36 research outputs found

    Comfort and utility of school-based weight screening: the student perspective

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Weight screening in schools has been proposed as one strategy to address childhood obesity. Students' response to such screening is unexplored, however. In this study we evaluated the perceived comfort, utility and impact of school-based weight screening from the perspective of middle school-aged students.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional study of 852 ethnically diverse 5<sup>th</sup>–8<sup>th </sup>grade students. Associations were investigated between measured height and weight screening data and responses to a self-administered questionnaire completed immediately following weight screening in physical education class. BMI categories were based on the revised 2000 CDC growth chart and definitions: 5<sup>th</sup>–85<sup>th </sup>BMI percentile = healthy weight, 85<sup>th</sup>–95<sup>th </sup>BMI percentile = at risk for overweight, and >95<sup>th </sup>percentile BMI = overweight.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall, students' comfort level with weight screening varied depending on the student's own weight status. More overweight students (38.1%) reported being uncomfortable than healthy weight students (8.1%) (p < 0.001). In particular, overweight female students (54.8%) compared to healthy weight female students (21.6%) reported being uncomfortable (p < 0.01). About half (54.9%) of all students reported knowing their weight prior to screening, and 58.9% reported that it was useful to learn their height and weight. Compared to healthy weight students, overweight students were significantly more likely to report the intention to perform weight modification related activities such as visiting a doctor (Odds ratio (OR) = 2.0, 95% CI = 1.3, 3.1), eating more fruits and vegetables (OR = 2.7, 95% CI = 1.7, 4.1), and increasing physical activity (OR = 4.3, 95% CI = 2.7, 7.0).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Overall, the majority of the middle school students did not report discomfort with school-based weight screening, did report that receiving height and weight information was useful, and generally report appropriate weight control intentions. These proportions varied across weight status categories, however, with students who were at risk for overweight or overweight reporting higher levels of discomfort. For schools that conduct weight screening, it is essential that they also provide comfortable and private settings as well as education or counseling regarding healthy weight control practices.</p

    Childhood obesity, prevalence and prevention

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    Childhood obesity has reached epidemic levels in developed countries. Twenty five percent of children in the US are overweight and 11% are obese. Overweight and obesity in childhood are known to have significant impact on both physical and psychological health. The mechanism of obesity development is not fully understood and it is believed to be a disorder with multiple causes. Environmental factors, lifestyle preferences, and cultural environment play pivotal roles in the rising prevalence of obesity worldwide. In general, overweight and obesity are assumed to be the results of an increase in caloric and fat intake. On the other hand, there are supporting evidence that excessive sugar intake by soft drink, increased portion size, and steady decline in physical activity have been playing major roles in the rising rates of obesity all around the world. Consequently, both over-consumption of calories and reduced physical activity are involved in childhood obesity. Almost all researchers agree that prevention could be the key strategy for controlling the current epidemic of obesity. Prevention may include primary prevention of overweight or obesity, secondary prevention or prevention of weight regains following weight loss, and avoidance of more weight increase in obese persons unable to lose weight. Until now, most approaches have focused on changing the behaviour of individuals in diet and exercise. It seems, however, that these strategies have had little impact on the growing increase of the obesity epidemic. While about 50% of the adults are overweight and obese in many countries, it is difficult to reduce excessive weight once it becomes established. Children should therefore be considered the priority population for intervention strategies. Prevention may be achieved through a variety of interventions targeting built environment, physical activity, and diet. Some of these potential strategies for intervention in children can be implemented by targeting preschool institutions, schools or after-school care services as natural setting for influencing the diet and physical activity. All in all, there is an urgent need to initiate prevention and treatment of obesity in children

