23 research outputs found

    Design and evaluation of a multi-sensory representation of scientific data

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    Modern sciences and astrophysics in particular study objects and phenomena not visible in physical terms, that is they cannot be investigated with the eyes or analogous optical systems. Nevertheless, they make intensive use of visual representations, showing data in a figurative way, using lights, colors, and shapes familiar to the user and aesthetically pleasant. Besides being inaccessible for Blind and Visually Impaired (BVI) users, such figurative visual representation can lead to misunderstandings about the real nature of the represented object if the code of representation is not declared. We argue that multi-sensory representations clearly arbitrary, i.e., that do not aim to imitate reality, are a valid choice for an effective meaning-making process of astronomical science for all. In an equity perspective, multi-sensory representations also create an effective common ground for inclusion among people with diverse abilities, skills, and learning styles, in the framework of Universal Design for Learning. In order to investigate our hypothesis we designed two mono-sensory representation (one only haptic and the other only acoustic) and tested them in individual and group workshops with both sighted and BVI users. We then used our results to guide the design of a multi-sensory representation of non-visible astronomical data including visual, acoustic, and haptic stimuli. We tested this representation as well, in order to refine and propose it to the public. The result is the exhibit Sense the Universe, to be used for outreach and education. Sense the Universe was part of a museum exhibition attended both by sighted and BVI users. Our findings suggest the validity of multi-sensory representations for a truly and effective engagement in scientific learning, both in terms of intelligibility and persistence of scientific contents and of a more equal access to scientific culture.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    How to tell about SETI: rectifications and new opportunities

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    The urgent feeling of having to specify the big difference with respect to ufology and other trendy pseudo-scientific beliefs inspired by the subject: these are the "rectifications" that SETI communicators need to deal with. However, once this issue has been addressed (possibly with very strong impact), a thousand opportunities open, to explain the research method, the involved disciplines and skills and to share all the status-of-the-art knowledge about life in the Universe outside the Earth, on all counts...

    L’allestimento del Centro Visite “M. Ceccarelli” dal 2010 al 2020

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    Il presente report illustra le modifiche e le variazioni intervenute all’allestimento del Centro Visite “Marcello Ceccarelli” negli anni dal 2010, data del report n. 433/10 descrittivo dello stato dell’arte a oggi, in riferimento alle necessità che sono state evidenziate in fase di autovalutazione e valutazione da parte del pubblico. Viene presentato il progetto per l’allestimento implementato nel 2014 e sono illustrate anche le prime valutazioni sul nuovo assetto dell’esposizione

    Talkin' about the resolution

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    How do astronomical images work? Astronomical images (and, actually, all the digital images we are used to) are representation of reality mediated by an instrument that has its own characterisation (resolution, sensitivity, etc.). We developed a series of new creative and fun educational hands-on activities to play with children aimed at communicating the science of digital images and understanding concepts like image resolution in a multidisciplinary, participative environment. The educational activities we are proposing have a learning by doing approach and use favorite children’s toys (e.g. pegs and bricks) as a research tool in order to introduce forefront science concept in a playful and inclusive environment. The use of familiar objects and ludic equipment prevents gender barriers and encourages immediate commitment and engagement of all the participants. The project we will present is carried out in the framework of Italian National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) SKA related projects (e.g. “SKA-Genesis”, “ESKApe-HI”, “FORECaST”). SKA (Square Kilometer Array) is one of the most ambitious international science projects and so we think that for astronomers it is of crucial importance to communicate its science, starting from the fundamentals. It’ll be the world’s biggest (radio) telescope and it’ll give us insight into the major open problems: formation and evolution of the first stars and galaxies, the role of magnetism, the nature of gravity, possibility of life beyond Earth

    Officina degli Errori: Un esperimento esteso di co-design con le scuole - Officina degli Errori: a co-design extended experiment with primary schools

