1,321 research outputs found

    Human-Computer Interaction for BCI Games: Usability and User Experience

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    Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) come with a lot of issues, such as delays, bad recognition, long training times, and cumbersome hardware. Gamers are a large potential target group for this new interaction modality, but why would healthy subjects want to use it? BCI provides a combination of information and features that no other input modality can offer. But for general acceptance of this technology, usability and user experience will need to be taken into account when designing such systems. This paper discusses the consequences of applying knowledge from Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) to the design of BCI for games. The integration of HCI with BCI is illustrated by research examples and showcases, intended to take this promising technology out of the lab. Future research needs to move beyond feasibility tests, to prove that BCI is also applicable in realistic, real-world settings

    Evidence of an Off-resonant Electronic Transport Mechanism in Helicenes

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    Helical molecules have been identified as potential candidates for investigating electronic transport, spin filtering, or even piezoelectricity. However, the description of the transport mechanism is not straightforward in single molecular junctions. In this work, we study the electronic transport in break junctions of a series of three helical molecules: dithia[nn]helicenes, with n=7,9,11n=7, 9, 11 molecular units, and detail the synthesis of two kinds of dithia[11]helicenes, varying the location of the sulfur atoms. Our experimental study demonstrates low conductance values that remain similar across different biases and molecules. Additionally, we assess the length dependence of the conductance for each helicene, revealing an exponential decay characteristic of off-resonant transport. This behaviour is primarily attributed to the misalignment between the energy levels of the molecule-electrodes system. The length dependence trend described above is supported by \textit{ab initio} calculations, further confirming the off-resonant transport mechanism

    Membranous urethral length measurement on preoperative MRI to predict incontinence after radical prostatectomy:a literature review towards a proposal for measurement standardization

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    Objectives: To investigate the membranous urethral length (MUL) measurement and its interobserver agreement, and propose literature-based recommendations to standardize MUL measurement for increasing interobserver agreement. MUL measurements based on prostate MRI scans, for urinary incontinence risk assessment before radical prostatectomy (RP), may influence treatment decision-making in men with localised prostate cancer. Before implementation in clinical practise, MRI-based MUL measurements need standardization to improve observer agreement. Methods: Online libraries were searched up to August 5, 2022, on MUL measurements. Two reviewers performed article selection and critical appraisal. Papers reporting on preoperative MUL measurements and urinary continence correlation were selected. Extracted information included measuring procedures, MRI sequences, population mean/median values, and observer agreement. Results: Fifty papers were included. Studies that specified the MRI sequence used T2-weighted images and used either coronal images (n = 13), sagittal images (n = 18), or both (n = 12) for MUL measurements. ‘Prostatic apex’ was the most common description of the proximal membranous urethra landmark and ‘level/entry of the urethra into the penile bulb’ was the most common description of the distal landmark. Population mean (median) MUL value range was 10.4–17.1 mm (7.3–17.3 mm), suggesting either population or measurement differences. Detailed measurement technique descriptions for reproducibility were lacking. Recommendations on MRI-based MUL measurement were formulated by using anatomical landmarks and detailed descriptions and illustrations. Conclusions: In order to improve on measurement variability, a literature-based measuring method of the MUL was proposed, supported by several illustrative case studies, in an attempt to standardize MRI-based MUL measurements for appropriate urinary incontinence risk preoperatively. Clinical relevance statement: Implementation of MUL measurements into clinical practise for personalized post-prostatectomy continence prediction is hampered by lack of standardization and suboptimal interobserver agreement. Our proposed standardized MUL measurement aims to facilitate standardization and to improve the interobserver agreement. Key Points: • Variable approaches for membranous urethral length measurement are being used, without detailed description and with substantial differences in length of the membranous urethra, hampering standardization. • Limited interobserver agreement for membranous urethral length measurement was observed in several studies, while preoperative incontinence risk assessment necessitates high interobserver agreement. • Literature-based recommendations are proposed to standardize MRI-based membranous urethral length measurement for increasing interobserver agreement and improving preoperative incontinence risk assessment, using anatomical landmarks on sagittal T2-weighted images.</p

    BEATVIC, a body-oriented resilience therapy using kickboxing exercises for people with a psychotic disorder:a feasibility study

