93 research outputs found

    Los mecanismos administrativos institucionales para el combate a la corrupción en el sector público, quinquenio: 1999-2003

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    Efectivamente, la corrupción es un juego en el que todos pierden, de allí que acontecimientos como el financiamiento de campañas políticas con dineros de dudosa procedencia, uso del poder en beneficio de pocos, enriquecimiento ilícito, nepotismo en cargos del sector, determinan que el Ecuador vive un caos social, económico y moral, producto de la galopante ola de corrupción que embarga no solo a nuestro país, sino que ha contaminado a la mayoría, sino a todas las sociedades latinoamericanas y de otras latitudes. En nuestro contexto, se ha establecido una forma de vida basada en el abuso, malversaciones, defraudaciones, coimas, tráfico de influencias, ignorancia, enriquecimiento ilícito, mediocridad, engaños y más vicios que han corrompido la administración de la sociedad.1. MARCO LEGAL Y CORRUPCION 2. MARCO LEGAL Y CORRUPCION 3. MECANISMOS ADMINISTRATIVOS INSTITUCIONALES IMPLEMENTADOS EN EL SECTOR PUBLICO PARA EL COMBATE A LA CORRUPCION EN EL QUINQUENIO: 1999 – 2003 4. PROPUESTA PARA MEJORAR LA LUCHA CONTRA LA CORRUPCION EN EL SECTOR PUBLICO ECUATORIANO 5. CONCLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONE

    Effect of Threonine and the Bioactive Component of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae on the Productive Performance of the Broiler Cobb 500

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    This study was conducted in Chimborazo province, Riobamba Canton to evaluate the effect of threonine and the bioactive component of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on the productive performance of the broiler Cobb 500. A total of 270 one-day-old broiler chicken of both sexes were included, which corresponded to an experimental unit size of 15 birds. Two growth promoters were used for the treatments -- T1: Threonine (aminoacid) 200 g/Tn; and T2: bioactive oligosaccharides, obtained from the cell wall of selected strains of S. Cerevisiae (probiotic) 750 g/Tn. These were compared to a control group. The data were analyzed through Analysis of Variance (ADEVA). The separation of means was performed using the Tukey statistic at a level of significance of p < 0.05 and p < 0.01. The data were processed using the Infostat software version 2010. The results showed that the best productive yields were with treatment 2; the values for this treatment were: weight at 28 days: 1369.42 g; weight gain at 28 days: 48.90 g; food conversion at 28 days: 1.39 points; carcass weight: 2527.05 g; and yield to the carcass: 83.85%. Through the economic analysis, it was determined that the highest cost-benefit index was 1.30 USD with the application of T2. So according to the results, a better use of the nutrients that are present in the feed is achieved when bioactive components of S. cerevisiae are supplied in the diet of broiler chickens. Keywords: Threonine, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, productive performance, broiler, Cobb 500. RESUMEN Se realizó un experimento en la provincia de Chimborazo, Cantón Riobamba, para evaluar los efectos de treonina y componentes bioactivos de Saccharomyces cerevisiae sobre el comportamiento productivo en aves Cobb 500. Se utilizaron 270 pollitos mixtos Cobb 500 de un día de edad de ambos sexos, con un tamaño de unidad experimental de 15 aves. Para los tratamientos se manejaron dos promotores de crecimiento, T1: Treonina (aminoácido) 200 g/Tn y T2: Oligosacáridos bioactivos, obtenidos a partir de la pared celular de cepas seleccionadas de S. Cerevisiae750 g/Tn; frente a un testigo (T0). Los datos obtenidos fueron sometidos a Análisis de Varianza (ADEVA); la separación de medias se realizó mediante el estadístico Tukey a un nivel de significancia (p < 0,05) y (p < 0,01); los datos se procesaron mediante el software Infostat versión 2010. Los resultados muestran los mejores rendimientos productivos con el Tratamiento 2, para los parámetros: peso a los 28 días 1369,42 g; ganancia de peso a los 28 días 48,90 g; y conversión alimenticia a los 28 días con 1,39 puntos; así como peso a la canal 2527,05 g; y rendimiento a la canal 83,85%. Mediante el análisis económico se determinó que el mayor índice beneficio costo fue de 1,30 USD con la aplicación del T2. Lo que brinda un indicativo que mediante el suministro de componentes bioactivos de S. cerevisiae en la dieta de pollos broiler, se logra un mejor aprovechamiento de los nutrientes que se encuentran presentes en el alimento, lo que se refleja en los parámetros productivos. Palabras clave: treonina, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, comportamiento productivo, broilers, Cobb 500

