46 research outputs found

    Correction of psycho-emotional state of athletes playing sports with the consequences of injuries of the lower extremities

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    Purpose : development of techniques for using factors of psychological support for the recovery of athletes playing sports after injuries of the lower extremities. Material : The study involved 44 sportsmen. During 2008 - 2013 years was recorded 558 injuries. Results : The results psychodiagnosis injured athletes procedure K. Leonhard additions to copyright. Recommended approaches such psychological rehabilitation: gaining an understanding of real prospects athlete restore lost functions; mobilization will athlete to actively participate in the rehabilitation process; help in facing traumatized and need opportunities to participate in training-competitive process. Conclusions : The proposed package of measures for psychological support provided athletes decrease recovery times for 1 - 3 weeks and return to training-competitive process

    The use of mechanotherapy means in basketball players recovery after the injuries of the lower extremities

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    The aim is to develop methods of physical rehabilitation of basketball players with injuries of the lower extremities. Summarizes the experience of use of mechanical therapy for the recovery of athletes with injuries to the lower extremities. Analyzed the nature of lower extremity injuries and their consequences. The methods of application of mechanical therapy using a simulator developed universal and local fatty clay as a means of physical therapy. It is proved that the method developed by the authors provided a mechanotherapy achieve the required level of mobility in the joints and improve range of body functions. Found that in the process of applying the developed program of rehabilitation basketball players with injuries of the lower extremities most effective in complex physical rehabilitation was value: therapeutic physical training with mechanotherapy + physical therapy with curative mud + therapeutic massage. Technique introduced to the work of medical and health-improving establishments and educational institutions of Ukraine Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

    The use of mechanotherapy means in basketball players recovery after the injuries of the lower extremities

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    The aim is to develop methods of physical rehabilitation of basketball players with injuries of the lower extremities. Summarizes the experience of use of mechanical therapy for the recovery of athletes with injuries to the lower extremities. Analyzed the nature of lower extremity injuries and their consequences. The methods of application of mechanical therapy using a simulator developed universal and local fatty clay as a means of physical therapy. It is proved that the method developed by the authors provided a mechanotherapy achieve the required level of mobility in the joints and improve range of body functions. Found that in the process of applying the developed program of rehabilitation basketball players with injuries of the lower extremities most effective in complex physical rehabilitation was value: therapeutic physical training with mechanotherapy + physical therapy with curative mud + therapeutic massage. Technique introduced to the work of medical and health-improving establishments and educational institutions of Ukraine Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine


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    The paper emphasizes a very severe social-ecological problem, related to the contamination of soils by pesticides and fodder micotoxins. The authors suggest the utilization of a carbon adsorption based method of purification of soils contaminated with traces of pesticides. It is demonstrated that this method of soil rehabilitation leads to an 80% crop increase, allowing the production of environmentally clean plant products. The utilization of special activated carbons “Ptitsesorb” leads to a 30-40% decrease of necessary combined fodder in chickens breeding

    Physiotherapy in the physical rehabilitation of patients with sequelae of injuries of the lower extremities in Zhitomir of rehabilitation facilities

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    Purpose : to study the physical properties and therapeutic effect of mechanical factors in the pathogenetic treatment in traumatology. Material : 622 patients were studied with the consequences of injuries of the lower extremities (age 18-64 years). Observations carried out since 2005 in hospitals and medical health institutions of Zhitomir. Selected physiotherapy factors that are mainly used for the physical rehabilitation of patients in trauma. Results : identified the factors that were intended to eliminate the consequences of injuries of the lower extremities. Analyzed their effect in the author's method of complex rehabilitation of patients. Performed systematization selected physiotherapy factors in a table to read and understand forms. In the medical health institutions in the city of Zhytomyr investigated and established the effectiveness of the recommendations. Conclusions : physical factors cause the body general, non-specific and specific response to each type of impact. This allows you to selectively influence the pathogenic elements of the disease. Should strictly adhere to the indications and contraindications to the use of physiotherapy factor. It is necessary to take into account age, sex, and comorbidity