18 research outputs found

    Prime movers : mechanochemistry of mitotic kinesins

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    Mitotic spindles are self-organizing protein machines that harness teams of multiple force generators to drive chromosome segregation. Kinesins are key members of these force-generating teams. Different kinesins walk directionally along dynamic microtubules, anchor, crosslink, align and sort microtubules into polarized bundles, and influence microtubule dynamics by interacting with microtubule tips. The mechanochemical mechanisms of these kinesins are specialized to enable each type to make a specific contribution to spindle self-organization and chromosome segregation

    Comparative genetic analysis: the utility of mouse genetic systems for studying human monogenic disease

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    One of the long-term goals of mutagenesis programs in the mouse has been to generate mutant lines to facilitate the functional study of every mammalian gene. With a combination of complementary genetic approaches and advances in technology, this aim is slowly becoming a reality. One of the most important features of this strategy is the ability to identify and compare a number of mutations in the same gene, an allelic series. With the advent of gene-driven screening of mutant archives, the search for a specific series of interest is now a practical option. This review focuses on the analysis of multiple mutations from chemical mutagenesis projects in a wide variety of genes and the valuable functional information that has been obtained from these studies. Although gene knockouts and transgenics will continue to be an important resource to ascertain gene function, with a significant proportion of human diseases caused by point mutations, identifying an allelic series is becoming an equally efficient route to generating clinically relevant and functionally important mouse models

    Simultaneous measurement of mechanical and electrical contact resistances during nanoindentation of NiTi shape memory alloys

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    The nanoindentation technique can be employed in shape memory alloys (SMAs) to discern the transformation temperatures as well as to characterize their mechanical behavior. In this paper, we use it with simultaneous measurements of the mechanical and the electrical contact resistances (ECR) at room temperature to probe two SMAs: austenite (RTA) and martensite (RTM). Two different types of indenter tips - Berkovich and spherical - are employed to examine the SMAs' indentation responses as a function of the representative strain, epsilon(R). In Berkovich indentation, because of the sharp nature of the tip, and in consequence the high levels of strain imposed, discerning the two SMAs on the basis of the indentation response alone is difficult. In the case of the spherical tip, epsilon(R) is systematically varied and its effect on the depth recovery ratio, eta(d), is examined. Results indicate that RTA has higher eta(d) than RTM, but the difference decreases with increasing epsilon(R) such that eta(d) values for both the alloys would be similar in the fully plastic regime. The experimental trends in eta(d) vs. epsilon(R) for both the alloys could be described well with a eta(d) proportional to (epsilon(R))(-1) type equation, which is developed on the basis of a phenomenological model. This fit, in turn, directs us to the maximum epsilon(R), below which plasticity underneath the indenter would not mask the differences in the two SMAs. It was demonstrated that the ECR measurements complement the mechanical measurements in demarcating the reverse transformation from martensite to austenite during unloading of RTA, wherein a marked increase in the voltage was noted. A correlation between recovery due to reverse transformation during unloading and increase in voltage (and hence the electrical resistance) was found. (C) 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Effect of calcium deficiency on the mechanical properties of hydroxyapatite crystals

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    The deterioration of the mechanical properties of bone with age is related to several factors including the structure, organization and chemistry of the constituent phases; however, the relative contribution of each of these factors is not well understood. In this study, we have investigated the effect of chemistry (calcium deficiency) on the mechanical properties of single crystals of hydroxyapatite. Single crystals of stoichiometric crystals grown by the flux method and calcium-deficient platelet crystals grown using wet chemical methods were used as model systems. Using nanoindentation, we show that calcium deficiency leads to an 80% reduction in the hardness and elastic modulus and at least a 75% reduction in toughness in plate-shaped hydroxyapatite crystals. Measurement of local mechanical properties using nanoindentation and nanoscale chemistry through elemental mapping in a transmission electron microscope points to a direct correlation between the observed spatial variation in composition and the large scatter in the measured hardness and modulus values. (C) 2010 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Toughness of as-cast and partially crystallized composites of a bulk metallic glass

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    The deformation and fracture response of a bulk metallic glass (BMG) post-annealing above the glass transition temperature is examined. The toughness of the glass-matrix composite exhibits a sharp transition beyond a critical volume fraction of crystallization to values as low as that of brittle silicate glass. Instrumented indentation tests supplemented by impact tests were used to study this ductile to brittle transition exhibited by the partially crystallized samples. Indentation on the anneal-embrittled specimens shows lateral cracks in addition to cracks along the corners. The applicability of the Poisson's ratio-toughness correlation with respect to partially crystallized samples is also investigated

    Combining indentation and diffusion couple techniques for combinatorial discovery of high temperature shape memory alloys

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    We demonstrate the possibility of accelerated identification of potential compositions for high-temperature shape memory alloys (SMAs) through a combinatorial material synthesis and analysis approach, wherein we employ the combination of diffusion couple and indentation techniques. The former was utilized to generate smooth and compositionally graded inter-diffusion zones (IDZs) in the Ni-Ti-Pd ternary alloy system of varying IDZ thickness, depending on the annealing time at high temperature. The IDZs thus produced were then impressed with an indenter with a spherical tip so as to inscribe a predetermined indentation strain. Subsequent annealing of the indented samples at various elevated temperatures, T-a, ranging between 150 and 550 degrees C allows for partial to full relaxation of the strain imposed due to the shape memory effect. If T-a is above the austenite finish temperature, A(f), the relaxation will be complete. By measuring the depth recovery, which serves as a proxy for the shape recovery characteristic of the SMA, a three-dimensional map in the recovery temperature composition space is constructed. A comparison of the published Af data for different compositions with the Ta data shows good agreement when the depth recovery is between 70% and 80%, indicating that the methodology proposed in this paper can be utilized for the identification of promising compositions. Advantages and further possibilities of this methodology are discussed