4 research outputs found

    Persistent Currents and Discharge Patterns in Rat Hindlimb Motoneurons

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    We report here the first direct measurements of persistent inward currents (PICs) in rat hindlimb motoneurons, obtained from ketamine–xylazine anesthetized rats during slow voltage ramps performed by single-electrode somatic voltage clamp. Most motoneurons expressed PICs and current–voltage (I–V) relations often contained a negative-slope region (NSR; 13/19 cells). PICs activated at −52.7 ± 3.89 mV, 9 mV negative to spike threshold. NSR onset was −44.2 ± 4.1 mV. PIC amplitudes were assessed by maximum inward currents measured relative to extrapolated leak current and to NSR-onset current. PIC conductance at potentials just positive to activation was assessed by the relative change in slope conductance (gin/gleak). PIC amplitudes varied widely; some exceeded 5 and 10 nA relative to current at NSR onset or leak current, respectively. PIC amplitudes did not vary significantly with input conductance, but PIC amplitudes normalized by recruitment current decreased with increasing input conductance. Similarly, gin/gleak decreased with increasing input conductance. Currents near resting potential on descending limbs of I–V relations were often outward, relative to ascending-limb currents. This residual outward current was correlated with increases in leak conductance on the descending limb and with input conductance. Excluding responses with accommodation, residual outward currents matched differences between recruitment and derecruitment currents, suggesting a role for residual outward current in frequency adaptation. Comparison of potentials for PIC activation and NSR onset with interspike trajectories during discharge demonstrated correspondence between PIC activation and frequency–current (f–I) range boundaries. Contributions of persistent inward and outward currents to motoneuron discharge characteristics are discussed

    A motor unit-based model of muscle fatigue

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    Muscle fatigue is a temporary decline in the force and power capacity of skeletal muscle resulting from muscle activity. Because control of muscle is realized at the level of the motor unit (MU), it seems important to consider the physiological properties of motor units when attempting to understand and predict muscle fatigue. Therefore, we developed a phenomenological model of motor unit fatigue as a tractable means to predict muscle fatigue for a variety of tasks and to illustrate the individual contractile responses of MUs whose collective action determines the trajectory of changes in muscle force capacity during prolonged activity. An existing MU population model was used to simulate MU firing rates and isometric muscle forces and, to that model, we added fatigue-related changes in MU force, contraction time, and firing rate associated with sustained voluntary contractions. The model accurately estimated endurance times for sustained isometric contractions across a wide range of target levels. In addition, simulations were run for situations that have little experimental precedent to demonstrate the potential utility of the model to predict motor unit fatigue for more complicated, real-world applications. Moreover, the model provided insight into the complex orchestration of MU force contributions during fatigue, that would be unattainable with current experimental approaches