4 research outputs found

    Clinical and Anamnestic Features of Pathology of Gastrointestinal Tract in Children with Syndrome of Heart Connective Tissue Dysplasia, Born to Parents Irradiated In Childhood due to the Chernobyl Accident

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    The children born to parents irradiation-exposed in childhood due to the Chernobyl accident were found to have mainly the upper gastrointestinal pathology, namely chronic gastroduodenitis, usually concomitant, and several areas of the alimentary canal being involved into the pathological process. The children with the syndrome of heart connective tissue dysplasia have earlier manifestation of the upper gastrointestinal diseases (from pre-school age) and with age systemic damage of various organs and systems is noted, as evidenced by such indicators as a number of clinical entities per child (among the children of the I group — 6.8; II group — 4.9). The analysis of biomedical risk factors and index of burdened familial history on gastrointestinal pathology in I–II degree relatives did not demonstrate a significant difference between the groups. The clinical manifestations of chronic upper gastroduodenal diseases in children with the syndrome of heart connective tissue dysplasia typically have more frequent exacerbations due to the psycho-emotional and physical exhaustion. These children more often have moderate periodic pain; higher occurence of gastric dyspepsia symptoms, intestinal motor dysfunction and concomitant nervous system disorders (80.0 %) and chronic foci of infection (62.2 %)

    Kinetic Model of Mitochondrial Krebs Cycle: Unraveling the Mechanism of Salicylate Hepatotoxic Effects

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    This paper studies the effect of salicylate on the energy metabolism of mitochondria using in silico simulations. A kinetic model of the mitochondrial Krebs cycle is constructed using information on the individual enzymes. Model parameters for the rate equations are estimated using in vitro experimental data from the literature. Enzyme concentrations are determined from data on respiration in mitochondrial suspensions containing glutamate and malate. It is shown that inhibition in succinate dehydrogenase and α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase by salicylate contributes substantially to the cumulative inhibition of the Krebs cycle by salicylates. Uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation has little effect and coenzyme A consumption in salicylates transformation processes has an insignificant effect on the rate of substrate oxidation in the Krebs cycle. It is found that the salicylate-inhibited Krebs cycle flux can be increased by flux redirection through addition of external glutamate and malate, and depletion in external α-ketoglutarate and glycine concentrations