2 research outputs found

    Remarks on the Formulation of Quantum Mechanics on Noncommutative Phase Spaces

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    We consider the probabilistic description of nonrelativistic, spinless one-particle classical mechanics, and immerse the particle in a deformed noncommutative phase space in which position coordinates do not commute among themselves and also with canonically conjugate momenta. With a postulated normalized distribution function in the quantum domain, the square of the Dirac delta density distribution in the classical case is properly realised in noncommutative phase space and it serves as the quantum condition. With only these inputs, we pull out the entire formalisms of noncommutative quantum mechanics in phase space and in Hilbert space, and elegantly establish the link between classical and quantum formalisms and between Hilbert space and phase space formalisms of noncommutative quantum mechanics. Also, we show that the distribution function in this case possesses 'twisted' Galilean symmetry.Comment: 25 pages, JHEP3 style; minor changes; Published in JHE

    Solving loop equations by Hitchin systems via holography in large-N QCD_4

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    For (planar) closed self-avoiding loops we construct a "holographic" map from the loop equations of large-N QCD_4 to an effective action defined over infinite rank Hitchin bundles. The effective action is constructed densely embedding Hitchin systems into the functional integral of a partially quenched or twisted Eguchi-Kawai model, by means of the resolution of identity into the gauge orbits of the microcanonical ensemble and by changing variables from the moduli fields of Hitchin systems to the moduli of the corresponding holomorphic de Rham local systems. The key point is that the contour integral that occurs in the loop equations for the de Rham local systems can be reduced to the computation of a residue in a certain regularization. The outcome is that, for self-avoiding loops, the original loop equations are implied by the critical equation of an effective action computed in terms of the localisation determinant and of the Jacobian of the change of variables to the de Rham local systems. We check, at lowest order in powers of the moduli fields, that the localisation determinant reproduces exactly the first coefficient of the beta function.Comment: 65 pages, late