8,736 research outputs found

    Soul Substance (jÄ«va dravya) ā€“ As Expounded In Dravyasamgraha

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    Soul substance (jÄ«va dravya) is ubiquitous but unseen. Driving force within each one of us, it has been, since time immemorial, a subject matter of research by philosophers, religious leaders and laity. Still, ambiguity and misconceptions prevail as regard its real nature. Some negate the existence of soul and attribute consciousness to the union of four basic substances ā€“ earth (prthvÄ«), water (jala), fire (agni), and air (vāyu); death leads to its annihilation. Some believe it to be momentary, devoid of self-existence. Still others consider it a product of illusion (māyā) or ignorance (avidyā) as all objects are manifestations of Brahma; only the one eternally undivided Brahma exists. All such conceptions are based on absolutism like: existence (bhāvaikānta) and non-existence (abhāvaikānta), non-dualism (advaita-ekānta) and separateness (prthaktva-ekānta), and permanence (nityatva-ekānta) and momentariness (ksanika-ekānta). Jaina epistemology goes beyond the superficial and examines objects of knowledge from all possible points of view. It asserts that the entity (dharmÄ«) and its attributes (dharma) are neither absolutely dependent (āpeksika) nor absolutely independent (anāpeksika). Only an entity which has general (sāmānya ā€“ concerning the substance, dravya) and particular (viśesa ā€“ concerning the mode, paryāya) attributes can be the subject of knowledge. Substance without its modification and modification without its substance cannot be the subject of valid knowledge; only their combination can be the subject of knowledge

    Communication and leadership skills in the Computer Science and Information Systems curricula: A case study comparison of US and Bulgarian programs

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    In this paper we present results from our curriculum research on the behavioral educational topics being in the computer science (CS) and information systems (IS) academic programs in two countries USA and Bulgaria. Specifically, we address learning outcomes as they pertain to IT Project Management. Our research reveals that the two countries approach undergraduate education from different vantage points. The US universities provide a flexible general education curriculum in many academic areas and students have the opportunity to strengthen their soft skills before they enter the workforce. Bulgarian universities provide specialized education in main CS subject areas and the students are technically strong upon graduation. Is there a way to balance out this divergent educational experience so that students get the best of both worlds? Our paper explores this aspect and provides possible solutions

    The cell lineage of the muscles of the Drosophila head

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    Using a cell marker mutation the cell lineage of the muscles of the Drosophila head are traced out. Three sets of muscles separated by lineage restrictions are observed, even when cells are marked as early as the blastoderm stage. Each set underlies the derivatives of one of the three pairs of imaginal discs which differentiate to form the epidermis of the adult head. Clones of the homoeotic mutation engrailed (en^10) were apparently normal in the muscles of the head. The muscle clone frequency, at the blastoderm stage, in each hemisegment of the fly is similar, indicating an equal partitioning of cells during segmentation
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