148 research outputs found

    Рецензия на учебное пособие С.Ю. Кашкина, А.О. Четверикова «Основы интеграционного права» (М.: Проспект, 2014. - 224 с.)

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    The paper is dedicated to the analysis of a new direction in the law, the textbook «Fundamentals of Integration Law», an analysis of new proposals and determining the integration of science, law, the possibility of creating and teaching a new discipline-integration law, its history and development prospects.Работа посвящена анализу нового направления в праве, учебного пособия «Основы интеграционного права», разбору новых предложений и определений науки - интеграционного права, возможности создания и преподавания новой дисциплины - интеграционного права, его истории и перспективам развития

    Основные направления реформирования мировой финансовой системы

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    The article is dedicated to the events of the refinancing of the financial system, which in times of crisis has significantly changed. It's necessary to create a mega-regulator and strengthen banking control at the national level. However, the uneven development of countries and the financial interests of multinational companies won't allow to complete the reorganization of the IMF and the World Bank.Статья посвящена анализу изменений, происходящих в мировой финансовой системе за последние пятнадцать лет, и необходимости реформирования и регулирования этой системы в ближайшем будущем

    Рецензия на работу И.А. Цинделиани «О системе финансового права: современное состояние научных исследований» (М.: РАП, 2011. — 168 с.)

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    Развитие национальной платежной системы — новая цель деятельности Центрального Банка России

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    The article is dedicated to the relevant theoretical and practical problems of the development of the national payment system in Russia as a new problem of the Central Bank. Because of that the institutions of the financial law of Russia have to be changed — budget, tax, currencyand payment technology.Статья посвящена актуальным теоретическим и практическим проблемам развития национальной платежной системы в Российской Федерации как новой задачи Центрального банка. Для этого вносятся изменения во многие институты финансового права РФ — бюджетного, налогового, валютного и в технологию расчетов

    Компьютерное исследование по выбору оптимальной конструкции виброгасящих вставок в державке токарного резца

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    In article is considered influence to designs vibration damper insertions in holder turning incisor on value of the compliant worker end of the cutting plate under static loading, at thermal and static loading, on the first resonance frequency of the own rippling and amplitude of the compelled rippling of the top of the cutting plate incisor.В статье рассмотрено влияние конструкции виброгасящих вставок в державке токарного резца на величину перемещения рабочего конца режущей пластины при статическом нагружении, при тепловом и статическом нагружениях, на первую резонансную частоту собственных колебаний и амплитуду вынужденных колебаний вершины режущей пластины резца

    Исследование влияния режимов резания при тонком точении на качество поверхности

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    Experimental studies of the influence of the different forms of the insertions are organized in work in holder boring cutter on quality (the roughness) processed to surfaces. Findings are made about influence concrete design on quality processed to surfaces.В работе проведены экспериментальные исследования влияния различных форм вставок в державке расточного токарного резца на качество (шероховатость) обрабатываемой поверхности. Сделаны выводы о влиянии конкретных конструкций на качество обрабатываемой поверхности


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    Brief results of research at the Department of Zootechnics of the PFUR in more than 30 years are reported on the relationship between cosmophysical activity and animal productivity (the rhythm of milk yield of cows and the chemical composition of milk, the biochemical composition of cows' blood). It is established that in even and odd 11-year solar cycles, animals react differently to cosmophysical activity. In even cycles, the increase in solar activity contributes to the growth of milk yields. In odd cycles, increasing solar activity reduces milk yield. The data of scientific observations, covering the periods of even and odd cycles, should be grouped and analyzed separately by cycles. Within 2—3 years, at the lowest peak of solar activity, and 2—3 years — at the top peak of activity (with the change of magnetic poles on the Sun) minimal and unreliable correlations are noted. The strongest correlation was noted in the middle of the rise or decrease in solar activity. The rhythm of milk yield was noted regard-less of the lactation phase of cows. Approximately 1/3 of the time, milk yield increased, 1/3 — decreased and 1/3 — remained at the same level, with fluctuations, with periods from 2.7; 3.3; up to 5.5 days. With an increase in milk yield during 31.0% of lactation days, the content of fat and protein in milk decreased, respectively, 25.8 and 25.4% of the time. With a decrease in milk yield during 33.7% of lactation days, the fat and protein content did not change, respectively, 49.8 and 48.1% days. The most pronounced interval of rhythmicity of the concentration of fat and protein in milk from 2 to 2.5 days with an average value of 2.2 days was established. In addition rhythm 2.8; 3.4; 4.4; 8; 32; 41,1 and 72 days was marked. Approxi-mately with the same cycles in the milk, sugar concentrations, density and acidity were changed.Приведены краткие результаты исследований на кафедре зоотехнии РУДН более чем за 30 лет о взаимосвязи космофизической активности и продуктивности животных (ритмичности удоев коров и химического состава молока, биохимическом составе крови коров). Установлено, что в четные и нечетные 11-летние солнечные циклы животные по-разному реагируют на космофизические про-явления. В четные циклы повышение солнечной активности способствует росту удоев. В нечетные циклы повышение солнечной активности снижает удои. Данные научных наблюдений, охватывающих периоды четных и нечетных циклов, следует группировать и анализировать отдельно по циклам. В течение 2-3 лет на нижнем пике солнечной активности и 2-3 лет - на верхнем пике активности (при смене магнитных полюсов на Солнце) отмечаются минимальные и недостоверные корреляционные связи. Наиболее стабильные связи бывают в середине подъема или снижения солнечной активности. При этом ритмичность удоев отмечалась независимо от фазы лактации коров. Примерно 1/3 времени удои росли, 1/3 - снижались и 1/3 - оставались на одном уровне, при колебаниях суточных удоев с периодами от 2,7; 3,3 до 5,5 суток. При увеличении удоев в течение 31,0% дней лактации содержание жира и белка в молоке уменьшалось соответственно 25,8 и 25,4% времени. При снижении же удоев в течение 33,7% дней лактации содержание жира и белка не изменялось соответственно 49,8 и 48,1% дней. Наиболее выражен интервал ритмичности концентрации жира и белка в молоке от 2 до 2,5 суток со средним значением 2,2 дня; затем отмечается ритм 2,8; 3,4; 4,4; 8; 32; 41,1 и 72 суток. Примерно с такими же циклами в молоке изменялись концентрации сахара, плотности и кислотности

