28 research outputs found

    Assessment of Individual and Propel Intention for Job Attrition on Software Industry: Voice from Software Employees in Bangalore city, India

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    It has been observed that professional software employees retention become a challenge for software Industry in India as the attrition rate has been significantly increased in recent years. The main objectives of this paper assessment of Individual and Propel concern for Job Attrition on Software Industry. Primary data were collected from 100 employees from 10 software Industry using questionnaire methods. The results indicate that all factors (Individual and Propel) have contributed in the employees’ attrition intentions. However, some facets of individual factor have significantly contributed in attrition intentions. Keywords: Job attrition, Individual factors, Propel factors, Software industry and Bangalore Cit

    Exact ground states for the four-electron problem in a Hubbard ladder

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    The exact ground state of four electrons in an arbitrary large two leg Hubbard ladder is deduced from nine analytic and explicit linear equations. The used procedure is described, and the properties of the ground state are analyzed. The method is based on the construction in r-space of the different type of orthogonal basis wave vectors which span the subspace of the Hilbert space containing the ground state. In order to do this, we start from the possible microconfigurations of the four particles within the system. These microconfigurations are then rotated, translated and spin-reversed in order to build up the basis vectors of the problem. A closed system of nine analytic linear equations is obtained whose secular equation, by its minimum energy solution, provides the ground state energy and the ground state wave function of the model.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Chiral superconductivity from repulsive interactions in doped graphene

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    Author Manuscript 17 Sep 2011Chiral superconductivity, which breaks time-reversal symmetry, can exhibit a wealth of fascinating properties that are highly sought after for nanoscience applications. We identify doped graphene monolayer as a system where chiral superconductivity can be realized. In this material, a unique situation arises at a doping where the Fermi surface is nested and the density of states is singular. In this regime, d-wave superconductivity can emerge from repulsive electron–electron interactions. Using a renormalization group method, we argue that superconductivity dominates over all competing orders for generic weak repulsive interactions. Superconductivity develops simultaneously in two degenerate d-wave pairing channels. We argue that the resulting superconducting state is of chiral type, with the phase of the superconducting order parameter winding by 4π around the Fermi surface. Realization of this state in doped graphene will prove that superconductivity can emerge from electron–electron repulsion, and will open the door to applications of chiral superconductivity

    Hot electron extraction from CdTe quantum dots via beta carotene molecular energy levels

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    We report our findings related to hot electron extraction from CdTe quantum dots, and we were able to do this by using beta carotene as an electron acceptor. Transient absorption spectra with two slow recovering negative bleaches at the absorption maximum of the molecule and quantum dot have indicated the slowing down of cooling process and the existence of hot carriers in this hybrid system. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4730623]open1142sciescopu

    Systematic investigation of the structure and photophysical properties of CdSe, CdSe/ZnS QDs and their hybrid with beta-carotene

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    A systematic investigation was conducted to determine the excitation energy dependent emission characteristics of CdSe quantum dot-beta-carotene and CdSe/ZnS core-shell quantum dot-beta-carotene hybrid samples. The emission intensity was recorded at different excitation energies by continuously varying the excitation energy from the band edge value of the QDs to a maximum value. In both the hybrids, the emission intensity increased with an increase of the excitation energy and then a sudden quenching occurred, which is in contrast with the results from bare samples, where the emission intensity showed a decreasing trend at all excitation energies. The quantum yields corresponding to the maximum emission are 47.12% and 69%, for CdSe QD-beta C and CdSe/ZnS core-shell QD-beta C hybrids, respectively. At higher excitation energy, electrons were transferred to the molecule's LUMO level, leaving behind holes in the valance band of the QD, and thus the produced charge separated state became responsible for the PL quenching in the hybrid sample. We have confirmed this charge separated state by lifetime measurements. It is because of this PL quenching behaviour of the hybrids that the nature of the interface band structure was deduced as type I. Furthermore, because of the involvement of higher energy photons in the quenching process, the transferred electrons in the LUMO level of the molecule were known as hot electrons. The present paper discusses the excited state electron dynamics across the interface between the two hybrid materials in detail.open1167sciescopu

    Molecular conformation dependent emission behaviour (blue, red and white light emissions) of all-trans-β-carotene-ZnS quantum dot hybrid nanostructures

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    A novel hybrid material consisting of all-trans-beta-carotene and ZnS quantum dots (QDs) was prepared by two different controlled experiments and their photophysical properties were investigated in detail. Depending upon the preparation method, the beta-carotene molecule had formed either an upright or wrapped conformation around the ZnS QDs and consequently the interaction between these two hybridizing systems was either charge transfer induced or electrostatic in type, respectively. Optical absorption, Raman and FTIR investigations have confirmed the two different conformations of the molecule around the ZnS QDs. Because of the two different conformations and the consequent interactions, different emission colours, such as blue and red wavelengths were obtained from these hybrids. We were also able to obtain white light emission by using cadmium doped ZnS QDs for the hybrid preparation.open111010sciescopu