14 research outputs found

    The European ARCHER Project Proposal - HTR Research towards Demonstration

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    This paper describes the new European project proposal ARCHER (Advanced High-Temperature Reactors for Cogeneration of Heat and Electricity R&D) as well as its European and international context. It is proposed to start in 2011 for a period of 4 years to perform High Temperature Reactor technology R&D in support of demonstration. In line with the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNETP) Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) and Deployment Strategy (DS), the proposal intends to maintain, strengthen and expand the HTR knowledge base in Europe to lay the foundations for demonstration of nuclear cogeneration with HTR systems. The project consortium encompasses conventional and nuclear industry, utilities, Technical Support Organizations, R&D organizations and academia. The activities proposed will contribute to the Generation IV International Forum and will collaborate directly with related projects in the US, China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea in cooperation with IAEA and ISTC. The proposal investigates nuclear cogeneration as an alternative to fossil fuel in industry as a significant potential contribution to reaching the ambitious European strategic energy targets, as formulated in the SET Plan in view of climate change mitigation and security of energy supply. ARCHER will report to SNETP and supports the establishment of a ¿Nuclear Cogeneration Industrial Initiative¿, with the aim of achieving effective (international) nuclear cogeneration demonstration before larger scale industrial deployment.JRC.DDG.F.4-Safety of future nuclear reactor

    Carbowaste - Closing the Fuel and Graphite Cycles for HTR

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    The European Project on "Treatment and Disposal of Irradiated Graphite and other Carbonaceous Waste (CARBOWASTE)" has been launched in 2008 under the 7th EURATOM Framework Programme (FP7-211333), with duration of four years. This project addresses the retrieval, treatment and disposal of irradiated graphite (i-graphite) including other carbonaceous waste like structural material made of graphite or non-graphitized carbon bricks and fuel coatings (pyrocarbon, silicon carbide). It addresses both existing legacy waste as well as waste from graphite-based nuclear fuel resulting from a new generation of nuclear reactors (e.g. V/HTR, Fusion). The CARBOWASTE project is of major importance for the deployment of HTR as each HTR module generates about 5,000 to 10,000 Mg of contaminated i-graphite containing some Peta-Becquerel of radiocarbon, during a 60 years operational lifetime. Most of this i-graphite is associated with the moderator, which is an integral part of the HTR fuel element. Significant progress has been achieved with regards to the techniques for separating the coated particles from the moderator graphite of High-Temperature Reactor (HTR) fuel. Pulsed power fragmentation facilities for HTR fuel compacts and HTR pebble fuel have been put into operation and tested with unirradiated dummy fuel. Further separation methods like homogeneous oxidation, use of intercalation compounds, laser techniques, electrochemical deconsolidation, molten-salt methods etc. have also been investigated. Although tests with irradiated fuel are still pending, it can already be stated that head-end facilities for the reprocessing of spent HTR fuel appear to be feasible and that the HTR fuel cycle can be closed. It has been discovered that a significant part of the contamination (including 14C) can be removed from irradiated graphite by thermal, chemical or even microbiological treatment. The feasibility of the associated processes is experimentally investigated to determine and optimize the decontamination factors. Reuse of the purified material will also be addressed to close the ¿Graphite Cycle¿ for future graphite moderated reactors. The disposal behavior of graphite and carbonaceous wastes and the improvement of suitable waste packages are another focus of the programme. It is strongly recommended to take decommissioning, waste minimization and waste management issues of graphite-moderated reactors already into account when designing new V/HTR concepts.JRC.DDG.F.4-Safety of future nuclear reactor

    The (European) HTR Technology Network (HTR-TN) and the development of HTR technology in Europe

