81 research outputs found

    On Coloration of Polyacrylonitrile: A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study

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    Coloration in polyacrylonitrile can be induced in three distinct ways: by heat treatment, by treatment with base, or during synthesis of the polymer itself using ionic initiators at relatively higher temperatures. The present investigation employing 'H and NMR spectroscopy has revealed some common features in colored polyacrylonitrile irrespective of ita mode of coloration. All colored polyacrylonitriles give an additional peak around S 2.7 in 'H NMR spectra and, except for heat-treated polyacrylonitrile, one extra group of peaks in the region 8 12-16 in 13C NMR spectra. The former peak has been attributed to methine and/or methylene protons in branched and/or cyclized structures, while the latter peak has been attributed to methylene carbon atoms in the branched structure. Colorless polyacrylonitriles have been found to be predominantly heterotactic, while colored polyacrylonitriles have been found to have appreciable isotactic contribution

    Crystal Structure Transformation in Potassium Acrylate

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    Potassium acrylate undergoes a reversible phase transformation around 335oK335^oK with an activation energy of 133 kcal/mole. Differential scanning calorimetry and high temperature X-ray powder diffraction techniques have been used to probe this phenomenon

    Thermal decomposition of alkali metal perchlorates

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    The effect of past mechanical history on the subsequent thermal decomposition kinetics of sodium, potassium, rubidium and caesium perchlorates, has been investigated. At low temperatures the decomposition of all these salts is significantly sensitized by pre-compression. At high temperatures, however, prior compression results in a lowered decomposition rate in the case of potassium, rubidium and caesium perchlorates and in an increase in the thermal reactivity of sodium perchlorate. The high temperature behaviour is shown to be an indirect consequence of the low temperature behaviour. The difference in behaviour between sodium perchlorate and the other alkali metal perchlorates is explained on the basis of the stability of the respective chlorates, formed during the low temperature decomposition. This is substantiated by experiments which show that the addition of sodium chlorate to sodium perchlorate brings about a sensitization while potassium perchlorate admixed with potassium chlorate results in a desensitization at high temperatures

    Effect of Storage Temperatures on the Mechanical Properties of the Composite Solid Propellants

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    Accelerated ageing studies for three composite propellant formulations, namely polystyrene (PS)/ ammonium perchlorate (AP), polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)/AP and poly phenol formaldehyde (PPF)/AP have been carried out in the temperature range of 55-125°C. Measurements of the ultimate compression strength (Uc) and isothermal decomposition rate (TD rate) were monitored as a function of storage time and temperature. The change in Uc was found to be linearly dependent on the change in TD rate irrespective of the propellant systems. Analysis of the results further revealed that the cause of ageing for both Uc and burning rate (r) is the thermal decomposition of the propellant. The safe-life for the change in mechanical properties was found to be higher compared to the change in r for PS and PMMA based propellants

    Curing reactions in plastic prepolymers and propellants. I. Polystyrene

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    Curing reactions of the viscous PS prepolymer and PS/AP propellant slurry have been studied. The molecular weight of the binder (separated from the propellant) and the prepolymer was found to increase to a maximum value, remain constant for some time, and then fall off between 50–125°C. The molecular weight of the binder was found to be less than corresponding prepolymer between 100–150°C but at lower temperatures (50–75°C) the reverse was found to be true. The increase in the molecular weight during curing at lower temperatures has been explained on the basis of Trommsdorff effect which gets support from the estimated activation energy (9 kcal mole−1) for the curing process. Curing was recognized as chain extension where the rate of polymerization becomes diffusion controlled below 75° C

    Dual Role of Metallic Lithium in the Initiation of Vinyl Polymerization

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    Alkali-metal-initiated polymerization of dienes has been known since the 19109. Metallic sodium and potassium have been known as ionic initiators for quite some time.3 However, the designation of metallic lithium as an initiator has not always been unequivocal

    Combustion and thermal decomposition characteristics of composite solid propellants

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    The role of thermal decomposition of the binder and the oxidiser in the thermal decomposition, ageing and combustion of composite solid-propellants has been investigated. The present study shows that the burning rate and ageing of polystyrene and ammonium perchlorate propellant are related to the thermal decomposition of the propellant itself and ammonium perchlorate