    Dual practice in the health sector: review of the evidence

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    This paper reports on income generation practices among civil servants in the health sector, with a particular emphasis on dual practice. It first approaches the subject of public–private overlap. Thereafter it focuses on coping strategies in general and then on dual practice in particular. To compensate for unrealistically low salaries, health workers rely on individual coping strategies. Many clinicians combine salaried, public-sector clinical work with a fee-for-service private clientele. This dual practice is often a means by which health workers try to meet their survival needs, reflecting the inability of health ministries to ensure adequate salaries and working conditions. Dual practice may be considered present in most countries, if not all. Nevertheless, there is surprisingly little hard evidence about the extent to which health workers resort to dual practice, about the balance of economic and other motives for doing so, or about the consequences for the proper use of the scarce public resources dedicated to health. In this paper dual practice is approached from six different perspectives: (1) conceptual, regarding what is meant by dual practice; (2) descriptive, trying to develop a typology of dual practices; (3) quantitative, trying to determine its prevalence; (4) impact on personal income, the health care system and health status; (5) qualitative, looking at the reasons why practitioners so frequently remain in public practice while also working in the private sector and at contextual, personal life, institutional and professional factors that make it easier or more difficult to have dual practices; and (6) possible interventions to deal with dual practice

    Health Report Cards: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

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    Effect of smoking and alcohol use during pregnancy on the occurrence of low birthweight in a farming region in South Africa

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    The aim of this case–control study was to determine the risk factors for low birthweight in a farming region in South Africa, with particular attention to maternal alcohol use and smoking, both independently and in combination. Data collection was via structured postpartum interviews and review of antenatal and delivery records. The study setting was a regional referral hospital in a farming region. The study subjects were 200 infants with birthweight <2500g (cases) and 200 unmatched control infants of normal weight born during the same period as the cases. The outcome measure was low birthweight, i.e. infant birthweight <2500 g. Results showed the contribution of term low birthweight (as a measure of intrauterine growth retardation) to the total low-birthweight incidence was almost 50%, indicating a substantial intrauterine growth retardation component in this population. Sociodemographic factors were not as predictive of low birthweight in this predominantly low income population. Smoking (adjusted OR 2.67, [95% CI 1.69, 4.20]) was the strongest life style-related predictor of low birthweight. The alcohol low-birthweight relationship was not significant when adjusted for smoking status (crude OR 2.15, [95% CI 1.37, 3.39]; adjusted OR 1.32, [95% CI 0.80, 2.20]). However, there appeared to be an interaction with combined use of these two substances during pregnancy that increased the risk of low birthweight (adjusted OR increased to 4.24, [95% CI 1.01, 17.76]. It is clear that life style factors such as smoking and drinking are contributing to the occurrence of low birthweight in the target region. A comprehensive health promotion programme needs to be implemented as an integral part of antenatal and family planning services, to reduce smoking and drinking by women in this community.Funding for this research was provided by the South African National Research Foundation Grant #2050641 and the University of the Western Cape Research Departmen

    Effects of cardiorespiratory fitness and weight status on knowledge of physical activity and fitness, attitude toward physical education, and physical activity

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    Abstract Background The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of cardiorespiratory fitness and weight status on knowledge of physical activity and fitness (PAF knowledge), attitude toward physical education (PE), and physical activity. Methods A total of 343 middle school students participated in the study (Age: M/SD = 12.76/.94, ranging from 11 to 14 years old). PE Metrics™ was used to measure PAF knowledge, and Attitude toward Physical Education Questionnaire and Youth Activity Profile were used to measure attitude, physical activity and sedentary behavior. Fitness and weight status were assessed using FitnessGram and converted to in Healthy Fitness Zone (HFZ) or Not in HFZ. Results Two-way multivariate analyses of covariance (MANCOVA; gender and grade as covariates) showed a significant group effect for cardiorespiratory fitness (ΛPilla = .07, F 4,255 = 5.03, p = .001, ηp2 ηp2 {\eta}_p^2 = .07) but not for weight status (p = .57). PAF knowledge (F 1,258 = 9.49, p < .01, ηp2 ηp2 {\eta}_p^2 = .04), attitude (F 1,258 = 4.45, p < .05, ηp2 ηp2 {\eta}_p^2 = .02) and sedentary behavior (F 1,258 = 6.89, p < .01, ηp2 ηp2 {\eta}_p^2 = .03) all favored the HFZ group. Conclusions The findings reinforce the importance of promoting cardiorespiratory fitness in middle school PE as students acquire attitude, knowledge, and behaviors needed for active-living