507 research outputs found

    Induced defense responses in tomato against bacterial spot by proteins synthesized by endophytic bacteria.

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    Some endophytes can synthesize molecules that elicit the induction of plant resistance to infection by pathogens. The objective of this study was to demonstrate that protein fractions 42 and 75 from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Bacillus pumilus were capable of acting as elicitors of induced resistance in tomato plants against Xanthomonas vesicatoria, following partial resolution by gel-filtration chromatography. Tomato plants sprayed with protein fractions 42 and 75 reduced, respectively, 63.5 and 56.6% of bacterial spot, compared with control plants. Additionally, these fractions promoted the increase of peroxidase (POX) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) enzyme activities in treated plants. In SDS-PAGE stained with silver nitrate, protein fractions 42 and 75 appeared as simple bands with estimated molecular mass of 28 and 43 kDa, respectively. We report the partial characterization of two macromolecules synthesized by endophytic bacteria that act as elicitors of systemic resistance in tomato against X. vesicatoria

    SNP discovery in three South American freshwater characiformes species by deep sequencing of Reduced Representation Libraries (RRL).

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    This represents the first report of a large-scale effort to identify SNP markers for Pacu and Pirapitinga species, useful for prospecting species-specific SNPs for species-purity certification of commercial Tambaqui broodstocks.PE026

    Resultados do 1º teste de desempenho de ovinos da raça Morada Nova.

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    A Embrapa Caprinos, em parceria com a Associação Brasileira de Criadores de Ovinos da Raça Morada Nova e com apoio financeiro do Banco do Nordeste, realizou o 1º teste de desempenho para borregos da raça Morada Nova. Foram avaliados 32 animais, com idades variando entre 4 e 6 meses. Os animais permaneceram em confinamento recebendo uma dieta de feno de tifton e concentrado à base de milho e soja, sendo pesados a cada 28 dias. Ao final do teste foram realizadas mensurações da área de olho de lombo e da espessura de gordura, através de ultra-sonografia, além de avaliações visuais das características conformação, musculosidade, precocidade, tipo racial e aprumos. Os animais foram classificados por um índice com estas características, em quatro categorias: elite, superior, regular e inferior. Foram classificados quatro animais como elite, sete como superior, quatorze como regular e três como inferior

    Núcleos de conservação de peixes.

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    Conservação da Caranha. Conservação do Tambaqui. Conservação do Pirarucu

    Seleção de caprinos Moxotó para Núcleo de Conservação a partir de marcadores microssatélites.

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    Resumo: Foram testados 14 marcadores microssatélites em um estudo piloto para inferir a diversidade genética em 25 amostras de DNA genômico de caprinos da raça Moxotó provenientes de um rebanho particular e selecionar quais deveriam ser incorporados em um Núcleo de Conservação da mesma raça Moxotó. Os resultados comparados indicaram elevada heterozigosidade (He e Ho médios = 0,572), presença de alelos diagnósticos e relação genética entre as duas populações (FIS médio = 0,417). Esses são parâmetros desejáveis para candidatos a serem introduzidos em Núcleos com baixa diversidade, contudo, a alta variabilidade também pode indicar eventos de introgressão. Dessa forma, após uma análise de coordenadas principais, foi observado um agrupamento dos indivíduos em três diferentes grupos. Recalculou-se o coeficiente de co-ancestralidade e os alelos diagnósticos. Os resultados indicaram relação genética e presença de alelos diagnósticos exclusivos em dois desses grupos. Ao selecionar animais para Núcleos de Conservação é preciso levar em consideração as necessidades do Núcleo: aumento de variabilidade, manutenção do padrão da raça, evitar introdução de alelos não pertencentes à raça. Verificou-se, assim, que os marcadores microssatélites constituem ferramenta adequada para auxiliar essa seleção. [Selection of Moxotó goats for Conservation Nucleus from microsatellite markers]. Abstract: We tested 14 microsatellite markers in a pilot study to infer the genetic diversity in 25 samples of genomic DNA of Moxotó goats from a particular herd and to select which should be incorporated into a conservation nucleus of Moxotó goats. The results showed high heterozygosity (He and Ho mean = 0.572), presence of diagnostic alleles and genetic relationship between the two populations (FIS mean = 0.417). These parameters are interesting for candidates to be introduced in Nuclei with low diversity, however, the high variability may also indicate introgression events. Thus, after a principal coordinates analyses, were observed that individuals formed three different groups. The coefficients of co-ancestry and diagnostic alleles were recalculated. The results showed presence of genetic relationship and exclusive diagnostic alleles in two groups. When selecting animals we must take into account the needs of the Conservation Nucleus: increase the variability, maintenance of breed standard, avoidance the introduction of other races alleles. It was found thus that microsatellite markers are suitable tool to help this selectio

    SNP discovery in the South American freshwater fish tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) by deep sequencing of reduced representation libraries.

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    Tambaqui is the most important native fresh water fish species cultured in Brazil, with current yearly production levels exceeding 200.000mt. Efforts to structure genetic improvement programs for increasing productivity are recent and will greatly benefit from the use of genomic tools for broodstock management and assisted genetic evaluations and breeding. Recent efforts have produced a draft genome sequence for this species. Reduced representation libraries of varying fragment sizes were produced with bulked DNA samples and sequenced with 2x160bp Illumina protocols to produce >720million reads. Generated reads were aligned with the draft reference genome sequence using BWA and SNP discovery was performed using Freebayes. An estimated 12% of the tambaqui genome was sequenced with a depth of >100 reads. A total of 993.935 SNPs were observed with read depths >60 (median: 438) and minor allele frequencies >0.05 (MAF 0.05-0.15: 94.102 SNPs; 0.15-0.25: 326.575; 0.25-0.35: 255.967; 0.35-0.45: 215.054; 0.45-0.50: 102.237).This represents the first report of an extensive effort to identify SNP markers for this species and will be a valuable source of information for designing marker panels with varying applications.PAG 2016. Pôster P0484