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    HTR-TN has been created in 2000 for building a coherent partnership for the development of HTR technology in Europe. For that purpose, HTR-TN elaborated a roadmap for the emergence of a new generation of industrial HTRs and is widely contributing to the implementation of the first steps of this roadmap. Through 9 coordinated contracts obtained in the 5th EURATOM Framework Programme (FP5), HTR-TN recovered the basis of past European HTR experience, addressed key feasibility issues for Generation IV high temperature systems and made significant advances in the fields of reactor physics (improved calculation methods), fuel (high quality fabrication and very high burn-up behaviour), waste management, qualification of materials for higher performance, component development and definition of safety approach for modular HTRs. In the 6th Framework Programme (FP6), a new integrated project, RAPHAEL, continues the technology developments addressed in FP5 and explores solutions for improving HTR performances towards higher temperatures (above 900°C) and burn-up (up to 200 GWd/tHM) – the VHTR objective. Moreover HTR-TN initiated other complementary actions in FP6. The RAPHAEL project has launched key experiments for HTR development: continuation of the graphite irradiation programme started in FP5 in HFR to higher fluences and temperature, test of a heat exchanger element in a helium loop (HE-FUS3, ENEA), irradiation of representative fuel coating material samples for modelling the evolution of their properties, fuel accident heat-up tests in the KÜFA facility, integral air ingress tests (NACOK, FZJ), isotopic analysis of fuel irradiated to very high burn-up (170 GWd/tHM)… HTR-TN partners consider that beyond mere electricity generation, the main motivation for developing a new generation of HTRs is their potential for providing high temperature heat for industrial processes. But coupling a nuclear reactor with an industrial process is a very challenging target requiring a large R&D effort. Therefore after developing base technologies for modular HTRs in FP5 and FP6, the future objective should be the demonstration of such a coupling by a large scale prototype experiment matching a HTR heat source and an industrial application. In particular during the 7th Framework Programme (FP7), the infrastructure necessary for qualifying the components of the prototype should be developed (large test loops, irradiation facilities, etc).JRC.F.3-High Flux and Future Reactor

    HTR-TN Achievements and Prospects for Future Developments

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    It is already 10 years since the (European) HTR Technology Network (HTR-TN) launched a programme for the development of HTR Technology, which expanded through 3 successive Euratom Framework Programmes, with many coordinated projects in line with the strategy of the Network. Widely relying in the beginning on the legacy of the former European HTR developments (DRAGON, AVR, THTR¿) that it contributed to safeguard, this programme led to advances in HTR/VHTR technologies and produced significant results, which can benefit to the international HTR community through the Euratom involvement in the Generation IV International Forum (GIF). The main achievements of the European programme performed in complement to national efforts in Europe and already taking into consideration the complementarity with contributions of other GIF partners are presented: they concern the validation of computer codes (reactor physics, system transient analysis from normal operation to air ingress accident and fuel performance in normal and accident conditions), materials (metallic materials for the vessel, the direct cycle turbines and the intermediate heat exchanger, graphite¿), component development, fuel manufacturing and irradiation behaviour and specific HTR waste management (irradiated fuel and graphite). Key experiments have been performed or are still ongoing, like irradiation of graphite to high fluence, fuel material irradiation (PYCASSO experiment), high burn-up irradiated fuel PIE, safety test and isotopic analysis, IHX mock-up thermo-hydraulic test in helium atmosphere, air ingress experiment for a block type core, etc. Now HTR-TN partners consider that it is time for Europe to go a step forward towards industrial demonstration. In line with the orientations of the ¿Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan)¿ recently issued by the European Commission, which promotes a strategy for the deployment of low carbon energy technologies and mentions Generation IV nuclear systems as one of the key contributors to this strategy, HTR-TN proposes to launch a programme for extending the contribution of nuclear energy to industrial process heat applications addressing jointly 1) The development of a flexible HTR able to be coupled to many different process heat and cogeneration applications with very versatile requirements 2) The development of coupling technologies with industrial processes 3) The possible adaptations of process heat applications which might be needed for coupling with a HTR and 4) The integration and optimisation of the whole coupled system. As a preliminary step for this ambitious programme, HTR-TN endeavours presently to create a strategic partnership between nuclear industry and R&D and process heat user industries.JRC.F.3-Energy securit

