6 research outputs found


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    This study reports an identification of the major processing products of an exogenous protein antigen, viz. sperm-whale myoglobin, as obtained after cell-free processing with partially purified macrophage endosomes. It is demonstrated that such a system yields fragments that are indistinguishable by high performance liquid chromatography analysis from those generated after uptake of myoglobin inside live macrophages. The concerted action of the endosomal proteases cathepsin D and cathepsin B can account for nearly all cleavages observed. Cathepsin D appears to be mainly responsible for the initial cleavage of myoglobin, while cathepsin B catalyzes the C-terminal trimming of initially released fragments. The fragments released by cathepsin D contain most, if not all, major epitopes for murine myoglobin-specific helper T cells. Interestingly, each known T cell epitope of myoglobin is located at the very N terminus of a different myoglobin fragment released upon processing. In order to explain this correspondence, noted also in several other protein antigens, a structural relationship is proposed between antigen processing by cathepsin D and antigen recognition by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II products. As is demonstrated here, this relationship may be used as a predictive tool for the identification of MHC-binding sequences as well as of T cell epitopes in their naturally occurring form

    Recognition of ribosomal protein L11 by the protein trimethyltransferase PrmA

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    Bacterial ribosomal protein L11 is post-translationally trimethylated at multiple residues by a single methyltransferase, PrmA. Here, we describe four structures of PrmA from the extreme thermophile Thermus thermophilus. Two apo-PrmA structures at 1.59 and 2.3 Å resolution and a third with bound cofactor S-adenosyl-L-methionine at 1.75 Å each exhibit distinct relative positions of the substrate recognition and catalytic domains, revealing how PrmA can position the L11 substrate for multiple, consecutive side-chain methylation reactions. The fourth structure, the PrmA–L11 enzyme–substrate complex at 2.4 Å resolution, illustrates the highly specific interaction of the N-terminal domain with its substrate and places Lys39 in the PrmA active site. The presence of a unique flexible loop in the cofactor-binding site suggests how exchange of AdoMet with the reaction product S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine can occur without necessitating the dissociation of PrmA from L11. Finally, the mode of interaction of PrmA with L11 explains its observed preference for L11 as substrate before its assembly into the 50S ribosomal subunit