40 research outputs found

    Diphenyl sulphoxide complexes of some oxocations

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    Diphenyl sulphoxide (DPSO) complexes of TiO2+, ZrO2+, VO2+ and UO22+ have been prepared and characterized by physicochemical methods. The complexes have the formulae: [TiO(DPSO)5]2 (ClO4)4, [ZrO(DPSO)6] (ClO4)2, [VO(DPSO)5](ClO4)2, [VO(DPSO)3Cl2], [UO2-(DPSO)4] (ClO4)2, [UO2(DPSO)2Cl2],[UO2(DPSO)2(NO3)2]and[UO2(DPSO)2(CH3COO)2]. The i.r. spectra show the coordination through the oxygen of the sulphoxide in all the complexes. The spectroscopic, conductivity and crysoscopic studies indicate the ionic nature of the perchlorate, while the chloride, nitrate and acetate are coordinated, the last two being bidentate. The probable stereochemistry of the complexes is discussed. The complexes decompose exothermally

    Diphenyl sulphox1de complexes of thorium(IV)

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    Thorium(IV) is known to form high coordination-number complexes. An attempt has therefore been made to determine the effect of anions on the coordination complexes of diphenyl sulphoxide (DPSO) with thorium(IV). The complexes formed have the formulae [Th(DPSO)6](ClO4)4, [Th(DPSO)4Cl4], [Th(DPSO)4Br4], [Th(DPSO)6I2]I2, [Th(DPSO)4(NCS)4]and [Th(DPSO)3(NO3)4]. In all the complexes, DPSO is coordinated to the metal ion through its oxygen. The electrical conductances in nitrobenzene and in nitromethane, and ebullioscopic molecular weights in acetonitrile, show that the perchlorate and iodide complexes behave as 1:4 and 1:2 electrolytes, respectively; while the other complexes are monomeric and non-electrolytes. The infrared spectra of the solid complexes indicate the ionic nature of the perchlorate, the bidentate nature of the nitrate and the coordination of the thiocyanate through its nitrogen. [Th(DPSO)4Cl4], [Th(DPSO)4Br4]and [Th-(DPSO)3 (NO3)4]decompose endothermically while [Th(DPSO)6](ClO4)4 and [Th(DPSO)4(NCS)4]decompose exothermically, both in air and in nitrogen. The perchlorate complex has octahedral symmetry around the thorium, the halo- and the thiocyanato complexes are 8-coordinate, probably with square antiprismatic structures, while the nitrate complex is 11-coordinat

    Studies on some metal monothiobenzoates

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    Monothiobenzoate (MTB) (Chemical Equation Presented) complexes with the molecular formulas Cr(MTB)3, [Ni(MTB)2]n, [Zn(MTB)2]n, [Cd(MTB)2]n, [Hg(MTB)2]n, [Cu(MTB)]n, and [Ag(MTB)]n have been prepared and studied. All the complexes are nonionic in acetonitrile. Only the chromium complex is soluble in nitrobenzene and found to be monomeric cryoscopically. The thiobenzoate ligand appears to be asymmetrically chelated in Cr(III) and Cd(II) complexes, with stronger oxygen and sulfur coordination, respectively, while practically symmetrically coordinated in Ni(II) and Zn(II) complexes. These four complexes are assigned distorted octahedral structures around the metal ion. The coordination in Hg(II), Cu(I), and Ag(I) complexes is mainly through sulfur indicating the monodentate nature of the thiobenzoate ligand in these complexes. The coordination of monothiobenzoate ion in the complexes has been rationalized in terms of "hard" and "soft" acid-base concept

    Antipyrine complexes of titanium(IV), zirconium(iv), thorium(IV) and uranium(VI) perchlorates

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    Antipyrine complexes of TiO2+, ZrO2+, Zr4+, Th4+ and UO2+2 perchlorates with molecular formulae TiO(Apy)4(ClO4)2, ZrO(Apy)3(ClO4)2, Zr(Apy)6(ClO4)4, Th(Apy)7(ClO4)4 and UO2(Apy)5(ClO4)2 have been prepared and characterized. The complexes are stable in air at room temperature and decompose exothermally at ~3OO °C. The i.r. study indicates the bonding of the antipyrine to the metal ion through its carbonyl oxygen. The nature of the bonding of the perchlorate and the stereochemistry of the complexes are discussed in the light of infrared spectra, conductivity in solvents of different polarity, and molecular weight measurements. From the UO2+2 group frequencies, the force constant K and rU-o are found to be 6.29 × 105 dynes/ cm-1 and 1.74 Å, respectively

    A rapid and highly selective method for the estimation of pyro-,tri- and orthophosphates

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    A rapid, highly selective and simple method has been developed for the quantitative determination of pyro-, tri- and orthophosphates. The method is based on the formation of a solid complex of bis(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) species with pyrophosphate at pH 4.2-4.3, with triphosphate at pH 2.0-2.1 and with orthophosphate at pH 8.2-8.6. The proposed method for pyro- and triphosphates differs from the available method, which is based on the formation of an adduct with tris(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) species. The complexes have the composition [Co(en)(2)HP2O7]4H(2)O and [Co(en)(2)H2P3O10]2H(2)O, respectively. The precipitation is instantaneous and quantitative under the recommended optimum conditions giving 99.5% gravimetric yield in both cases. There is no interferences from orthophosphate, trimetaphosphate and pyrophosphate species in the triphosphate estimation up to 5% of each component. The efficacy of the method has been established by determining pyrophosphate and triphosphate contents in various matrices. In the case of orthophosphate, the proposed method differs from the available methods such as ammonium phosphomolybdate, vanadophosphomolybdate and quinoline phosphomolybdate, which are based on the formation of a precipitate, followed by either titrimetry or gravimetry. The precipitation is instantaneous and the method is simple. Under the recommended pH and other reaction conditions, gravimetric yields of 99.6-100% are obtainable. The method is applicable to orthophosphoric acid and a variety of phosphate salts

    A volumetric method for the determination of sulphoxides

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    A volumetric method for the quantitative determination of Sulphoxides has been developed, based on their oxidation to sulphones by dichromate in presence of 5 M sulphuric acid at 105–110°C. Excess dichromate is titrated by ferrous ammonium sulphate solution. The method is also applicable to the determination of Sulphoxides in metal sulphoxide complexes