170 research outputs found

    A systematic review and meta-analysis on the prevalence of dementia in europe. estimates from the highest-quality studies adopting the dsm iv diagnostic criteria

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    BACKGROUND: Dementia, including Alzheimer's disease (AD), is one of the most burdensome medical conditions. Usually, the reviews that aim at calculating the prevalence of dementia include estimates from studies without assessing their methodological quality. Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI) proposed a score to assess the methodological quality of population-based studies aimed at estimating the prevalence of dementia. During the last three years, the European Commission has funded three projects (Eurodem, EuroCoDe, and ALCOVE) in order to estimate the prevalence of dementia in Europe. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis of data on the prevalence of dementia in Europe derived from studies that included only subjects with a diagnosis of dementia according to the DSM IV criteria, and that had a high quality score according to ADI criteria. METHODS: We considered the studies selected by the two projects EuroCoDe (1993-2007) and Alcove (2008-2011), and we performed a new bibliographic search. For the systematic review, we only selected the subset of articles that included subjects with a diagnosis of dementia according to the DSM IV criteria. The studies were qualitatively assessed using the ADI tool. RESULTS: The meta-analysis considered 9 studies that were carried out in Europe between 1993 and 2018 including a total of 18,263 participants, of which 2,137 were diagnosed with dementia. The prevalence rate standardized for age and sex resulted 7.1%. DISCUSSION: This is the first systematic review on the prevalence of dementia in Europe considering only high-quality studies adopting the same diagnostic criteria (i.e., DSM IV)

    Reduced tibial strain-shielding with extraosseous total knee arthroplasty revision system

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    Background Revision total knee arthroplasty (RTKA) has poorer results than primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA), and the prostheses are invasive and cause strain-shielding of the bones near the knee. This paper describes an RTKA system with extracortical fixation. It was hypothesised that this would reduce strain-shielding compared with intramedullary fixation. Methods Twelve replica tibiae were prepared for full-field optical surface strain analysis. They were either left intact, implanted with RTKA components with cemented intramedullary fixation stems, or implanted with a novel design with a tibial tray subframe supported by two extracortical fixation plates and screw fixation. They were loaded to simulate peak walking and stair climbing loads and the surface strains were measured using digital image correlation. The measurements were validated with strain gauge rosettes. Results Compared to the intact bone model, extracortical fixation reduced surface strain-shielding by half versus intramedullary fixation. For all load cases and bone regions examined, the extracortical implant shielded 8–27% of bone strain, whereas the intramedullary component shielded 37–56%. Conclusions The new fixation design, which offers less bone destruction than conventional RTKA, also reduced strain-shielding. Clinically, this design may allow greater rebuilding of bone loss, and should increase long-term fixation

    An estimate of attributable cases of alzheimer disease and vascular dementia due to modifiable risk factors. the impact of primary prevention in europe and in italy

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    Background: Up to 53.7% of all cases of dementia are assumed to be due to Alzheimer disease (AD), while 15.8% are considered to be due to vascular dementia (VaD). In Europe, about 3 million cases of AD could be due to 7 potentially modifiable risk factors: diabetes, midlife hypertension and/or obesity, physical inactivity, depression, smoking, and low educational level. Aims: To estimate the number of VaD cases in Europe and the number of AD and VaD cases in Italy attributable to these 7 potentially modifiable risk factors. Methods: Assuming the nonindependence of the 7 risk factors, the adjusted combined population attributable risk (PAR) was estimated for AD and VaD. Results: In Europe, adjusted combined PAR was 31.4% for AD and 37.8% for VaD. The total number of attributable cases was 3,033,000 for AD and 873,000 for VaD. In Italy, assuming a 20% reduction of the prevalence of each risk factor, adjusted combined PAR decreased from 45.2 to 38.9% for AD and from 53.1 to 46.6% for VaD, implying a 6.4 and 6.5% reduction in the prevalence of AD and VaD, respectively. Conclusion: A relevant reduction of AD and VaD cases in Europe and Italy could be obtained through primary prevention

    Laser-Induced Skyrmion Writing and Erasing in an Ultrafast Cryo-Lorentz Transmission Electron Microscopy

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    We demonstrate that light-induced heat pulses of different duration and energy can write skyrmions in a broad range of temperatures and magnetic field in FeGe. Using a combination of camera-rate and pump-probe cryo-Lorentz Transmission Electron Microscopy, we directly resolve the spatio-temporal evolution of the magnetization ensuing optical excitation. The skyrmion lattice was found to maintain its structural properties during the laser-induced demagnetization, and its recovery to the initial state happened in the sub-{\mu}s to {\mu}s range, depending on the cooling rate of the system

