16 research outputs found
Biochemical Changes In The CNS During Learning
- Author
- A Lajtha
- AH Coons
- AM Weiner
- BJ Machlus
- BK Hartman
- BW Agranoff
- D Kobiler
- D Weid de
- DH Hubel
- DM Neville
- E Tanzi
- ER John
- G Danno
- G Werner
- H Grundfest
- H Hyden
- I Vigh-Taichmann
- J Chaffee
- JB Flexner
- JL McGaugh
- JT Clarke
- LI Benowitz
- LI Benowitz
- LW McLean
- M Browning
- ME Jarvik
- O Ouchterlony
- OH Lowry
- PH O’Farrel
- S Arch
- SE Karpiak
- SH Appel
- SH Barondes
- SL Chorover
- SPR Rose
- SS Kety
- T Ueda
- TA Langan
- VB Mountcastle
- VE Shashoua
- VE Shashoua
- VE Shashoua
- VE Shashoua
- VE Shashoua
- VE Shashoua
- VE Shashoua
- VE Shashoua
- VE Shashoua
- VE Shashoua
- VE Shashoua
- VN Reinhold
- WA Susor
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1982
- Field of study
Contra- and Ipsilateral Motor and Sensory Representation in the Cerebral Cortex of Monkey and Man
- Author
- D Felix
- DR Oppenheimer
- E Weinstein
- EGT Liddell
- EGT Liddell
- H Griffith
- H-W Böhm
- J Cole
- J Cole
- JH Nauta
- K-J Zülch
- M Hines
- M Wiesendanger
- MA Kennard
- MA Kennard
- MD Hepp-Reymond
- MJ Cohen
- P Glees
- P Glees
- P Glees
- P Glees
- P Glees
- P Glees
- P Glees
- P Glees
- P Glees
- S Landgren
- S Landgren
- TC Ruch
- TPS Powell
- VE Mountcastle
- VE Mountcastle
- W Fabisch
- W Gooddy
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1975
- Field of study
Joint Receptors and Kinaesthesis
- Author
- A Brodal
- A Goldscheider
- A Sfameni
- B Haddad
- BL Andrew
- BL Andrew
- BL Andrew
- CS Sherrington
- D Albe-Fessard
- DL Winter
- E Gardner
- E Gardner
- E Gardner
- E Gardner
- E Gardner
- E Gardner
- E Gardner
- E Gardner
- E Gardner
- EP Samuel
- ER Perl
- ER Perl
- FB Beswick
- G Eklund
- G Gordon
- GF Poggio
- IA Boyd
- IA Boyd
- J Ekholm
- J Ekholm
- J Paillard
- JE Rose
- JE Swett
- KA Provins
- L Kruger
- LA Cohen
- N Rüdinger
- O Oscarsson
- P Poláček
- PR Burgess
- PR Burgess
- RA Kuhn
- S Andersson
- S Gelfan
- S Giaquinto
- S Landgren
- S Landgren
- S. Skoglund
- VB Mountcastle
- VB Mountcastle
- VB Mountcastle
- VB Mountcastle
- VE Amassian
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1973
- Field of study
The effect of electromagnetic stimulation of the posterior parietal cortex on eye movements
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/09/1992
- Field of study
The posterior parietal cortex probably plays a central role in the sensorimotor transformations needed to make an accurate saccadic eye movement to a visual target. In an attempt to disrupt the normal programming of saccades, we magnetically stimulated the posterior parietal cortex in human volunteers, 80 ms after a small target moved 5 degrees horizontally from the centre of a VDU screen. Saccadic eye movements were recorded and experimental trials were compared with control, unstimulated trials. Magnetic stimulation was triggered in 70% of the trials selected randomly. The main effects of stimulation were: increased divergence of the eyes before each saccade, greater latency of saccade onset, and a tendency to undershoot the target. These results support the hypothesis that the posterior parietal cortex is involved in the programming of accurate saccades to visual targets