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    We describe an extended experiment to carry on constructionist approaches at school with an attentive eye to social and gender inclusion for Astrophysics and STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) disciplines and with a co-design approach with teachers. The “Officina degli Errori” was originally born from the collaboration between the Astronomical Observatory and Space Science of Bologna (OAS), which is part of the National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF), the Museum of Industrial Heritage of Bologna and the “Istituto Comprensivo 12” of Bologna. This type of collaboration is expanding and enriching with various contributions both within INAF, with the creation of dedicated working groups and in schools with further co-design processe

    Esplorando la luce

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    Arriva la terza uscita de "I quaderni EduINAF": esploriamo la luce con una raccolta di esperimenti, giochi, laboratori, letture e altre proposte

    Report attivitĂ  di didattica e divulgazione INAF-IRA 2021

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    In questo documento sono riportate e descritte le attività di Didattica e Divulgazione (D&D) dell'INAF - Istituto di Radioastronomia svolte nel 2021. Le attività includono la progettazione di contenuti, la curatela e gestione del Centro Visite “Marcello Ceccarelli”, l’organizzazione di eventi in collaborazione con enti territoriali, nazionali e internazionali, la gestione amministrativa e finanziaria, la formazione di studenti e giovani collaboratori e la gestione degli accessi esterni per riprese video e servizi fotografici presso la Stazione Radioastronomica di Medicina (BO)

    IAU Office of Astronomy for Education, OAE Center Italy - Annual Report 2022

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    Annual report 2023 of the the IAU OAE Center Italy, an international office addressed to education and hosted and financed by Inaf. OAE Center Italy was established on the 3rd of March 2021, thanks to a Memorandum of Understanding signed by three parties: IAU, the Office of Astronomy for Education and INAF. OAE Center Italy is a joint project of a consortium of Italian partners, led and represented by INAF and of the IAU OAE, and is operated by INAF. The Italian partners are INAF, the Italian Astronomical Society (SAIt) and the University of Rome Tor Vergata (ToV). Index of contents 1. Professionalize astronomy education 11 1.1 The 4th Shaw-IAU workshop of Astronomy for Education 12 1.2 “Officina degli Errori” Pilot Programme 14 1.3 Educational path for transversal skills and professional orientation through Game-Based Learning 16 2. Provide access to good resources 18 2.1 astroEDU 19 2.2 Shared astronomical Glossary 21 2.3 Astrophotography contest 23 3. Promote astronomy in curricula 24 3.1 MIRTO - Mediterranean Informal Round Table – online 25 3.2 STEAM-MED - Lampedusa workshop on Astronomy Education 2022 27 3.3 Teacher Training Pilot Program (TTPP) 35 3.4 Organisation and delivery of the 16 hour-course for PhD students "Designing innovative public-engagement activities", at the University of Padova. 36 3.5 Castellaro Lagusello Astronomy Festival 37 4. OAE Networking 38 4.1 Participation in Expo 2020, Dubai, Italian Pavilion 39 4.2 Under the same Moon: building bridges through sky and astronomy 40 5. Spread the news 41 5.1 Under the same sky: an exhibition in Rome 42 5.2 Il Cielo itinerante – Italy shines 42 5.3 Universe World / EduINAF column 43 5.4 Time machines, an astronomy exhibition 43 5.5 Workshops 43 5.6 Press release, announcements and new


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    L'Istituto di Radioastronomia (IRA) dell’Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) è impegnato nella diffusione delle proprie attività presso le scuole e il pubblico, attraverso le visite guidate alle Stazioni Radioastronomiche di Medicina (BO) e Noto (SR) e la partecipazione alla realizzazione di mostre, eventi, ecc. Le attività di Didattica e Divulgazione IRA includono la progettazione di contenuti, la curatela e gestione del Centro Visite “Marcello Ceccarelli”, l’organizzazione di eventi in collaborazione con enti territoriali, nazionali e internazionali, la gestione amministrativa e finanziaria, la formazione di nuovo personale. In questo documento sono riportate le attività svolte nel 2022