    Good character at college: the combined role of second-order character strength factors and phronesis motivation in undergraduate academic outcomes

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    A renewed interest in the study of character and virtue has recently emerged in the fields of Education and Psychology. The latest research has confirmed the association between virtuous consistent behaviours and academic positive outcomes. However, the motivational dimension of character (the intentions underlying the patterns of observed behaviours) has received little attention. This research aims to extend the knowledge on this topic by examining the predictive relationships between the behavioural and motivational dimensions of character, with reference to academic engagement, career self-doubt and performance of Spanish university students. A total of 183 under- graduates aged 18–30 (142 of whom were women) from the north of Spain completed specific parts of self-report questionnaires, including the Values in Action VIA-72, a Spanish translated and validated version of the Moral Self-Relevance Measure MSR, and the Utrecht Work Engagement Student Scale UWES-S9. The collected data were analysed using Structural Equation Modelling. The behavioural dimension of character (character strength factors of caring, self-control and inquisitiveness) showed positive associations with academic engagement and performance. The motivational dimension of character (phronesis motivation), was negatively related to career self-doubt. For the first time, the present study has provided support for the contribution of both dimensions of character to undergraduate academic outcomes

    2b-RAD genotyping for population genomic studies of Chagas disease vectors: Rhodnius ecuadoriensis in Ecuador

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    Background: Rhodnius ecuadoriensis is the main triatomine vector of Chagas disease, American trypanosomiasis, in Southern Ecuador and Northern Peru. Genomic approaches and next generation sequencing technologies have become powerful tools for investigating population diversity and structure which is a key consideration for vector control. Here we assess the effectiveness of three different 2b restriction site-associated DNA (2b-RAD) genotyping strategies in R. ecuadoriensis to provide sufficient genomic resolution to tease apart microevolutionary processes and undertake some pilot population genomic analyses. Methodology/Principal findings: The 2b-RAD protocol was carried out in-house at a non-specialized laboratory using 20 R. ecuadoriensis adults collected from the central coast and southern Andean region of Ecuador, from June 2006 to July 2013. 2b-RAD sequencing data was performed on an Illumina MiSeq instrument and analyzed with the STACKS de novo pipeline for loci assembly and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) discovery. Preliminary population genomic analyses (global AMOVA and Bayesian clustering) were implemented. Our results showed that the 2b-RAD genotyping protocol is effective for R. ecuadoriensis and likely for other triatomine species. However, only BcgI and CspCI restriction enzymes provided a number of markers suitable for population genomic analysis at the read depth we generated. Our preliminary genomic analyses detected a signal of genetic structuring across the study area. Conclusions/Significance: Our findings suggest that 2b-RAD genotyping is both a cost effective and methodologically simple approach for generating high resolution genomic data for Chagas disease vectors with the power to distinguish between different vector populations at epidemiologically relevant scales. As such, 2b-RAD represents a powerful tool in the hands of medical entomologists with limited access to specialized molecular biological equipment. Author summary: Understanding Chagas disease vector (triatomine) population dispersal is key for the design of control measures tailored for the epidemiological situation of a particular region. In Ecuador, Rhodnius ecuadoriensis is a cause of concern for Chagas disease transmission, since it is widely distributed from the central coast to southern Ecuador. Here, a genome-wide sequencing (2b-RAD) approach was performed in 20 specimens from four communities from Manabí (central coast) and Loja (southern) provinces of Ecuador, and the effectiveness of three type IIB restriction enzymes was assessed. The findings of this study show that this genotyping methodology is cost effective in R. ecuadoriensis and likely in other triatomine species. In addition, preliminary population genomic analysis results detected a signal of population structure among geographically distinct communities and genetic variability within communities. As such, 2b-RAD shows significant promise as a relatively low-tech solution for determination of vector population genomics, dynamics, and spread

    Impacto de las Abejas (Apis mellifera L.) Como Agentes Polinizadores en el Rendimiento del Cultivo de Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) en el Canton Riobamba, Provincia de Chimborazo