Chronic motor cortex stimulation in patients with thalamic pain
- Author
- Amassian VE
- Amassian VE
- Dejerine J
- Erickson TC
- Foerster O
- Gerhart KD
- Gybels JM
- Hillman P
- Holmgren H
- Horrax G
- Iwata K
- Jones EG
- Katayama Y
- Katayama Y
- Katayama Y
- Lewin W
- Libet B
- Libet B
- Mazars GJ
- Mountcastle VB
- Murphy JT
- Nashold BS
- Pagni CA
- Penfield W
- Plotkin R
- Purpura DP
- Riddoch G
- Rosen I
- Schmid UD
- Shealy CN
- Sweet WH
- Tasker RR
- Tsubokawa T
- Tsubokawa T
- Yamamoto T
- Publication venue
- 'Journal of Neurosurgery Publishing Group (JNSPG)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Functional Organization of the Somatosensory Cortex
- Author
- A Angel
- A Angel
- A Brodal
- A Forbes
- A Globus
- A Lundberg
- AC Nacimiento
- AE Walker
- AG Brown
- AG Brown
- AJ Blomquist
- AK McIntyre
- AK McIntyre
- AK McLntyre
- AK McLntyre
- AL Berman
- AL Berman
- AL Towe
- AL Towe
- AL Towe
- AL Towe
- AL Towe
- AR Morrison
- AS Schwartz
- AW Campbell
- B Dubrovskk
- B Gernandt
- B Libet
- B Libet
- B Libet
- B.L. Whitsel
- BA Myerson
- BG Cragg
- BG Cragg
- BH Pubols
- BH Pubols
- BL Whitsel
- BL Whitsel
- BL Whitsel
- BL Whitsel
- BS Ray
- BS Rosner
- BS Rosner
- BS Rosner
- C Blakemore
- C Shagass
- C Shagass
- C Voot
- C Welt
- CBB Downman
- CD Geisler
- CG Phillips
- CJ Herrick
- CJ Vierck
- CL Li
- CN Woolsey
- CN Woolsey
- CN Woolsey
- CN Woolsey
- CN Woolsey
- CN Woolsey
- CN Woolsey
- CN Woolsey
- CN Woolsey
- CR Noback
- CR Noback
- CR Noback
- D Albe-Fessard
- D Albe-Fessard
- D Bowshepv
- D Bowsher
- D Bowsher
- D Bowsher
- D Denny-Brown
- D Katz
- D Oeconomos
- D Petit
- D Sheehan
- D Whitehorn
- DA Poulos
- DG Whitlock
- DH Hubel
- DH Hubel
- DH Hubel
- DH Perkel
- DK Morest
- DN Pandya
- DN Pandya
- DN Tapper
- DP Purpura
- DP Purpura
- DP Purpura
- DP Purpura
- DP Purpura
- DP Purpura
- DWF Schwarz
- E Favale
- E Gardiner
- E Gardner
- E Ramón-Moliner
- E Ramön-Moliner
- EA Karol
- ED Adrian
- ED Adrian
- EE King
- EF Evans
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EH Boyd
- EM Walzl
- ER Perl
- ER Perl
- ER Perl
- EW Rubel
- F Bremer
- F Morin
- F Sanides
- F Sanides
- F Sanides
- F Walberg
- FF Ebner
- FF Ebner
- FF Ebner
- FF Ebner
- FF Ebner
- FH Duffy
- G Adam
- G Berlucchi
- G Bonin von
- G Bonin von
- G Bonin von
- G Carli
- G Carli
- G Macchi
- G Santibanez
- G Werner
- G Werner
- G Werner
- G Werner
- G Werner
- G Werner
- G Werner
- G Werner
- G Werner
- GD Dawson
- GF Poggio
- GF Poggio
- GG Celesia
- GH Bishop
- GH Bishop
- GH Bishop
- GI Poliakov
- GM Goodwin
- H Cushing
- H Langhof
- H Nakahama
- H Nakahama
- H Sakata
- H Silfvenius
- H Teitelbaum
- HD Lux
- HD Patton
- HGJM Kuypers
- HH Jasper
- HT Chang
- I Darian-Smith
- ID Zimmerman
- II Diamond
- J Manson
- J Olszewski
- J O’Donoghue
- J Scherrer
- J Semmes
- JA Boyd
- JC White
- JD Stamm
- JE Hind
- JE Rose
- JE Rose
- JE Rose
- JE Swett
- JF Hirsch
- JG Dusser de Barenne
