4 research outputs found

    The importance of riparian forest for the maintenance of bird species richness in an Atlantic Forest remnant, southern Brazil

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    We compared the composition and guild structure of bird communities of riparian and upland forest in an Atlantic forest reserve, the Godoy State Park (GP), in northern ParanĂĄ State, southern Brazil. Unlimited distance point counts were sampled monthly from September-December 2001, along four trails. Two trails in upland forest (TA and TB) were parallel to each other and about 300 m apart. Two trails in riparian forest (TC and TD) were along the Apertados River, about 100 m away from the river. A total of 145 species were recorded: 81 species were recorded in both upland and riparian forests, 19 species were recorded only in upland forest and 45 species were recorded exclusively in riparian forest. Among the 81 species occurring in both forest types, 18 species had significantly higher numbers of contacts in the riparian forest while only 8 species had significantly higher numbers of contacts in the upland forest. Taking into account the contacts numbers of the species the large frugivores guild was closely associated to the upland forest, while bamboo and vine-tangles insectivore, canopy insectivores, edge omnivores, ground omnivore and midstory insectivores were those more closely related to the riparian forest.<br>Comparamos a composição e a estrutura de guilda da comunidade de aves da floresta ripĂĄria e alta em uma reserva de Floresta AtlĂąntica, o Parque Estadual Mata dos Godoy (GP), no norte do ParanĂĄ, sul do Brasil. Pontos de escutas com distĂąncia ilimitada foram realizados mensalmente de setembro-dezembro de 2001, ao longo de quatro trilhas. Duas trilhas na floresta alta (TA e TB) paralelas uma a outra e com distĂąncia de 300 m. Duas trilhas na floresta ripĂĄria (TC e TD) ao longo do Rio Apertados, distantes 100 m do rio. Um total de 145 espĂ©cies foi registrado: 81 espĂ©cies foram registradas em ambas as florestas, 19 espĂ©cies foram registradas somente na floresta alta e 45 espĂ©cies foram registradas exclusivamente na floresta ripĂĄria. Entre as 81 espĂ©cies que ocorrem nos dois tipos de florestas, 18 espĂ©cies tiveram maior nĂșmero significativo de contato na floresta ripĂĄria enquanto somente 8 espĂ©cies tiveram maior nĂșmero significativo de contatos na floresta alta. Considerando o nĂșmero de contato das espĂ©cies, a guilda grande frugĂ­voros foi mais relacionada com a floresta alta, enquanto as guildas insetĂ­voros de bambu e reboleira, insetĂ­voros de copa, onĂ­voros de bordas, onĂ­voros de solo e insetĂ­voros de sub-bosque foram relacionados com a floresta ripĂĄria