    String Field Theory Projectors for Fermions of Integral Weight

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    The interaction vertex for a fermionic first order system of weights (1,0) such as the twisted bc-system, the fermionic part of N=2 string field theory and the auxiliary \eta\xi system of N=1 strings is formulated in the Moyal basis. In this basis, the Neumann matrices are diagonal; as usual, the eigenvectors are labeled by \kappa\in\R. Oscillators constructed from these eigenvectors make up two Clifford algebras for each nonzero value of \kappa. Using a generalization of the Moyal-Weyl map to the fermionic case, we classify all projectors of the star-algebra which factorize into projectors for each \kappa-subspace. At least for the case of squeezed states we recover the full set of bosonic projectors with this property. Among the subclass of ghost number-homogeneous squeezed state projectors, we find a single class of BPZ-real states parametrized by one (nearly) arbitrary function of \kappa. This class is shown to contain the generalized butterfly states. Furthermore, we elaborate on sufficient and necessary conditions which have to be fulfilled by our projectors in order to constitute surface states. As a byproduct we find that the full star product of N=2 string field theory translates into a canonically normalized continuous tensor product of Moyal-Weyl products up to an overall normalization. The divergent factors arising from the translation to the continuous basis cancel between bosons and fermions in any even dimension.Comment: LaTeX, 1+23 pages, minor improvements, references adde

    Recurrent and sporadic Forbush decreases during solar cycles 23–24

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    A comparison has been made between recurrent (associated with high-speed streams from coronal holes) and sporadic (caused by interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs)) Forbush decreases (FDs) in solar cycles 23 and 24 (as well as in the maxima of these cycles and the minimum between them). Forbush Effects and Interplanetary Disturbances database created and maintained in IZMIRAN provided a large number of events (about 1700 isolated FDs, among them 350 recurrent FDs, and 207 sporadic FDs selected with high reliability), which allowed us to apply statistical methods. The results revealed that sporadic FDs prevailed in the maxima of the cycles; recurrent FDs, in the minimum between the cycles. FD parameters (magnitude, decrease rate, anisotropy) are larger for sporadic events than for recurrent ones, especially in the maxima of the cycles. FD magnitude is greater in the maxima than in the minimum for sporadic events, and it changes weakly for recurrent ones. The solar wind velocity is on average greater for recurrent events than for sporadic ones; it is larger for recurrent FDs in the minimum and for sporadic FDs in the maxima. The magnetic field is stronger for sporadic FDs than for recurrent ones in the maxima and it is approximately equal for both types of events in the minimum. The magnetic field of ICMEs is weaker in the current solar cycle than in the previous one. The duration of the FD main phase is less in the maxima for both types of events; sporadic FDs developed significantly faster than recurrent ones in the maximum of cycle 23

    Dressed Sliver solutions in Vacuum String Field Theory

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    We consider a new class of solutions (dressed slivers) in Vacuum String Field Theory, which represent D25-branes. For each dressed sliver we introduce a deformation parameter and define a family of states which are characterized by new abelian star-subalgebras. We show that this deformation parameter can be used as a regulator: it allows us to define for each such solution a finite norm and energy density. Finally we show how to generalize these results to parallel coincident and to lower dimensional branes.Comment: 39 pages, JHEP style. v2:minor corrections, references adde