11 research outputs found

    Fast Diffusion Process in Quenched hcp Dilute Solid 3^3He-4^4He Mixture

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    The study of phase structure of dilute 3^3He - 4^4He solid mixture of different quality is performed by spin echo NMR technique. The diffusion coefficient is determined for each coexistent phase. Two diffusion processes are observed in rapidly quenched (non-equilibrium) hcp samples: the first process has a diffusion coefficient corresponding to hcp phase, the second one has huge diffusion coefficient corresponding to liquid phase. That is evidence of liquid-like inclusions formation during fast crystal growing. It is established that these inclusions disappear in equilibrium crystals after careful annealing.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, QFS200

    A glassy contribution to the heat capacity of hcp 4^4He solids

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    We model the low-temperature specific heat of solid 4^4He in the hexagonal closed packed structure by invoking two-level tunneling states in addition to the usual phonon contribution of a Debye crystal for temperatures far below the Debye temperature, T<ΘD/50T < \Theta_D/50. By introducing a cutoff energy in the two-level tunneling density of states, we can describe the excess specific heat observed in solid hcp 4^4He, as well as the low-temperature linear term in the specific heat. Agreement is found with recent measurements of the temperature behavior of both specific heat and pressure. These results suggest the presence of a very small fraction, at the parts-per-million (ppm) level, of two-level tunneling systems in solid 4^4He, irrespective of the existence of supersolidity.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Low energy collective modes, Ginzburg-Landau theory, and pseudogap behavior in superconductors with long-range pairing interactions

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    We study the superconducting instability in systems with long but finite ranged, attractive, pairing interactions. We show that such long-ranged superconductors exhibit a new class of fluctuations in which the internal structure of the Cooper pair wave function is soft, and thus lead to "pseudogap" behavior in which the actual transition temperature is greatly depressed from its mean field value. These fluctuations are {\it not} phase fluctuations of the standard superconducting order parameter, and lead to a highly unusual Ginzburg-Landau description. We suggest that the crossover between the BCS limit of a short-ranged attraction and our problem is of interest in the context of superconductivity in the underdoped cuprates.Comment: 20 pages with one embedded ps figure. Minor revisions to the text and references. Final version to appear in PRB on Nov. 1st, 200

    Multifractality and critical fluctuations at the Anderson transition

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    Critical fluctuations of wave functions and energy levels at the Anderson transition are studied for the family of the critical power-law random banded matrix ensembles. It is shown that the distribution functions of the inverse participation ratios (IPR) PqP_q are scale-invariant at the critical point, with a power-law asymptotic tail. The IPR distribution, the multifractal spectrum and the level statistics are calculated analytically in the limits of weak and strong couplings, as well as numerically in the full range of couplings.Comment: 14 pages, 13 eps figure

    Defects and glassy dynamics in solid He-4: Perspectives and current status

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    We review the anomalous behavior of solid He-4 at low temperatures with particular attention to the role of structural defects present in solid. The discussion centers around the possible role of two level systems and structural glassy components for inducing the observed anomalies. We propose that the origin of glassy behavior is due to the dynamics of defects like dislocations formed in He-4. Within the developed framework of glassy components in a solid, we give a summary of the results and predictions for the effects that cover the mechanical, thermodynamic, viscoelastic, and electro-elastic contributions of the glassy response of solid He-4. Our proposed glass model for solid He-4 has several implications: (1) The anomalous properties of He-4 can be accounted for by allowing defects to freeze out at lowest temperatures. The dynamics of solid He-4 is governed by glasslike (glassy) relaxation processes and the distribution of relaxation times varies significantly between different torsional oscillator, shear modulus, and dielectric function experiments. (2) Any defect freeze-out will be accompanied by thermodynamic signatures consistent with entropy contributions from defects. It follows that such entropy contribution is much smaller than the required superfluid fraction, yet it is sufficient to account for excess entropy at lowest temperatures. (3) We predict a Cole-Cole type relation between the real and imaginary part of the response functions for rotational and planar shear that is occurring due to the dynamics of defects. Similar results apply for other response functions. (4) Using the framework of glassy dynamics, we predict low-frequency yet to be measured electro-elastic features in defect rich He-4 crystals. These predictions allow one to directly test the ideas and very presence of glassy contributions in He-4.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figure

    Manifestation of triplet superconductivity in superconductor-ferromagnet structures

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    We study proximity effects in a multilayered superconductor/ferromagnet (S/F) structure with arbitrary relative directions of the magnetization M{\bf M}. If the magnetizations of different layers are collinear the superconducting condensate function induced in the F layers has only a singlet component and a triplet one with a zero projection of the total magnetic moment of the Cooper pairs on the M{\bf M} direction. In this case the condensate penetrates the F layers over a short length ξJ\xi_J determined by the exchange energy JJ. If the magnetizations M{\bf M} are not collinear the triplet component has, in addition to the zero projection, the projections ±1\pm1. The latter component is even in the momentum, odd in the Matsubara frequency and penetrates the F layers over a long distance that increases with decreasing temperature and does not depend on JJ (spin-orbit interaction limits this length). If the thickness of the F layers is much larger than ξJ\xi_J, the Josephson coupling between neighboring S layers is provided only by the triplet component, so that a new type of superconductivity arises in the transverse direction of the structure. The Josephson critical current is positive (negative) for the case of a positive (negative) chirality of the vector M{\bf M}. We demonstrate that this type of the triplet condensate can be detected also by measuring the density of states in F/S/F structures.Comment: 14 pages; 9 figures. Final version, to be published in Phys. Rev.