5 research outputs found

    Creación de Prácticas Virtuales de Protección Radiológica

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    La situación creada por la pandemia debida a la COVID-19 plantea un modelo de enseñanza distinto al que se ha venido desarrollando hasta ahora, ya que implica una docencia semipresencial o incluso completamente virtual. Esta situación es aún más drástica para aquellas titulaciones que requieren de prácticas clínicas que se realizan en hospitales. En este contexto las tecnologías de la información y la creación de material multimedia juegan un papel cada vez más importante para proveer herramientas de enseñanza virtual que permitan conseguir los objetivos docentes, y que además cuenten con el apoyo del docente. En este ámbito planteamos en este proyecto la creación de un conjunto de prácticas virtuales que permitirán cumplir con las exigencias docentes del módulo de protección radiológica dentro de la asignatura Odontología Legal, Profesión y Ética y que a su vez cumplan con los posibles escenarios de semipresencialidad o virtual. Para ello se crearán un conjunto de videos cortos demostrativos elaborados por el personal docente del grupo en los que se mostrará cómo sería la realización de la práctica. Junto con la visualización de dichos videos se proponen una serie de actividades interactivas que el alumno deberá realizar bajo la supervisión del personal docente. La realización de estas prácticas es también esencial para obtener el título correspondiente al curso de Protección Radiológica para Dirigir Instalaciones de Rayos X con fines de Diagnóstico Médico emitido por Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, de modo que es necesario proveer de una alternativa a la realización de las prácticas y que por tanto se puede seguir obteniendo el título correspondiente que es tan importante para los alumnos del Grado de Odontología. Así mismo la metodología desarrollada permitirá la creación de material nuevo que podrá ser utilizado en otras asignaturas

    Optimization of Radiation Protection in Pediatric Interventional Radiology in Latin America and the Caribbean: development, advancements, challenges and achievements of the OPRIPALC program

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    2023 Descuento MDPIThis article presents the development, advancements, challenges and achievements of the “Optimization of Protection in Pediatric Interventional Radiology in Latin America and the Caribbean” (OPRIPALC) program. This international initiative is led by the World Health Organization, the Pan American Health Organization and the International Atomic Energy Agency. The main objectives of OPRIPALC are to foster a culture of radiological protection in pediatric interventions, enhance these procedures’ quality, and define optimization strategies such as the use of diagnostic reference levels (DRLs). Currently, 33 centers from 12 countries participate actively in the program. Significant progress has been made towards the proposed objectives, overcoming the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Through many virtual meetings for coordination, planning, training and follow-up, a comprehensive set of DRLs for both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, categorized by weight and age, have been established and are in use. A consensus document on good practices is in the final stage of development. The program’s continuation into at least a second phase is essential to address pending issues, including the integration of automatic dose management systems, the levels of occupational radiation doses, their correlation with pediatric patient doses, and strategies to reduce themEuropean CommissionUniversidad de TarapacáDepto. de Radiología, Rehabilitación y FisioterapiaFac. de MedicinaTRUEpubDescuento UC

    Pathological effects of pulmonary vein beta-radiation in a swine model

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    Introduction: Atrial fibrillation (AF) may be triggered by ectopic beats originating in sleeves of atrial myocardium entering the pulmonary veins (PVs). PV isolation by means of circumferential ostial or atrial radiofrequency ablation is an effective but also a difficult and long procedure, requiring extensive applications that can have serious potential complications. Our objective was to examine pathological effects of PV β-radiation, particularly the ability to destroy PV myocardial sleeves without inducing PV stenosis and other unwanted effects, in order to establish its potential feasibility for the treatment of AF. Methods and Results: Ten minipigs were studied. A phosphorus-32 source wire centered within a 2.5-mm diameter balloon catheter (Galileo® III Intravascular Radiotherapy System, Guidant, Santa Clara, CA, USA) was used to deliver β-radiation to the superior wall of the right PV trunk. Pathological analysis was performed either immediately after ablation (2 pigs) or 81 ± 27 days later (8 pigs). Acute effects of PV β-radiation consisted of endothelial denudation covered by white thrombus, elastic lamina disruption, and PV sleeve necrosis. Late effects consisted of mild focal neointimal hyperplasia that reduced the PV luminal area by only 1.3 ± 1.8%, elastic lamina thickening, and PV sleeve fibrosis. Four of these 8 PVs were completely re-endothelized. Lesions were transmural in 6 of 10 radiated PVs and segmental, involving 28 ± 7% of the right PV perimeter. Conclusion: Intravascular β-radiation can induce transmural necrosis and fibrosis of PV myocardial sleeves without PV stenosis and other unwanted effects, which supports a potential usefulness of this energy source in the treatment of AF.Sociedad Española de CardiologíaDepto. de MedicinaFac. de MedicinaTRUEpu