    HTR-TN Achievements and Prospects for Future Developments

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    It is already 10 years since the (European) HTR Technology Network (HTR-TN) launched a programme for the development of HTR Technology, which expanded through 3 successive Euratom Framework Programmes, with many coordinated projects in line with the strategy of the Network. Widely relying in the beginning on the legacy of the former European HTR developments (DRAGON, AVR, THTR…) that it contributed to safeguard, this programme led to advances in HTR/VHTR technologies and produced significant results, which can benefit to the international HTR community through the Euratom involvement in the Generation IV International Forum (GIF). The main achievements of the European programme performed in complement to national efforts in Europe and already taking into consideration the complementarity with contributions of other GIF partners are presented: they concern the validation of computer codes (reactor physics, system transient analysis from normal operation to air ingress accident and fuel performance in normal and accident conditions), materials (metallic materials for the vessel, the direct cycle turbines and the intermediate heat exchanger, graphite…), component development, fuel manufacturing and irradiation behaviour and specific HTR waste management (irradiated fuel and graphite). Key experiments have been performed or are still ongoing, like irradiation of graphite to high fluence, fuel material irradiation (PYCASSO experiment), high burn-up irradiated fuel PIE, safety test and isotopic analysis, IHX mock-up thermo-hydraulic test in helium atmosphere, air ingress experiment for a block type core, etc. Now HTR-TN partners consider that it is time for Europe to go a step forward towards industrial demonstration. In line with the orientations of the “Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan)” recently issued by the European Commission, which promotes a strategy for the deployment of low carbon energy technologies and mentions Generation IV nuclear systems as one of the key contributors to this strategy, HTRTN proposes to launch a programme for extending the contribution of nuclear energy to industrial process heat applications addressing jointly 1) The development of a flexible HTR able to be coupled to many different process heat and cogeneration applications with very versatile requirements 2) The development of coupling technologies with industrial processes 3) The possible adaptations of process heat applications which might be needed for coupling with a HTR and 4) The integration and optimisation of the whole coupled system. As a preliminary step for this ambitious programme, HTR-TN endeavours presently to create a strategic partnership between nuclear industry and R&D and process heat user industries.JRC.DDG.F.4-Safety of future nuclear reactor

    EUROPAIRS Project: Creating an Alliance of Nuclear and Non-Nuclear Industries for Developing Nuclear Cogeneration

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    Developers of High Temperature Reactors (HTR) worldwide acknowledge that the main asset for market breakthrough is its unique ability to address growing needs for industrial cogeneration of heat and power (CHP) owing to its high operating temperature and flexibility, adapted power level and robust safety features. HTR are thus well suited to most of the non-electric applications of nuclear energy, which represent about 80% of total energy consumption. This opens opportunities for reducing CO2 emissions and securing energy supply which are complementary to those provided by systems dedicated to electricity generation. A strong alliance between nuclear and process heat user industries is a necessity for developing a nuclear system for the conventional process heat market, much in the same way as the electro-nuclear development required a close partnership with utilities. Initiating such an alliance is one of the objectives of the EUROPAIRS project just started in the frame of the Euratom 7th Framework Programme (FP7) under AREVA coordination. Within EUROPAIRS, process heat user industries express their requirements whereas nuclear industry will provide the performance window of HTR. Starting from this shared information, an alliance will be forged by assessing the feasibility and impact of nuclear CHP from technical, industrial, economical, licensing and sustainability perspectives. This assessment work will allow pointing out the main issues and challenges for coupling an HTR with industrial process heat applications. On this basis, a roadmap will be elaborated for achieving an industrially relevant demonstration of such a coupling. This roadmap will not only take into consideration the necessary nuclear developments, but also the required adaptations of industrial application processes and the possible development of heat transport technologies from the nuclear heat source to application processes. Although only a small and short project (21 months), EUROPAIRS is of strategic importance: it will generate the boundary conditions for a rapid demonstration of collocating HTR with industrial processes as proposed by the European High Temperature Reactor Technology Network (HTR-TN).JRC.DDG.F.4-Safety of future nuclear reactor

