6 research outputs found

    Biocatalytic scope of Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenases

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    Biodegradation of fuel oxygenates and their effect on the expression of a newly identified cytochrome P450 gene in Achromobacter xylosoxidans MCM2/2/1

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    10.1016/j.procbio.2013.09.028Achromobacter xylosoxidans MCM2/2/1 was enriched and isolated from gasoline-contaminated soil and was found to degrade ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE) and methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) by 41.48% and 34.15%, respectively, in 6 days. Furthermore, the effect of MTBE and TBA on the expression of cytochrome P450 (CYP) of A. xylosoxidans MCM2/2/1 was examined. The presence of the CYP gene in this organism was first confirmed by amplification of a putative 350 bp CYP gene fragment followed by identification of the entire gene by genome walking and DNA-sequencing. The identified CYP gene of A. xylosoxidans MCM2/2/1 shares a high similarity of about 88% with the thcB gene of A. xylosoxidans A8. Gene expression studies have shown that the CYP gene is expressed in A. xylosoxidans MCM2/2/1; however, the expression of this gene was altered at different concentrations of MTBE

    Altering the regioselectivity of cytochrome P450 CYP102A3 of Bacillus subtilis by using a new versatile assay system

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    A novel monooxygenase (CYP102A3) has been discovered within the Bacillus subtilis genome that reveals a similarity of 76 % to the well-known cytochrome P450 BM-3 of B. megaterium (CYP102A1). Both enzymes are natural fusion proteins consisting of a heme domain and a FAD/FMN-reductase domain. Because of their high turnover rates, these biocatalysts are of special interest for industrial applications, but show only limited regioselectivity. In this work, the regioselectivity of CYP102A3 was changed by directed evolution and protein design to hydroxylate substrates not only in different subterminal, but also to a high extent, in terminal carbon chain positions. To enable a high-throughput screening procedure, a very versatile assay was developed that is capable of discriminating between terminal and subterminal hydroxylation of carbon chains. A double mutant of CYP102A3 was obtained that produces 48 % octan-1-ol as the main product of the reaction

    Draft genome sequences of three Actinobacteria strains presenting new candidate organisms with high potentials for specific P450 cytochromes

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    The three Actinobacteria strains Streptomyces platensis DSM 40041, Pseudonocardia autotrophica DSM 535, and Streptomyces fradiae DSM 40063 were described to selectively oxyfunctionalize several drugs. Here, we present their draft genomes to unravel their gene sets encoding promising cytochrome P450 monooxygenases associated with the generation of drug metabolites

    Chain length-dependent cooperativity in fatty acid binding and oxidation by cytochrome P450BM3 (CYP102A1)

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    Fatty acid binding and oxidation kinetics for wild type P450(sub)BM3 (CYP102A1) from Bacillus megaterium have been found to display chain length-dependent homotropic behavior. Laurate and 13-methyl-myristate display Michaelis-Menten behavior while there are slight deviations with myristate at low ionic strengths. Palmitate shows Michaelis-Menten kinetics and hyperbolic binding behavior in 100 mmol/L phosphate, pH 7.4, but sigmoidal kinetics (with an apparent intercept) in low ionic strength buffers and at physiological phosphate concentrations. In low ionic strength buffers both the heme domain and the full-length enzyme show complex palmitate binding behavior that indicates a minimum of four fatty acid binding sites, with high cooperativity for the binding of the fourth palmitate molecule, and the full-length enzyme showing tighter palmitate binding than the heme domain. The first flavin-to-heme electron transfer is faster for laurate, myristate and palmitate in 100 mmol/L phosphate than in 50mmol/L Tris (pH 7.4), yet each substrate induces similar high-spin heme content. For palmitate in low phosphate buffer concentrations, the rate constant of the first electron transfer is much larger than k(sub)cat. The results suggest that phosphate has a specific effect in promoting the first electron transfer step, and that P450(sub)BM3 could modulate Bacillus membrane morphology and fluidity via palmitate oxidation in response to the external phosphate concentration.Benjamin Rowlatt, Jake A. Yorke, Anthony J. Strong, Christopher J. C. Whitehouse, Stephen G. Bell, Luet-Lok Won

    The enzymatic basis for pesticide bioremediation

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    Enzymes are central to the biology of many pesticides, influencing their modes of action, environmental fates and mechanisms of target species resistance. Since the introduction of synthetic xenobiotic pesticides, enzymes responsible for pesticide turnover have evolved rapidly, in both the target organisms and incidentally exposed biota. Such enzymes are a source of significant biotechnological potential and form the basis of several bioremediation strategies intended to reduce the environmental impacts of pesticide residues. This review describes examples of enzymes possessing the major activities employed in the bioremediation of pesticide residues, and some of the strategies by which they are employed. In addition, several examples of specific achievements in enzyme engineering are considered, highlighting the growing trend in tailoring enzymatic activity to a specific biotechnologically relevant function