290 research outputs found

    Classification of integrable hydrodynamic chains and generating functions of conservation laws

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    New approach to classification of integrable hydrodynamic chains is established. Generating functions of conservation laws are classified by the method of hydrodynamic reductions. N parametric family of explicit hydrodynamic reductions allows to reconstruct corresponding hydrodynamic chains. Plenty new hydrodynamic chains are found

    Reciprocal transformations of Hamiltonian operators of hydrodynamic type: nonlocal Hamiltonian formalism for linearly degenerate systems

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    Reciprocal transformations of Hamiltonian operators of hydrodynamic type are investigated. The transformed operators are generally nonlocal, possessing a number of remarkable algebraic and differential-geometric properties. We apply our results to linearly degenerate semi-Hamiltonian systems in Riemann invariants. Since all such systems are linearizable by appropriate (generalized) reciprocal transformations, our formulae provide an infinity of mutually compatible nonlocal Hamiltonian structures, explicitly parametrized by arbitrary functions of one variable.Comment: 26 page

    Whitham systems and deformations

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    We consider the deformations of Whitham systems including the "dispersion terms" and having the form of Dubrovin-Zhang deformations of Frobenius manifolds. The procedure is connected with B.A. Dubrovin problem of deformations of Frobenius manifolds corresponding to the Whitham systems of integrable hierarchies. Under some non-degeneracy requirements we suggest a general scheme of the deformation of the hyperbolic Whitham systems using the initial non-linear system. The general form of the deformed Whitham system coincides with the form of the "low-dispersion" asymptotic expansions used by B.A. Dubrovin and Y. Zhang in the theory of deformations of Frobenius manifolds.Comment: 27 pages, Late

    Weakly-nonlocal Symplectic Structures, Whitham method, and weakly-nonlocal Symplectic Structures of Hydrodynamic Type

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    We consider the special type of the field-theoretical Symplectic structures called weakly nonlocal. The structures of this type are in particular very common for the integrable systems like KdV or NLS. We introduce here the special class of the weakly nonlocal Symplectic structures which we call the weakly nonlocal Symplectic structures of Hydrodynamic Type. We investigate then the connection of such structures with the Whitham averaging method and propose the procedure of "averaging" of the weakly nonlocal Symplectic structures. The averaging procedure gives the weakly nonlocal Symplectic Structure of Hydrodynamic Type for the corresponding Whitham system. The procedure gives also the "action variables" corresponding to the wave numbers of mm-phase solutions of initial system which give the additional conservation laws for the Whitham system.Comment: 64 pages, Late

    Gurevich-Zybin system

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    We present three different linearizable extensions of the Gurevich-Zybin system. Their general solutions are found by reciprocal transformations. In this paper we rewrite the Gurevich-Zybin system as a Monge-Ampere equation. By application of reciprocal transformation this equation is linearized. Infinitely many local Hamiltonian structures, local Lagrangian representations, local conservation laws and local commuting flows are found. Moreover, all commuting flows can be written as Monge-Ampere equations similar to the Gurevich-Zybin system. The Gurevich-Zybin system describes the formation of a large scale structures in the Universe. The second harmonic wave generation is known in nonlinear optics. In this paper we prove that the Gurevich-Zybin system is equivalent to a degenerate case of the second harmonic generation. Thus, the Gurevich-Zybin system is recognized as a degenerate first negative flow of two-component Harry Dym hierarchy up to two Miura type transformations. A reciprocal transformation between the Gurevich-Zybin system and degenerate case of the second harmonic generation system is found. A new solution for the second harmonic generation is presented in implicit form.Comment: Corrected typos and misprint

    Active Galactic Nuclei and Transformation of Dark Matter into Visible Matter

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    The hypothesis that dark matter is converted into visible particles in active galactic nuclei is investigated. If dark matter consists of stable superheavy neutral particles and active galactic nuclei are rotating black holes, then, due to the Penrose process, superheavy particles can decay into unstable particles with larger mass, whose decay into quarks and leptons leads to events in cosmic rays observed by the Auger group. Similar processes of decay of superheavy particles of dark matter into visible matter occurred in the early Universe. Numerical estimates of the processes in active galactic nuclei and in the early Universe are given.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX; v2: one reference added, published versio
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