- JG McLeod
- JL DeVito
- JL DeVito
- JL Malcolm
- JM Brookhart
- JM Fredrickson
- JM Sprague
- JP Schade
- K Meller
- K Voeller
- KA Provins
- KE Bignall
- KH Pribram
- LJ Bindman
- LM Pubols
- M Abeles
- M Aubert
- M Aubert
- M Carreras
- M Levitt
- M Levitt
- M Marin-Padilla
- M Selzer
- M Selzer
- ME Molliver
- ME Molliver
- ME Scheibel
- ME Scheibel
- MJ Curry
- MJ Rowe
- N Geschwind
- NR Kreisman
- O Foerster
- O Franzen
- O Franzen
- O Oscarsson
- O Oscarsson
- O Oscarsson
- O Oscarsson
- O Oscarsson
- O Pompeiano
- O Pompeiano
- O Pompeiano
- O Sjöqvist
- OD Creutzfeldt
- OD Creutzfeldt
- P Andersen
- P Andersen
- P Auber
- P Bard
- P Bard
- P Bessou
- P Buser
- P Buser
- PD Wall
- PJ Hand
- PJ Hand
- PP Newman
- PR Burgess
- R Fitzhugh
- R Glassman
- R Hassler
- R Lende
- R Leriche
- R Melzack
- RC Truex
- RCW Bodeme
- RF Mark
- RJ Schwartzman
- RJ Schwartzman
- RL Ringel
- RM Benjamin
- RM Benjamin
- RM Benjamin
- RM Benjamin
- RR Lende
- RR Lende
- RS Morison
- RW Gerard
- RW Gerard
- RW Guillery
- S Finger
- S Gelfan
- S Gilman
- S Goldring
- S Landgren
- S Landgren
- S Landgren
- S Landgren
- S Landgren
- S Landgren
- S Landgren
- S Locke
- S Oonishi
- S Poliak
- S Renfrew
- SA Andersson
- SA Andersson
- SA Andersson
- SS Fox
- SS Fox
- SS Stevens
- ST Kitai
- T Allison
- T Pinto Hamuy
- TA Woolsey
- TC Ruch
- TC Ruch
- TDU Roberts
- TPS Powell
- TPS Powell
- TT Kennedy
- TT Kennedy
- U Norrsell
- UM Benjamin
- VB Brooks
- VB Brooks
- VB Brooks
- VB Mountcastle
- VB Mountcastle
- VB Mountcastle
- VB Mountcastle
- VB Mountcastle
- VB Mountcastle
- VB Mountcastle
- VB Mountcastle
- VB Mountcastle
- VB Mountcastle
- VB Mountcastle
- VB Mountcastle
- VE Amassian
- VE Amassian
- VE Amassian
- VE Amassian
- VE Amassian
- VE Amassian
- VE Amassian
- VE Amassian
- VE Amassian
- VE Amassian
- W Herre
- W Penfield
- W Penfield
- WA Mickle
- WA Spencer
- WA Spencer
- WD Keidel
- WD Thompson
- WE Clark
- WE Clark
- WE Hunt
- WG Penfield
- WH Marshall
- WH Talbot
- WI Welker
- WI Welker
- WI Welker
- WM Landau
- WR Adey
- WR Goff
- WR Mehler
- WR Mehler
- WR Mehler
- WR Uttal
- WR Uttal
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1973
- Field of study
Functions of Corticocortical Neurons of Somatosensory, Motor, and Parietal Cortex
- Author
- AM Smith
- B Blum
- C Brinkman
- CJ Heath
- CJ Robinson
- CJ Robinson
- CN Nelson
- D Albe-Fessard
- D Herman
- DL Robinson
- DL Robinson
- DN Pandya
- DP Friedman
- DR Humphrey
- E Kosar
- EA Murray
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EL White
- EL White
- EV Evarts
- FJ Thompson
- G Bonin von
- G Grant
- GM Innocenti
- GM Innocenti
- GR Schell
- H Asanuma
- H Asanuma
- H Asanuma
- H Nakahama
- H Nakahama
- H Sakata
- HA Swadlow
- HG Murray
- I Darian-Smith
- J Brinkman
- J Hyvärinen
- J Hyvärinen
- J Lipski
- J Szentagothai
- J Tanji
- JC Lynch
- JJ Gibson
- JJ Sloper
- JK Chapin
- JM Fuster
- JT Murphy
- K Hartmann-Monakow von
- KE Bignall
- KF Muakkassa
- LG Brock
- LI Malis
- LM Ödkvist
- M Bénita
- M Critchley
- M Deschênes
- M Ichikawa
- M Imbert
- M MacGillis
- M Matsumura
