interaction strength in one of the Landau levels corresponding to the valence band of the system. This enhancement manifests itself as an increase of the fractional quantum Hall effect gaps compared to that in graphene and is due to the spin-orbit induced coupling of the Landau levels of the conduction and valence bands, which modifies the corresponding wave functions and the interaction within a single level. Due to the buckled structure, a perpendicular electric field lifts the valley degeneracy and strongly modifies the interaction effects within a single Landau level: in one valley the perpendicular electric field enhances the interaction strength in the conduction band Landau level, while in another valley, the electric field strongly suppresses the interaction effects.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Wannier-Stark states of graphene monolayer in strong electric field

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    We find theoretically energy spectrum of a graphene monolayer in a strong constant electric field using a tight-binding model. Within a single band, we find quantized equidistant energy levels (Wannier-Stark ladder), separated by the Bloch frequency. Singular interband coupling results in mixing of the states of different bands and anticrossing of corresponding levels, which is described analytically near Dirac points and is related to the Pancharatnam-Berry phase. The rate of interband tunneling, which is proportional to the anticrossing gaps in the spectrum, is only inversely proportional to the tunneling distance, in a sharp contrast to conventional solids where this dependence is exponential. This singularity will have major consequences for graphene behavior in strong ultrafast optical fields, in particular, leading to non-adiabaticity of electron excitation dynamics.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Interaction of graphene monolayer with ultrashort laser pulse

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    We study the interaction of graphene with ultrashort few femtosecond long optical pulse. For such a short pulse, the electron dynamics is coherent and is described within the tight-binding model of graphene. The interaction of optical pulse with graphene is determined by strong wave vector dependence of the interband dipole matrix elements, which are singular at the Dirac points of graphene. The electron dynamics in optical pulse is highly irreversible with large residual population of the conduction band. The residual conduction band population as a function of the wave vector is nonuniform with a few localized spots of high conduction band population. The spots are located near the Dirac points and the number of spots depends on the pulse intensity. The optical pulse propagating through graphene layer generates finite transferred charge, which, as a function of pulse intensity, changes its sign. At small pulse intensity, the charge is transferred in the direction of the pulse maximum, while at large pulse intensity, the direction of the charge transfer is opposite to the direction of pulse maximum. This property opens unique possibility of controlling the direction of the charge transfer by variation of the pulse intensity.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Ultrafast topological phenomena in gapped graphene

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    In the model of gapped graphene, we have shown how the recently predicted topological resonances are solely related to the presence of an energy band gap at the KK and K′K^\prime points of the Brillouin zone. In the field of a strong single-oscillation chiral (circularly-polarized) optical pulse, the topological resonance causes the valley-selective population of the conduction band. This population distribution represents a chiral texture in the reciprocal space that is structured with respect to the pulse separatrix as has earlier been predicted for transition metal dichalcogenides. As the band gap is switched off, this chirality gradually disappears replaced by an achiral distribution characteristic of graphene.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Femtosecond valley polarization and topological resonances in transition metal dichalcogenides

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    We theoretically introduce the fundamentally fastest induction of a significant population and valley polarization in a monolayer of a transition metal dichalcogenide (i.e., MoS2\mathrm{MoS_2} and WS2\mathrm{WS_2}). This may be extended to other two-dimensional materials with the same symmetry. This valley polarization can be written and read-out by a pulse consisting of just a single optical oscillation with a duration of a few femtoseconds and an amplitude of ∼0.2 V/A˚\sim0.2~\mathrm V/\mathrm{\AA}. Under these conditions, we predict a new effect of {\em topological resonance}, which is due to Bloch motion of electrons in the reciprocal space where electron population textures are formed defined by non-Abelian Berry curvature. The predicted phenomena can be applied for information storage and processing in PHz-band optoelectronics.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Topological Spaser

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    We theoretically introduce a topological spaser, which consists of a hexagonal array of plasmonic metal nanoshells containing an achiral gain medium in their cores. Such a spaser can generate two mutually time-reversed chiral surface plasmon modes in the K\mathbf K- and K′\mathbf K^\prime-valleys, which carry the opposite topological charges, ±1\pm1, and are described by a two-dimensional E′E^{\prime} representation of the D3hD_{3h} point symmetry group. Due to the mode competition, this spaser exhibits a bistability: only one of these two modes generates, which is a spontaneous symmetry breaking. Such a spaser can be used for an ultrafast all-optical memory and information processingComment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Ultrafast strong-field absorption in gapped graphene

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    We study theoretically the strong-field absorption of an ultrafast optical pulse by a gapped graphene monolayer. At low field amplitudes, the absorbance in the pristine graphene is equal to the universal value of 2.32.3 percent. Although the ultrafast optical absorption for low field amplitudes is independent of the polarization, linear or circular, of the applied optical pulse, for high field amplitudes, the absorption strongly depends on the pulse polarization. For a linearly polarized pulse, the optical absorbance is saturated at the value of ≈1.4\approx 1.4 percent for the pulse's amplitude of ≥0.4 V/A˚\geq 0.4~\mathrm{V/\AA}, but no such saturation is observed for a circularly polarized pulse. For the gapped graphene, the absorption of a linearly polarized pulse has a weak dependence on the bandgap, while for a circularly polarized pulse, the absorption is very sensitive to the bandgap. %Opening a bandgap in graphene by placing in on, for example, SiC substrate strongly modify the ultrafast absorption at small field amplitudes

    Femtosecond currents in transition metal dichalcogenides monolayers

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    We theoretically study the interaction of an ultrafast intense linearly polarized optical pulse with monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). Such a strong pulse redistributes electrons between the bands and generates femtosecond currents during the pulse. Due to the large bandwidth of the incident pulse, this process is completely off-resonant. While in TMDCs the time-reversal symmetry is conserved, the inversion symmetry is broken and these monolayers have the axial symmetry along armchair direction but not along the zigzag one. Therefore, the pulse polarized along the asymmetric direction of TMDC monolayer generates both longitudinal, i.e., along the direction of polarization, and transverse, i.e., in the perpendicular direction, currents. Such currents result in charge transfer through the system. We study different TMDC materials and show how the femtosecond transport in TMDC monolayers depend on their parameters, such as lattice constant and bandgap