11 research outputs found

    Residual currents and fluxes through the mouth of Vassova coastal lagoon

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    An intensive sampling program of physical and chemical parameters at the mouth of Vassova lagoon (Northern Greece) during 4 separate tidal cycles is described. The study aims at understanding the tidal circulation and estimating the instantaneous and residual fluxes of water, salt and nutrients through the entrance canal of this micro-tidal lagoon. Results showed that tidal flood exceeded in duration tidal ebb, under spring and neap tidal conditions. Ebb tidal currents were recorded higher than flood currents, especially under neap tidal conditions. Unsteady flow characterized the temporal variation of longitudinal and lateral velocity, inducing a rightward deflection on flood or ebb flow. The intra-tidal variability of dissolved inorganic nitrogen showed seasonal dependence, with higher values during September, October and early March, and lower during the late March period. Residual current and flux analysis into a Eulerian and a mass transport Stokes drift mechanism illustrated that advective water and dissolved parameters (i.e., salt and nitrates, phosphates and chlorophyll-·) fluxes were an order of magnitude higher than tidal pumping effects. Water and dissolved constituents moved into the lagoon under neap tidal conditions and out of the lagoon during spring tidal conditions. Calculated flushing times ranged from 5 to 14 days, with neap tidal conditions and nearly zero freshwater discharge producing the longer flushing time. Lower water flushing effects were generated under spring tides and increased precipitation

    Integrated modeling as a decision-aiding tool for groundwater management in a Mediterranean agricultural watershed

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    Δημοσίευση σε επιστημονικό περιοδικόSummarization: A decision-aiding methodology for agricultural groundwater management is presented; it is based on the combination of a watershed model, a groundwater flow model, and an optimization model. This methodology was applied to an agricultural watershed in northeastern Greece. The watershed model used was the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), which provided recharge rates for the aquifers. These recharge rates were imported in the well-known MODFLOW groundwater flow model. Both models were calibrated and verified using field data. Then, the nonlinear optimization problem was solved by a piecewise linearization process, in which the Simplex algorithm was applied sequentially. Apart from several pumping and climate change sensitivity scenarios, a land use change scenario and a climate change scenario, combining the three models, were tested, showing the ability of this methodology to be used in the decision-making process.Presented on: Hydrological Processe

    Condivisione, definizione ed applicazione del protocollo ENV1 alle attivit\ue0 di dragaggio e ripascimento con sabbie relitte ed applicazioni specifiche per lo studio della torbidit\ue0. In La gestione strategica della difesa dei litorali per uno sviluppo sostenibile delle zone costiere del Mediterraneo

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    none25NICOLETTI L; PAGANELLI D; LATTANZI L; LA PORTA B; PAZZINI A; TARGUSI M; LA VALLE P; MENTINO P; MORELLI M; AGUZZI M; DE NIGRIS N; LAMBERTI A; MARTINELLI L; GUERRERO M; BARTOLETTI E; BINI A; DEGLI INNOCENTI R; NICOTRA I; VIACAVA J; TSIHRINTZIS V.A; SYLAIOS G.K; BERTOLOTTO R; PAOLI E; S. TUCCI; CAPELLO MNicoletti, L; Paganelli, D; Lattanzi, L; LA PORTA, B; Pazzini, A; Targusi, M; LA VALLE, P; Mentino, P; Morelli, M; Aguzzi, M; DE NIGRIS, N; Lamberti, A; Martinelli, L; Guerrero, M; Bartoletti, E; Bini, A; DEGLI INNOCENTI, R; Nicotra, I; Viacava, J; TSIHRINTZIS V., A; SYLAIOS G., K; Bertolotto, R; Paoli, E; Tucci, Sergio; Capello, Marc

    Operational precise irrigation for cotton cultivation through the coupling of meteorological and crop growth models.

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    In this paper, we tested the operational capacity of an interoperable model coupling system for the irrigation scheduling (IMCIS) at an experimental cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) field in Northern Greece. IMCIS comprises a meteorological model (TAPM), downscaled at field level, and a water-driven cultivation tool (AquaCrop), to optimize irrigation and enhance crop growth and yield. Both models were evaluated through on-site observations of meteorological variables, soil moisture levels and canopy cover progress. Based on irrigation management (deficit, precise and farmer’s practice) and method (drip and sprinkler), the field was divided into six sub-plots. Prognostic meteorological model results exhibited satisfactory agreement in most parameters affecting ETo, simulating adequately the soil water balance. Precipitation events were fairly predicted, although rainfall depths needed further adjustment. Soil water content levels computed by the crop growth model followed the trend of soil humidity measurements, while the canopy cover patterns and the seed cotton yield were well predicted, especially at the drip irrigated plots. Overall, the system exhibited robustness and good predicting ability for crop water needs, based on local evapotranspiration forecasts and crop phenological stages. The comparison of yield and irrigation levels at all sub-plots revealed that drip irrigation under IMCIS guidance could achieve the same yield levels as traditional farmer’s practice, utilizing approximately 32% less water, thus raising water productivity up to 0.96 kg/m3.N/