- M Weinrich
- M Wiesendanger
- M Wiesendanger
- M Wiesendanger
- MM Merzenich
- O Hikosaka
- O Oscarsson
- O Oscarsson
- P Zarzecki
- P Zarzecki
- P Zarzecki
- P Zarzecki
- P Zarzecki
- PS Goldman-Rakic
- PS Goldman-Rakic
- R Dubner
- R Hassler
- R Kang
- RF Thompson
- RJ Nelson
- RS Waters
- RW Dykes
- RW Morse
- S Landgren
- SHC Hendry
- SP Wise
- SP Wise
- T Manzoni
- VB Mountcastle
- VB Mountcastle
- VB Mountcastle
- VE Amassian
- WD Thompson
- Y Gioanni
- Y Iwamura
- Y Iwamura
- Y Iwamura
- Y Iwamura
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1986
- Field of study
Poststroke pain control by chronic motor cortex stimulation: neurological characteristics predicting a favorable response
- Author
- Abdelmoumène M
- Amassian VE
- Andersen P
- Angel A
- Bowsher D
- Brinkman J
- Canavero S
- Carpenter D
- Chapman CE
- Coulter JD
- DeJong RN
- Foerster O
- Garcia-Larrea L
- Gybels JM
- Herregodts P
- Hirai T
- Hirato M
- Holmgren H
- Hosobuchi Y
- Jones EG
- Katayama Y
- Katayama Y
- Katayama Y
- Libet B
- Lindblom UF
- Lucier GE
- Mazars GJ
- Melzack R
- Meyerson BA
- Migita K
- Milne RJ
- Mountcastle VB
- N'Guyen JP
- Nashold BS
- Pagni CA
- Parrent AG
- Sweet WH
- Tasker RR
- Tracey DJ
- Tsubokawa T
- Tsumoto T
- Willis WD
- Publication venue
- 'Journal of Neurosurgery Publishing Group (JNSPG)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Electrical Stimulation of Cortex in Human Subjects, and Conscious Sensory Aspects
- Author
- A Iggo
- A Iggo
- AL Towe
- AL Towe
- ASF Leyton
- B Libet
- B Libet
- B Libet
- B Libet
- B Libet
- B Libet
- B Libet
- BD Burns
- BH Crawford
- BS Rosner
- C Gleason
- C Shagass
- C-L Li
- CD Geisler
- CG Phillips
- CG Phillips
- CG Phillips
- CN Woolsey
- CN Woolsey
- CW Eriksen
- D Albe-Fessard
- D Albe-Fessard
- D Giblin
- D Krech
- D Raab
- D Whitehorn
- DA Prince
- DL Clark
- DL Kelly
- DM Green
- DM MacKay
- DP Purpura
- DP Purpura
- DP Purpura
- DR Curtis
- E Donchin
- E Donchin
- E Eijkman
- E Marg
- E Sugaya
- ED Adrian
- ER Perl
- EW Dempsey
- F Buchthal
- G Bertrand
- G Bonin von
- G Békésy von
- G Guiot
- G Weddell
- GC Celesia
- GC Johansson
- GS Brindley
- H Asanuma
- H Cushing
- H Davis
- H Hensel
- H Hensel
- H Jasper
- H Shevrin
- H Suzuki
- HD Patton
- HF Martin III
- HG Vatjghan Jr
- HG Vatjghan Jr.
- I Goldiamond
- I Wagman
- J DeBecker
- J Müller
- J Rosenthal
- J Talairach
- JA Swets
- JC Ecoles
- JC Ecoles
- JC Lilly
- JC Lilly
- JE Swett
- JEC Hern
- JK Adams
- JW Phillis
- JW Phillis
- K Iwama
- K Krnjevic
- K Krnjevic
- K-E Hagbarth
- K-E Hagbarth
- KA Provins
- KE Bignall
- KL Chow
- L Bergamini
- L Mihailović
- LJ Bindman
- M Haider
- M Jouvet
- M Wiesendanger
- ML Colonnier
- ML Kietzman
- MR Delucchi
- N Sigel
- O Foerster
- O Foerster
- O Foerster
- O Oscarsson
- O Oscarsson
- O Oscarsson
- OD Creutzfeldt
- P Andersen
- P Bessou
- P Buser
- PE Stohr
- PR Burgess
- R Fritsch
- R Katzman
- R Melzack
- RG Bickford
- RG Heath
- RW Doty
- RW Lansing
- S Gelfan
- S Giaquinto
- S Goldring
- S Goldring
- S Landgren
- S Ochs
- S Ochs
- S Ochs
- S Skoglund
- S Sutton
- SD Stoney Jr.
