35 research outputs found

    Environment: Contributions of Design and Education to the Sustainment of Planet Earth

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    Any book that aims to deal with issues of sustainable futures will necessarily have a significant focus on environmental sustainability. Historically, concerns over sustainable futures were predominantly focused on the environment, with references going back as far as, for example, the 7th century when legislation was introduced to protect birds in the Farne Islands off the north east coast of England. More recently there has been recognition that sustainable futures depend on complex sets of relationships

    High Mutability of the Tumor Suppressor Genes RASSF1 and RBSP3 (CTDSPL) in Cancer

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    BACKGROUND:Many different genetic alterations are observed in cancer cells. Individual cancer genes display point mutations such as base changes, insertions and deletions that initiate and promote cancer growth and spread. Somatic hypermutation is a powerful mechanism for generation of different mutations. It was shown previously that somatic hypermutability of proto-oncogenes can induce development of lymphomas. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:We found an exceptionally high incidence of single-base mutations in the tumor suppressor genes RASSF1 and RBSP3 (CTDSPL) both located in 3p21.3 regions, LUCA and AP20 respectively. These regions contain clusters of tumor suppressor genes involved in multiple cancer types such as lung, kidney, breast, cervical, head and neck, nasopharyngeal, prostate and other carcinomas. Altogether in 144 sequenced RASSF1A clones (exons 1-2), 129 mutations were detected (mutation frequency, MF = 0.23 per 100 bp) and in 98 clones of exons 3-5 we found 146 mutations (MF = 0.29). In 85 sequenced RBSP3 clones, 89 mutations were found (MF = 0.10). The mutations were not cytidine-specific, as would be expected from alterations generated by AID/APOBEC family enzymes, and appeared de novo during cell proliferation. They diminished the ability of corresponding transgenes to suppress cell and tumor growth implying a loss of function. These high levels of somatic mutations were found both in cancer biopsies and cancer cell lines. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:This is the first report of high frequencies of somatic mutations in RASSF1 and RBSP3 in different cancers suggesting it may underlay the mutator phenotype of cancer. Somatic hypermutations in tumor suppressor genes involved in major human malignancies offer a novel insight in cancer development, progression and spread

    Anti-angiogenic and tumor-suppressive roles of candidate tumor-suppressor gene, Fibulin-2, in nasopharyngeal carcinoma

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    Fibulin-2 (FBLN2) has been identified as a candidate tumor-suppressor gene in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Originally identified through a chromosome 3 NotI genomic microarray screen, it shows frequent deletion or methylation in NPC. FBLN2 is located on chromosome 3p25.1 and is associated with tumor development through its important interactions with the extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. FBLN2 encodes two isoforms. The short isoform (FBLN2S) is expressed abundantly in normal tissues, but is dramatically downregulated in NPC, while the long isoform (FBLN2L) is either not detectable or is expressed only at low levels in both normal and tumor tissues. Reintroduction of this FBLN2S inhibited cell proliferation, migration, invasion and angiogenesis in vitro. Furthermore, in vivo studies in nude mice show its expression is associated with tumor and angiogenesis suppression. FBLN2-associated angiogenesis occurs via concomitant downregulation of vascular endothelial growth factor and matrix metalloproteinase 2. This study provides compelling evidence that FBLN2S has an important tumor-suppressive and anti-angiogenic role in NPC. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved.link_to_subscribed_fulltex