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3 research outputs found
Double benefit of metformin treatment: improved bladder function in cyclophosphamide-induced cystitis and enhanced cytotoxicity in cancer cells
A Kageyama
A WrĂłbel
+40Â more
AA Santos Jr
AB Alfieri
AH Bennett
AR Abd-Allah
C Gest
C Kandouli
D D'Cruz
D Giglio
D Iliopoulos
EN Barut
F Baumann
H Zrelli
HH Zhang
J Song
JM Evans
K Gao
KM Kern
LA Levine
M Aljofan
M Denizalti
MG de Oliveira
MH Tan
Mİ Dönmez
MJ Droller
N Saini
NA Razak
R Manikandan
S Engin
S Nasrin
TP Hamsa
V Shafiei-Irannejad
VT Boeira
W Bassiouni
W Everaerts
X Zhang
XL Dong
Y Temel
Y Zhao
YS Kyung
ZY Gao
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Investigation of bioactivities of methanolic and ethyl acetate extracts of Dioscorea pentaphylla leaf along with its phenolic composition
A Braca
A Kumaran
+52Â more
A Resat
AA Izzo
AP Lange
AW Bauer
B Cabral
B Ozcelik
BN Meyer
D ProchĂĄzkovĂĄ
D Yue
DZ Viscardi
G Uddin
GA El-Chaghaby
H Akiyama
H Gao
IK Sawer
JCA Tanaka
KF Swingle
KT Chung
M Asaduzzaman
M HÀmÀlÀinen
M Mbiantcha
M Oyaizu
M Suhaj
MM Hossain
MR Hasan
N Sheikh
N Uddin
O Mazzoni
P Mandal
P Prieto
R Afroz
R Govindarajan
R Koster
RJ Ruch
S De
S Gawade
S Ghosh
S Ghosh
S Hunskaar
SH Taleb-Contini
SY Wang
T Ozen
T Teklehaymanot
V Todorovic
VT Boeira
W Leppert
W Toma
WS Judd
YC Chang
YJ Chiu
YS Velioglu
ZA El-Agbar
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
α-Phellandrene attenuates tissular damage, oxidative stress, and TNF-α levels on acute model ifosfamide-induced hemorrhagic cystitis in mice
A Korkmaz
A Ozcan
+55Â more
AB Miller
AGI Krzyzanowska
AT Peana
BA Chabner
BN Ramesh
C Cabral
C Szabo
CK Batista
D Fu
DB Decker
DD Rosa
E Altayli
EB Kurutas
EJ Calabrese
EJ Calabrese
EL Matz
FYB Macedo
H Theman
HDS Siqueira
HDS Siqueira
HM Arafa
I Triantafyllidis
J Cannon
J Godinho
J Harold
J Sedlak
JC Alves-Filho
K Das
KA Mills
KA Teles
KJ Gray
KR Riella
M Mihara
MA Rezvanfar
MB Haselberger
MM Vieira
MS Lima
N Brock
N Noacco
N Yilmaz
O Campobasso
OM Abo-Salem
P Abraham
PC Huber
RA Ribeiro
RR Gonzalez
S Haldar
S Takamoto
SF Sencer
SL Macallister
SML Vasconcelos
TG Son
TP Hamsa
VT Boeira
Ć Dobrek
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text