- TG Brown
- TG Brown
- TH Bullock
- TPS Powell
- V Rowland
- VB Mountcastle
- VB Mountcastle
- VB Mountcastle
- VE Amassian
- W Bevan
- W Marshall
- W Penfield
- W Penfield
- W Penfield
- W Penfield
- W Penfield
- W Penfield
- W Penfield
- WF Collins
- WG Walter
- WJ MacIntyre
- WM Landau
- WW Alberts
- WW Alberts
- WW Alberts
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1973
- Field of study
Anatomical Organization of the Somatosensory Cortex
- Author
- A Globus
- A Globus
- A Goto
- A Hughes
- AE Walker
- AH Nakahama
- AJ Blomquist
- AL Berman
- AL Berman
- AL Towe
- AR Morrison
- B Oakley
- BD Burns
- BG Cragg
- BL Whitsel
- BP Choudhury
- C Economo von
- CG Phillips
- CJ Heath
- CJ Heath
- CJ Heath
- CN Woolsey
- CN Woolsey
- CN Woolsey
- CN Woolsey
- CN Woolsey
- D Albe-Fessard
- D Bodian
- D Bowsher
- D Pandya
- D Pandya
- DA Sholl
- DG Whitlock
- DH Hubel
- DH Hubel
- DH Hubel
- DH Hubel
- DH Hubel
- DH Hubel
- DH Hubel
- E Kawana
- E Rinvik
- E Rinvik
- E Rinvik
- E Tarlov
- ED Adrian
- ED Adrian
- ED Adrian
- EF Vastola
- EG Gray
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- ER Perl
- F Bremer
- F Goldby
- F Valverde
- F Walberg
- F Walberg
- FA Mettler
- FA Mettler
- FF Ebner
- FF Ebner
- G Berlucchi
- G Bonln von
- G Gordon
- G Gordon
- G Macchi
- G Werner
- GE Smith
- GF Poggio
- GF Poggio
- GG Celesia
- H Asanuma
- H Burton
- H Shimazu
- H Teitelbaum
- HGJM Kuypers
- HH Jasper
- HJ Curtis
- HT Chang
- I Darian-Smith
- I Darian-Smith
- I Darian-Smith
- IT Diamond
- IT Diamond
- IT Diamond
- IT Diamond
- IT Diamond
- J Altman
- J Manson
- J Olszewski
- J Orbach
- J Vito De
- JC Eccles
- JE Rose
- JE Rose
- JE Rose
- JE Rose
- JE Rose
- JE Rose
- JG Diamond
- JG Diamond
- JG McLeod
- JL Price
- JM Petras
- JP Zubeck
- K Brodmann
- K Uchizono
- K Uchizono
- KA Lende
- KE Bignall
- KE Bignall
- L Kruger
- LE Westrum
- LI Malis
- LJ Garey
- LJ Garey
- LJ Garey
- LJ Garey
- LMH Larramendi
- LMH Larramendi
- LT Diamond
- LT Rutledge
- M Carreras
- M Carreras
- M Colonnier
- M Colonnier
- M Glickstein
- M Levitt
- ME Scheibel
- ME Scheibel
- ME Wilson
- ME Wilson
- MJ Rowe
- N Davidson
- N Lemkey-Johnston
- O Oscarsson
- P Andersen
- P Andersen
- P Dell
- P Valverde
- PD Coleman
- R Dubner
- R Emmers
- R Hassler
- R Lorente de Nó
- R Nyberg-Hansen
- R Otsuka
- RA Lende
- RE Myers
- RE Myers
- RF Thompson
- RL Paul
- RM Benjamin
- RM Benjamin
- RS Knighton
- RW Guillery
- RW Sperry
- RW Sperry
- S Landgren
- S Landgren
- S Landgren
- S Polyak
- S Ramón y Cajal
- SA Andersson
- SM Zeki
- T Hongo
- T Tömböl
- TPS Powell
- TPS Powell
- TS Roberts
- VB Mountcastle
- VB Mountcastle
- VB Mountcastle
- VB Mountcastle
- VE Amassian
- W Penfield
- W Penfield
- W Sencer
- WA Mickle
- WC Hall
- WEJ Clark
- WEJ Clark
- WR Mehler
- WR Mehler
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1973
- Field of study