6 research outputs found


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    Given the high rate of recurrence of ovarian cancer, the search for new therapeutic strategies are topical issue. According to various studies the effectiveness of drug treatment relapse depends on the platinum-free interval, increasing in proportion to its duration. If therapy is platinum-resistant recurrent ovarian cancer is a standard approach, the treatment of platinum-sensitive recurrent algorithm is not fully defined. Comparison of platinum and non-platinum combinations revealed the advantage of combined platinum- treatment for patients with platinum-free interval of more than 6 months without an increase in life expectancy. Non-platinum combination of trabectedin with pegylated liposomal doxorubicin has shown comparable efficacy with an advantage in overall survival in patients with platinum-free interval of 6–12 months. A platinum-free interval prolongation by the use of non-platinum mode increases the efficiency of subsequent platinum-based therapy, increasing the life expectancy of patients . Currently under study molecular markers and prognostic factors allowing to define a group of patients who have the greatest benefit from the use trabectedin with pegylated liposomal doxorubicin as second-line chemotherapy. Учитывая высокую частоту рецидивирования рака яичника, поиск новых терапевтических стратегий представляется актуальным вопросом. По данным различных исследователей, эффективность лекарственного лечения рецидивов зависит от бесплатинового интервала, возрастая пропорционально его продолжительности. Если терапия платинорезистентных рецидивов рака яичника имеет стандартные подходы, то алгоритм лечения платиночувствительных рецидивов до конца не определен. Сравнение платиновых и неплатиновых комбинаций показало преимущество комбинированного платиносодержащего режима для больных с бесплатиновым интервалом более 6 мес без увеличения продолжительности жизни. Неплатиновая комбинация трабектедина с пегилированным липосомальным доксорубицином продемонстрировала сопоставимую эффективность с преимуществом по общей выживаемости в группе больных с бесплатиновым интервалом 6–12 мес, а пролонгирование бесплатинового интервала путем применения неплатинового режима повышает эффективность последующей платиносодержащей терапии, увеличивая продолжительность жизни больных. В настоящее время проводится исследование молекулярных маркеров и прогностических факторов, позволяющих определить группу больных, получающих наибольшую пользу от назначения трабектедина с пегилированным липосомальным доксорубицином во второй линии химиотерапии.

    Nonmonotonic size dependence of the critical concentration in 2D percolation of straight rigid rods under equilibrium conditions

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    Numerical simulations and finite-size scaling analysis have been carried out to study the percolation behavior of straight rigid rods of length kk (kk-mers) on two-dimensional square lattices. The kk-mers, containing kk identical units (each one occupying a lattice site), were adsorbed at equilibrium on the lattice. The process was monitored by following the probability RL,k(θ)R_{L,k}(\theta) that a lattice composed of L×LL \times L sites percolates at a concentration θ\theta of sites occupied by particles of size kk. A nonmonotonic size dependence was observed for the percolation threshold, which decreases for small particles sizes, goes through a minimum, and finally asymptotically converges towards a definite value for large segments. This striking behavior has been interpreted as a consequence of the isotropic-nematic phase transition occurring in the system for large values of kk. Finally, the universality class of the model was found to be the same as for the random percolation model.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Percolation of polyatomic species on a simple cubic lattice

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    In the present paper, the site-percolation problem corresponding to linear k-mers (containing k identical units, each one occupying a lattice site) on a simple cubic lattice has been studied. The k-mers were irreversibly and isotropically deposited into the lattice. Then, the percolation threshold and critical exponents were obtained by numerical simulations and finite-size scaling theory. The results, obtained for k ranging from 1 to 100, revealed that (i) the percolation threshold exhibits a decreasing function when it is plotted as a function of the k-mer size; and (ii) the phase transition occurring in the system belongs to the standard 3D percolation universality class regardless of the value of k considered

    Ras Family G-Proteins in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces Pombe

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