    RAPHAEL - Developing major V/HTR Technology

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    The FP6 RAPHAEL Integrated Project on V/HTR technology concluded in April 2010 after 5 years of successful performance. 35 partners from 10 Member States, an overall budget above 18 MEUR and about 170 key deliverables are some important figures of the project. RAPHAEL provides results in seven V/HTR technology areas: core physics, fuel, fuel cycle back end, materials, components, safety and system integration covering the major systems and components of a V/HTR. Major highlights include design, fabrication and testing of innovative helium components, improved fuel fabrication and fuel and materials irradiations, and safety testing and PIE of irradiated fuel. In the area of coupled reactor physics and core thermo fluid dynamics, benchmarks have been performed on core safety experiments on the AVR and HTR10 high temperature test reactors, and on the HFR EU1bis fuel burn-up experiment. The fuel cycle back-end activities cover characterisation of V/HTR-specific waste, disposal behaviour and conditioning & spent fuel performance modelling. The materials activities comprise vessel and high-temperature materials, the latter work in collaboration with EXTREMAT, and graphite irradiation and characterisation. Safety and licensing assessments of a V/HTR, and the system integration aspects with respect to plant reference data and R&D results complete the comprehensive scope of RAPHAEL. Selected results will be made available as Euratom input for exchange within the GIF VHTR projects in negotiated procedures. Two advisory groups (safety-SAG and industrial users-IUAG) accompanied the project and provided valuable input regarding adjustment of concept specifications. The recommendations of the Industrial Users Advisory Group, including major endusers, are used as input to EUROPAIRS, an FP7 support action aiming at integrating end-users into the R&D process towards a demonstrator for cogeneration. To address the key issue of knowledge transfer, RAPHAEL conducted three Eurocourses, with support of the IAEA, to transmit V/HTR physics and technology to young engineers and students. Furthermore, RAPHAEL was regularly present in conferences and has issued numerous technical publications. RAPHAEL executed intensive international collaboration mainly in the areas of materials and fuel, in particular with Korea, and in safety. In addition, its representation and contribution was often requested in collaboration initiatives of Euratom with Russia and China, and in workshops organized by IAEA.JRC.DDG.F.4-Safety of future nuclear reactor

    RAPHAEL: The European Union's (Very) High Temperature Reactor Technology Project

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    In April 2005, as part of its 6th Framework Programme, the European Union has started a new 4-year Integrated Project on Very High Temperature Reactors (RAPHAEL: Reactor for Process Heat and Electricity). The European Commission together with the more than 30 participating companies, R&D organizations and universities from different European countries finance the project together. The project was approved because of its ambitious technical objectives and its value for education and communication. Such a reactor was found to have a large potential in terms of safety (inherent safety features), environmental impact (robust fuel with no significant radioactive release), sustainability (high efficiency, potential suitability for various fuel cycles), and economics (simplifications arising from safety features). After the successful performance of related projects in the EU’s 5th Framework Programme which included amongst others the recovery of some of the past German experience and the re-establishment of important areas of R&D in Europe, RAPHAEL focuses now on remaining key technology needs for an industrial VHTR deployment, both specific to very high temperature and generic to all types of modular HTR with emphasis on combined process heat and electricity generation. Advanced technologies are explored in order to achieve the challenging performances required for a VHTR (900-1000°C, up to 200 GWd/tHM). RAPHAEL is structured in a similar way as the corresponding GIF VHTR projects: • Material selection and qualification for very high temperature components, graphite internals and vessel; • Component development, in particular the intermediate heat exchanger; • Fuel tests up to very high temperature and burn-up including modeling, safety tests to qualify the fuel in accidental conditions, fabrication of advanced fuel with potentially higher performance, and behavior of irradiated fuel in representative disposal conditions; • Code qualification for reactor physics and safety analysis through comparison with experimental data; • Adaptation of the safety approach to the VHTR specifics; • System integration to evaluate the feasibility and performance of the entire reactor; • Education and communication to foster understanding of the growing needs for nuclear power in general and for the technology of the VHTR in particular. RAPHAEL together with additional national contributions to this technology relies on strong links with related EU projects which are underway or proposed, e.g. on high temperature materials, waste management (graphite and fuel), hydrogen production, GFR technology and others. The well-established European High Temperature Reactor Technology Network HTR-TN serves as the platform for the coordination of the various projects. Significant parts of RAPHAEL may be shared with the signatories of the GIF VHTR projects.JRC.F.3-High Flux and Future Reactor