17 research outputs found

    Radioelement studies in the oceans. Progress report, January 1-December 31, 1978

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    A bibliographic summary of reports published, submitted, in press or presented at meetings was included. A discussion of 3 cruises taken to collect samples from water, sediment cores, and plankton tows was also included. The geographical areas covered on these cruises were: (1) downwind and down-current from the U.S. Pacific Test Site, (2) across the equator in the Central Pacific, and (3) the Mid-Pacific Gyrie region. Maps are included. Samples were analyzed for a cesium 137, and plutonium on the ship. The samples were also retained for further radionuclide analysis and taxonomy (plankton) at Woods Hole. The dredging operations and problems encounted with in-situ water filtrations and chemical preparations on the first cruise were also discussed. Nutrient analysis of seawater was performed on the second cruise. The results of testing a new recording instrument are included for the third cruise

    Plutonium and americium concentration along fresh-water food chains of the Great Lakes, U. S. A. Progress report, July 1976--September 30, 1977

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    The primary purpose of studying the biogeochemical behavior of transuranic radionuclides in large freshwater lakes began with studies of the distribution of these radionuclides, essentially introduced from the fallout of atmospheric nuclear weapons tests, in Lake Ontario. The recognition that an additional source of supply of these nuclides to Lake Ontario (subsequent to their release into Lake Erie) existed in the form of leakage from the Nuclear Fuel Services reprocessing plant at Springville, New York, led to expansion of the program to include sampling at the eastern end of Lake Erie. Much of the program is devoted to studies of the distribution of these nuclides in the lake sediments as they appear to be a major repository for transuranics in freshwater lakes. The extent to which this is a temporary or permanent repository is illuminated by studies of transuranic distributions in the lake waters and biota