28 research outputs found

    Sensing the anomeric effect in a solvent-free environment.

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    The anomeric effect is a chemical phenomenon that refers to an observed stabilization of six-membered carbohydrate rings when they contain an electronegative substituent at the C1 position of the ring. This stereoelectronic effect influences the three-dimensional shapes of many biological molecules. It can be manifested not only in this classical manner involving interaction of the endocyclic oxygen atom (O5) found in such sugars with the C1 substituent (endo-anomeric effect) but also through a corresponding interaction of the electronegative exocyclic substituent with O5 (exo-anomeric effect). However, the underlying physical origin(s) of this phenomenon is still not clear. Here we show, using a combination of laser spectroscopy and computational analysis, that a truncated peptide motif can engage the two anomers of an isolated sugar in the gas phase, an environment lacking extraneous factors which could confound the analysis. (Anomers are isomers that differ in the orientation of the substituent at C1.) Complexes formed between the peptide and the α- or β-anomers of d-galactose are nearly identical structurally; however, the strength of the polarization of their interactions with the peptide differs greatly. Natural bond order calculations support this observation, and together they reveal the dominance of the exo- over the endo-anomeric effect. As interactions between oxygen atoms at positions C1 and C2 (O1 and O2, respectively) on the pyranose ring can alter the exo/endo ratio of a carbohydrate, our results suggest that it will be important to re-evaluate the influence, and biological effects, of substituents at position C2 in sugars

    Exploring carbohydrate-peptide interactions in the gas phase: structure and selectivity in complexes of pyranosides with N-acetylphenylalanine methylamide.

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    The physical basis of carbohydrate-peptide interactions has been explored by probing the structures of a series of complexes generated in a solvent-free environment under molecular beam conditions. A combination of double-resonance IR-UV spectroscopy and quantum-chemical calculations has established the structures of complexes of the model, N-acetyl-L-phenylalanine methylamide, bound to the α and β anomers of methyl D-gluco- and D-galactopyranoside as guests. In all cases, the carbohydrates are bound through hydrogen bonding to the dipeptide chain, although with some differing patterns. The amino acid host "engages" with the most suitable pair of neighboring conjugate sites on each carbohydrate; the specific choice depends on the conformation of the peptide backbone and the configuration and conformation of the carbohydrate ligand. None of the structures is supported by "stacking" interactions with the aromatic ring, despite their common occurrence in bound carbohydrate-protein structures

    Conformational effects in sugar ions: spectroscopic investigations in the gas phase and in solution

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    We present direct investigations of the conformational preferences of sugars with a positively charged substituent at their anomeric centre, C-1, which display in solution, a preference for an equatorial conformation - an apparent reversal of the normal anomeric effect. The investigations focus on the protonated monosaccharide, d-xylopyranosyl imidazolium in its α and β forms, first probed in a range of different solvents through NMR measurements and then in the gas phase, free of solvent or counterion interactions, through infrared multiphoton dissociation spectroscopy. The results, when compared and discussed in the light of density functional theory, ab initio and natural bond orbital calculations, expose the possible origins of the reversed conformational preference and provide a better understanding of the factors controlling conformational choice. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012