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    The impact of bees (Apis mellifera L.) as pollinators in the yield of the zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) crop in the Riobamba canton, Chimborazo province, was evaluated using a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). This was done using three treatments and three repetitions. The treatments evaluated were: the zucchini cultivation inside the micro tunnel covered with entomological mesh with the presence of bees, the zucchini cultivation inside the micro tunnel covered with anti aphids mesh without the presence of bees, and the open field zucchini cultivation. The evaluated parameters were number of days to the appearance of the fruits, percentage of fertilized and unfertilized flowers, number of fruits per plant, size of fruits, diameter of fruits, weight of fruit, and yield in kg / ha per treatment. The best results achieved in most parametersthat were evaluated such as the percentage of flowering, number of fruits per plant, size of fruit in cm, diameter of fruit in cm, weight of the fruit in grams, yield in kg/ha by treatment, and economic analysis were obtained with the presence of bees (Apis mellifera L.) as pollinating agents in the tunnel. This is in addition to meshes during the flowering stage of the zucchini crop, with an average yield of 14.9 tn/ha.Se evaluó el impacto de las abejas (Apis mellifera L.) como agentes polinizadores en el rendimiento del cultivo de zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) en el cantòn Riobamba, provincia de Chimborazo. Para llevar a cabo esta evaluación se utilizó un diseño de bloques completos a azar (DBCA), con tres tratamientos y tres repeticiones. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron: El cultivo de zucchini dentro del micro túnel cubierto con malla entomológica con presencia de abejas, el cultivo de zucchini dentro del micro túnel cubierto con malla antiáfidossin presencia de abejas y el cultivo de zucchini a campo abierto. Los parámetros evaluados fueron número de días transcurridos después de la aparición de los frutos, porcentaje de flores fecundadas y no fecundadas, número de frutos por planta, tamaño de frutos, diámetro de frutos, peso del fruto y rendimiento en kg/ha por tratamiento. Los mejores resultados alcanzados en la mayoría de los parámetros evaluados como el porcentaje de floración, número de frutos por planta, tamaño de fruto en (cm), diámetro de fruto en (cm), peso del fruto en gramos, rendimiento en kg/ha por tratamiento y análisis económico, se obtuvieron con la presencia de las abejas (Apis mellifera L.) como agentes polinizadores en el túnel con mallas durante la etapa de floración del cultivo de zucchini, con un rendimiento en promedio de 14.9 tn/ha

    Bats, Trypanosomes, and Triatomines in Ecuador: New Insights into the Diversity, Transmission, and Origins of Trypanosoma cruzi and Chagas Disease

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    The generalist parasite Trypanosoma cruzi has two phylogenetic lineages associated almost exclusively with bats—Trypanosoma cruzi Tcbat and the subspecies T. c. marinkellei. We present new information on the genetic variation, geographic distribution, host associations, and potential vectors of these lineages. We conducted field surveys of bats and triatomines in southern Ecuador, a country endemic for Chagas disease, and screened for trypanosomes by microscopy and PCR. We identified parasites at species and genotype levels through phylogenetic approaches based on 18S ribosomal RNA (18S rRNA) and cytochrome b (cytb) genes and conducted a comparison of nucleotide diversity of the cytb gene. We document for the first time T. cruzi Tcbat and T. c. marinkellei in Ecuador, expanding their distribution in South America to the western side of the Andes. In addition, we found the triatomines Cavernicola pilosa and Triatoma dispar sharing shelters with bats. The comparisons of nucleotide diversity revealed a higher diversity for T. c. marinkellei than any of the T. c. cruzi genotypes associated with Chagas disease. Findings from this study increased both the number of host species and known geographical ranges of both parasites and suggest potential vectors for these two trypanosomes associated with bats in rural areas of southern Ecuador. The higher nucleotide diversity of T. c. marinkellei supports a long evolutionary relationship between T. cruzi and bats, implying that bats are the original hosts of this important parasite

    Evaluación de tres dosis de potasio en la producción de lechuga (Lactuca sativa L. var. Crispa) bajo el sistema hidropónico recirculante NTF bajo invernadero