    Signal transduction of mineralocorticoid and angiotensin ii receptors in the central control of sodium appetite: A narrative review

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    Sodium appetite is an innate behavior occurring in response to sodium depletion that induces homeostatic responses such as the secretion of the mineralocorticoid hormone aldosterone from the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex and the stimulation of the peptide hormone angiotensin II (ANG II). The synergistic action of these hormones signals to the brain the sodium appetite that represents the increased palatability for salt intake. This narrative review summarizes the main data dealing with the role of mineralocorticoid and ANG II receptors in the central control of sodium appetite. Appropriate keywords and MeSH terms were identified and searched in PubMed. References to original articles and reviews were examined, selected, and discussed. Several brain areas control sodium appetite, including the nucleus of the solitary tract, which contains aldosterone‐sensitive HSD2 neurons, and the organum vasculosum lamina terminalis (OVLT) that contains ANG II‐sensitive neurons. Furthermore, sodium appetite is under the control of signaling proteins such as mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) and inositol 1,4,5‐thriphosphate (IP3). ANG II stimulates salt intake via MAPK, while combined ANG II and aldosterone action induce sodium intake via the IP3 signaling pathway. Finally, aldosterone and ANG II stimulate OVLT neurons and suppress oxytocin secretion inhibiting the neuronal activity of the paraventricular nucleus, thus disinhibiting the OVLT activity to aldosterone and ANG II stimulation

    Use of biomarkers in ongoing research protocols on alzheimer’s disease

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    The present study aimed to describe and discuss the state of the art of biomarker use in ongoing Alzheimer’s disease (AD) research. A review of 222 ongoing phase 1, 2, 3, and 4 protocols registered in the clinicaltrials.gov database was performed. All the trials (i) enrolling subjects with clinical disturbances and/or preclinical diagnoses falling within the AD continuum; and (ii) testing the efficacy and/or safety/tolerability of a therapeutic intervention, were analyzed. The use of biomarkers of amyloid deposition, tau pathology, and neurodegeneration among the eligibility criteria and/or study outcomes was assessed. Overall, 58.2% of ongoing interventional studies on AD adopt candidate biomarkers. They are mostly adopted by studies at the preliminary stages of the drug development process to explore the safety profile of novel therapies, and to provide evidence of target engagement and disease-modifying properties. The biologically supported selection of participants is mostly based on biomarkers of amyloid deposition, whereas the use of biomarkers as study outcomes mostly relies on markers of neurodegeneration. Biomarkers play an important role in the design and conduction of research protocols targeting AD. Nevertheless, their clinical validity, utility, and cost-effectiveness in the “real world” remain to be clarified

    One-Dimensional “Ghost Imaging” in Electron Microscopy of Inelastically Scattered Electrons

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    Entanglement and correlation are at the basis of quantum mechanics and have been used in optics to create a framework for “ghost imaging”. We propose that a similar scheme can be used in an electron microscope to exploit the correlation of electrons with the coincident detection of collective mode excitations in a sample. In this way, an image of the sample can be formed on an electron camera even if electrons never illuminated the region of interest directly. This concept, which can be regarded as the inverse of photon-induced near-field electron microscopy, can be used to probe delicate molecules with a resolution that is beyond the wavelength of the collective mode

    Exploring causality of the association between smoking and Parkinson's disease

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    Background: The aim of this paper is to investigate the causality of the inverse association between cigarette smoking and Parkinson's disease (PD). The main suggested alternatives include a delaying effect of smoking, reverse causality or an unmeasured confounding related to a low-risk-taking personality trait. Methods: A total of 715 incident PD cases were ascertained in a cohort of 220 494 individuals from NeuroEPIC4PD, a prospective European population-based cohort study including 13 centres in eight countries. Smoking habits were recorded at recruitment. We analysed smoking status, duration, and intensity and exposure to passive smoking in relation to PD onset. Results: Former smokers had a 20% decreased risk and current smokers a halved risk of developing PD compared with never smokers. Strong dose-response relationships with smoking intensity and duration were found. Hazard ratios (HRs) for smoking 30 years 0.54 (95% CI 0.43-0.36) compared with never smokers. The proportional hazard assumption was verified, showing no change of risk over time, arguing against a delaying effect. Reverse causality was disproved by the consistency of dose-response relationships among former and current smokers. The inverse association between passive smoking and PD, HR 0.70 (95% CI 0.49-0.99) ruled out the effect of unmeasured confounding. Conclusions: These results are highly suggestive of a true causal link between smoking and PD, although it is not clear which is the chemical compound in cigarette smoking responsible for the biological effect