25 research outputs found

    Preparation and thermal decomposition of solid state chelates of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid with manganese

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    Solid state of general formula H2[Mn(EDTA)].3,5H2O, where EDTA is ethylenediaminetetraacetate, were prepared. Thermogravimetry derivative thermogravimetry (TG-DTG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and other methods of analysis have been used to characterize and to study the thermal stability and thermal decomposition of this complex


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    The aim of this work was to assess the sun exposure and photoprotection habits of high school students at Enio Pipino Public School in Sinop-MT. 140 surveys were answered by high school students from the urban area of Sinop-MT. From all the interviewed students, 42,14% were male, and 57,85% female, 63 students declared themselves brown, 53 white, and 42 black. Most of the students declared that they are exposed to sun for at least two hours weekly, and 60% of them between 10am and 3pm. Only 26,42% of the students wear sunscreen during the day, and from those, 8,57% re-apply the product, 52,85% of the students declared no knowledge about SPF. Most of the students do not use physical methods of protection although they assume to be aware about the damages caused by solar radiation expodure, and 13 of them declared to have skin cancer incidence in their families. Analyzing the results, it was possible to identify the studied population vulnerability about the risks of sun radiation exposure and it was also seen that there are very less attitudes for the self health care. It is remarkable yet the need of sun exposure habits changes, according to the time, frequency, and timing of exposur


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    The bar soap is a cosmetic personal care product most consumed in the world. The incorporation of actives to these products provides greater refinement to the formulation. Oils are incorporated in order to increase the moisturize and hydration of the skin. Stability tests are conducted to demonstrate the product's behavior during its period of validity and are essential when there is development of new formulations. The objective of this work was to produce bar soaps containing pequi oil and evaluate its stability through physicochemical testing. They developed three primary formulations with different pequi oil concentrations (1, 3 and 5% w/w), which were evaluated for strength and absorption to water, durability, melting, foaming, crack formation and pH . The best results were obtained with the incorporation of 3% (w/w) of oil. After determination of the optimal concentration of oil, a new formulation was developed containing 3% of pequi oil and the stability tests were remade. It was found that the soaps showed good stability. Thus, it can be shown that the pequi oil can be used for preparation of bar soaps and that they have stability within the parameters studie


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    This paper describes the chromatographic behavior of nimorazole combined medicine employing two adsorbents, twenty-seven four mobile phases and detection agents. Accordingly, the thin layer chromatography allowed the separation and identification of drugs nimorazole, chloramphenicol and nystatin using a simple, effective and inexpensive technique


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    The thiazide diuretics are of the classes of drugs most frequently used for the treatment of hypertension. Hydrochlorothiazide is the representative of this class and is found in tablet form in doses of 25 and 50 mg. It is marketed in three different categories of drugs: reference, similar and generic. According to the regulator in Brazil, the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), before pharmaceuticals are released for use, the pharmaceutical industry must meet product quality specifications, but the consumption of counterfeit drugs, contraband or without registration with government laws It is growing in Brazil, which affect the entire drug production chain affecting the health of those who use these medicines. In view of the reported problems about the quality of marketed drugs and being the state of Mato Grosso considered a fake gateway drug, due to its proximity to Bolivia, this study aimed to assess the quality of tablets containing hydrochlorothiazide is already one of the most widely used drugs in the treatment of hypertension in Sinop-MT municipality according local search. Samples from five laboratories that produce hydrochlorothiazide tablets at a dose of 25 mg, and the most market in the municipality of Sinop / MT were analyzed as stablished in the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia. It was found that four of the five samples of drugs in Mato Grosso, performed all the requirements for approval in quality testing, with the exception of a product that has lower hardness values than recommended, which can lead to problems drug presentation as well as directly affect the absorption, bioavailability and action of the therapeutic drug. It was concluded that medicinal products containing hydrochlorothiazide showed adequate quality, ensuring their effectiveness

    The US, Brazil and Latin America : the dynamics of asymmetrical regionalism

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    Until its recent crisis, Brazil’s rise, combined with seeming US decline and distraction, led observers to declare South America a ‘post-hegemonic’ region. How have US and Brazilian ambitions and capabilities affected the countries’ relations within the shared neighbourhood of the Western Hemisphere? Building on work by Womack, B. [2016. Asymmetry and international relationships. New York: Cambridge University Press], the article analyses the US-Brazil-South America relationship as a regionally located, asymmetrical triangle. During two centre-left presidencies, Brazil sought to shift the dynamics of the hemisphere’s soft triangles. Brazilian diplomacy redefined its neighbourhood as South America, developed exclusive regional groupings, and assumed the role of pivot to shape relationships between the US and South America. In the face of sceptical neighbours and weakened Brazilian capabilities, the regional triangle is likely to return to a more ‘normal’ configuration in which the United States acts as a central, albeit often uninterested, pivot