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    Three doses of potassium were evaluated in the production of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. Crispa), under the recirculable NFT hydroponic system in the greenhouse of the Department of Horticulture of the ESPOCH. A completely randomized block design was used with three treatments and three replications. The doses evaluated were: low dose (LD) with 224,33 ppm, medium dose (MD) with 470,00 ppm, and high dose (HD) with 716,67 ppm. Evaluated parameters were: potassium content in leaves and root, fresh weights of the aerial part and root, yield per net plot and hectare. The economic analysis was carried out according to the relation benefit/cost. The best results for most of the parameters evaluated were obtained with the low dose (LD), obtaining fresh weights of the aerial part and root of 193,01 and 36,65 g respectively. It has a yield per net plot of 2,04 kilograms and per hectare of 15338,75 kilograms, and the highest cost benefit with 4,63 dollars equivalent to 362,75%. On the other hand, the highest content of potassium in leaves and root up to 40 days after transplant (DAT) was obtained with the medium dose (MD) with 5,13 and 6,00% of total potassium, respectively. In all treatments, maintaining turgor in the plants throughout the cycle is very important. From the agronomic and economic point of view, the use a nutritive solution containing 224,33 ppm of potassium was recommended

    Evaluation of Anthocyanin Production in White and Purple Maize (Zea mays L.) Using Methyl Jasmonate, Phosphorus Deficiency and High Concentration of Sucrose

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    Anthocyanins are plants metabolites that are recognized by its red/purple coloration produced in flowers, seeds and leaves. These molecules are potentially important to the industry for its antioxidant capacity, disease prevention and as a natural dye. Currently, the production of anthocyanins is carried out using in vitro culture of Vitis vinifera and its yield is increased by using elicitors or stress factors. Zea mays is relevant due to its high content of cyanidin-3-β-glucoside anthocyanin. In the present study the production of cyanidin-3-β-glucoside was evaluated with different mechanisms of elicitation using in vivo and in vitro culture of purple and white maize varieties. The highest callus induction (85%) for white maize was obtained in MS medium supplemented with 2 mg/L of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, while for purple maize (93%) was obtained in N6 medium with 2 mg/L of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, using germinated seed as explant for both varieties. Methyl jasmonate was evaluated as an elicitation tool, however no cyanidin-3-β-glucoside was found to be accumulated or produced in vitro. In contrast, using germinated seeds and radicle tissue, elicitation using phosphorus deficiency treatment produced the highest cyanidin-3-β-glucoside accumulation (0.06 mg g−1) in white maize. No elicitation and further production of anthocyanins was found when purple maize were used using this method. Therefore, in vivo elicitation in white maize is a potential method to produce a stable anthocyanin that could be optimized for future applications

    Limitations of selective deltamethrin application for triatomine control in central coastal Ecuador

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This year-long study evaluated the effectiveness of a strategy involving selective deltamethrin spraying and community education for control of Chagas disease vectors in domestic units located in rural communities of coastal Ecuador.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Surveys for triatomines revealed peridomestic infestation with <it>Rhodnius ecuadoriensis </it>and <it>Panstrongylus howardi</it>, with infestation indices remaining high during the study (13%, 17%, and 10%, at initial, 6-month, and 12-month visits, respectively), which indicates a limitation of this strategy for triatomine population control. Infestation was found 6 and 12 months after spraying with deltamethrin. In addition, a large number of previously vector-free domestic units also were found infested at the 6- and 12-month surveys, which indicates new infestations by sylvatic triatomines. The predominance of young nymphs and adults suggests new infestation events, likely from sylvatic foci. In addition, infection with <it>Trypanosoma cruzi </it>was found in 65%, 21% and 29% at initial, 6-month and 12-month visits, respectively. All parasites isolated (n = 20) were identified as TcI.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>New vector control strategies need to be devised and evaluated for reduction of <it>T. cruzi </it>transmission in this region.</p

    Absence of domestic triatomine colonies in an area of the coastal region of Ecuador where Chagas disease is endemic

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    Rhodnius ecuadoriensis is considered the second most important vector of Chagas disease in Ecuador. It is distributed across six of the 24 provinces and occupies intradomiciliary, peridomiciliary and sylvatic habitats. This study was conducted in six communities within the coastal province of Guayas. Triatomine searches were conducted in domestic and peridomestic habitats and bird nests using manual searches, live-bait traps and sensor boxes. Synantrhopic mammals were captured in the domestic and peridomestic habitats. Household searches (n = 429) and randomly placed sensor boxes (n = 360) produced no live triatomine adults or nymphs. In contrast, eight nymphs were found in two out of six searched Campylorhynchus fasciatus (Troglodytidae) nests. Finally, Trypanosoma cruzi DNA was amplified from the blood of 10% of the 115 examined mammals. Environmental changes in land use (intensive rice farming), mosquito control interventions and lack of intradomestic adaptation are suggested among the possible reasons for the lack of domestic triatomine colonies