57 research outputs found

    Автобіографія Івана Багряного (з фондів ЦДАГО України)

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    Публікується автобіографія Івана Багряного, написана ним власноруч у січні 1944 р., напередодні еміграції за кордон.Публикуется автобиография Ивана Багряного, написанная им от руки в январе 1944 г., перед эмиграцией за рубеж.The is published the autobiography of Ivan Bagryanyi, he wrote in January 1944 before the emigration

    Induction of labor with Foley catheter and risk of subsequent preterm birth : follow‐up study of two randomized controlled trials (PROBAAT‐1 and ‐2)

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    Acknowledgements We thank all the women who participated in the PROBAAT trials and all participating institutions and their staff for their contribution to this follow-up study. Funding The original PROBAAT-2 trial was funded by FondsNutsOhra. For the PROBAAT-1 trial and this follow-up study, no funding was received. MV received a doctoral grant for teachers by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (023.011.051). BM is supported by a NHMRC Practitioner Fellowship (GNT1082548). Funding sources had no role in design, execution, analyses, interpretation, or decision to submit results.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Digital supply chain management in the videogames industry: a systematic literature review

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    As industries mature, they rely more heavily on supply chain management (SCM) to ensure effective operations leading to greater levels of organisational performance. SCM has been widely covered in many industrial areas and, in line with other burgeoning sectors such as Tourism, an industry focus provides the opportunity to look in-depth at the context-based factors that affect SCM. Developments in digital distribution and rapid technological innovations have resulted in an increased focus on Digital Supply Chains (DSCs), which bring about significant changes to how consumers, customers, suppliers, and manufacturers interact, affecting supply chain design and processes. Through a systematic review of the Videogames Industry Supply Chain Management literature, which serves as a pertinent contextual example of a DSC, we look at how supply chains are affected by structural, market and technological change, such as increased platformisation, disintermediation and the proliferation of digital distribution. We distil these findings into a new research agenda, which identifies themes in line with extant DSC research, provides a series of relevant practice recommendations and identifies opportunities for future research