8 research outputs found

    Development and validation of a HPTLC method for Estimation of Duloxetine Hydrochloride in Bulk Drug and in Tablet Dosage Form

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    Duloxetine hydrochloride is a potent dual reuptake inhibitor of serotonin and norepinephrine used to treat major depressive disorders. The present work describes a simple, precise and accurate HPTLC method for its estimation as bulk and in tablet dosage form. The chromatographic separation was carried out on precoated silica gel 60 F254 aluminium plates using mixture of chloroform:methanol (8:1 v/v) as mobile phase and densitometric evaluation of spots was carried out at 235 nm using Camag TLC Scanner-3 with win CAT 1.3.4 version software. The experimental parameters like band size of the spot applied, chamber saturation time, solvent front migration, slit width etc. were critically studied and optimum conditions were evolved. The drug was satisfactorily resolved with Rf value 0.11±0.01. The accuracy and reliability of the proposed method was ascertained by evaluating various validation parameters like linearity (40-200 ng/spot), precision (intra-day RSD 0.46-0.75%, inter-day RSD 0.46-1.59%), accuracy (98.72±0.20) and specificity according to ICH guidelines. The proposed method can analyse ten or more formulation units simultaneously on a single plate and provides a faster and cost-effective quality control tool for routine analysis of duloxetine hydrochloride as bulk drug and in tablet formulation

    Recent Advances in Our Understanding of the Environmental, Epidemiological, Immunological, and Clinical Dimensions of Coccidioidomycosis

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    The Evolution of Lung Transplant Immunosuppression

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    Wearable Physical Activity Tracking Systems for Older Adults—A Systematic Review

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