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    BACKGROUND: People with a psychotic disorder have an increased risk of becoming the victim of a crime. To prevent victimization a body-oriented resilience therapy using kickboxing exercises was developed. This study aims to explore the feasibility of the therapy, to improve the therapy protocol and to explore suitable outcomes for a RCT. METHODS: Twenty-four adults with a psychotic disorder received 20 weekly group sessions in which potential risk factors for victimization and strategies for dealing with them were addressed. Sessions were evaluated weekly. During pre and post assessment participants completed questionnaires on, among other, victimization, aggression regulation and social functioning. RESULTS: The short recruitment period indicates the interest in such an intervention and the willingness of clients to participate. Mean attendance was 85.3 and 88% of the participants completed fifteen or more sessions. The therapy protocol was assessed as adequate and exercises as relevant with some small improvements to be made. The victimization and aggression regulation questionnaires were found to be suitable outcome measurements for a subsequent RCT. CONCLUSION: The results support the feasibility of the BEATVIC therapy. Participants subjectively evaluated the intervention as helpful in their attempt to gain more self-esteem and assertiveness. With some minor changes in the protocol the effects of BEATVIC can be tested in a RCT. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The trial registration number (TRN) is 35949 (date submitted 09/11/2018). Retrospectively registered

    Zicht op Evenwicht Landelijke implementatie van een cursus gericht op het verminderen van angst om te vallen bij zelfstandig wonende ouderen

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    Achtergrond: Zicht op Evenwicht is een effectieve cognitief gedragsmatige groepscursus om bezorgdheid om te vallen en gerelateerd vermijdingsgedrag bij zelfstandig wonende ouderen te verminderen. Dit artikel beschrijft de landelijke implementatiestrategie van deze cursus en de resultaten daarvan. De implementatiestrategie had als doel de cursus in 2009 en 2010 bij minimaal 50 % van 64 thuiszorgorganisaties die zijn aangesloten bij het Landelijk Steunpunt Preventie - Thuiszorg (LSP-T) te implementeren. Methoden: De implementatiestrategie is gebaseerd op de vier fasen van het ‘Replicating Effective Interventions’ (REP)model: randvoorwaarden, preimplementatie, implementatie, en borging en doorontwikkeling. Resultaten: Na voorbereidende implementatieactiviteiten zoals identificeren van belemmerende factoren, consulteren van stakeholders, gereedmaken van cursusmaterialen en training van cursusbegeleiders (n053), is Zicht op Evenwicht in de periode 2009–2010 geïmplementeerd bij 16 van thuiszorgorganisaties van het LSP-T (25 %). Nog eens vijf thuiszorgorganisaties hadden plannen om de cursus aan te bieden. De cursus is in deze periode landelijk 26 keer aangeboden, 19 keer uitgevoerd en heeft 178 cursisten bereikt. Het verschil tussen aanbod en uitvoering is een gevolg van moeizame werving van cursisten. Na de implementatiefase zijn nog eens 16 cursusbegeleiders getraind en verloopt de verspreiding van cursusmaterialen voorspoedig. Conclusie: Het implementatietraject is overeenkomstig de opzet van het REP-model verlopen. Het beoogde implementatiedoel is niet volledig bereikt in de periode van twee jaar,maar de cursus geniet zichtbaar de interesse van ouderen, cursusbegeleiders en thuiszorgorganisaties. De continuering van aandacht voor verspreiding en borging van de cursus in de eerstelijnszorg wordt daarom aanbevolen

    Functional Restoration of CFTR Nonsense Mutations in Intestinal Organoids

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    Background: Pharmacotherapies for people with cystic fibrosis (pwCF) who have premature termination codons (PTCs) in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene are under development. Thus far, clinical studies focused on compounds that induce translational readthrough (RT) at the mRNA PTC location. Recent studies using primary airway cells showed that PTC functional restoration can be achieved through combining compounds with multiple mode-of-actions. Here, we assessed induction of CFTR function in PTC-containing intestinal organoids using compounds targeting RT, nonsense mRNA mediated decay (NMD) and CFTR protein modulation. Methods: Rescue of PTC CFTR protein was assessed by forskolin-induced swelling of 12 intestinal organoid cultures carrying distinct PTC mutations. Effects of compounds on mRNA CFTR level was assessed by RT-qPCRs. Results: Whilst response varied between donors, significant rescue of CFTR function was achieved for most donors with the quintuple combination of a commercially available pharmacological equivalent of the RT compound (ELX-02-disulfate or ELX-02ds), NMD inhibitor SMG1i, correctors VX-445 and VX-661 and potentiator VX-770. The quintuple combination of pharmacotherapies reached swelling quantities higher than the mean swelling of three VX-809/VX-770-rescued F508del/F508del organoid cultures, indicating level of rescue is of clinical relevance as VX-770/VX-809-mediated F508del/F508del rescue in organoids correlate with substantial improvement of clinical outcome. Conclusions: Whilst variation in efficacy was observed between genotypes as well as within genotypes, the data suggests that strong pharmacological rescue of PTC requires a combination of drugs that target RT, NMD and protein function