18 research outputs found

    Methodological Tools of Assessment of the Taxable Capacity of Territories

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    The purpose of the study is to develop a methodology for assessing the tax capacity of territorial entities. The role of taxes in the model of economic circulation is described; clarifies the rationale and role of the state tax policy, the essence and assessment of the taxable capacity of territories. The proposed system of indicators characterizing the taxable ability makes it possible to objectively predict tax revenues to local budgets and justify the amount of subsidies

    Risk-based internal audit concept development in agro-industrial economy sector

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    The authors also consider the contribution (in terms of advantages) of risk-based internal audit to the activities of the organization of the agro-industrial sector of the economy. Taking into account the constant digitalization of many aspects of the activities of various companies, the impact of this informatization on internal audit was also studied and the main risks and ways to combat them were identifie

    Contraception in premenopausal women

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    The article tells about methods of contraception for women in premenopausal age. Levonorgestrel intrauterine device (LNG-IUD) is a highly effective method of contraception in this age group. Locally acting levonorgestrel reduces the duration of bleeding during menstruation and has a therapeutic benefit in the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia


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    Some researchers call the modern stage of development of the world economy “the era of innovations". Studies show that economic and social progress is ensured through an innovative process - the process of producing new knowledge and practices. Thanks to new technologies, deep structural changes are taking place in the economic sectors, new industries are being formed, new jobs are being created. Globalization and the integration of the world economy have further exacerbated competition in the market for high-tech products. In these circumstances, innovative instruments remain the only possible source of increasing the competitiveness of national economies. The innovative way of development of the Russian economy is recognized as the main direction promoting restoration of volumes of production, the international competitiveness, a standard of living of the population, increase of efficiency of national economy, improvement of an ecological condition of a natural environment. Therefore, it is no coincidence that at this stage of development of Russia’s economic system, its main vector is to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of innovation policy. The special attention paid at present to the issues related to the implementation of innovation policy is caused by the active activity of the state, which aims to transfer the Russian economy to the innovative way of development by 2020. It is an undeniable fact that the innovative way of development of the country is the only way to overcome the global socio-economic crises that pose a threat to the sustainable development of the state, both in the present and in the future. This article is devoted to the problems of innovative development of our country

    Investment attractiveness of the region (on the example of Krasnodar region)

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    The article describes the main components of the economy of the Krasnodar region, which provide leadership and a high level of competitiveness in the Russian economy. The investment climate of the Krasnodar region is estimated by many experts as quite high, which is confirmed by many authoritative interregional ratings. The analysis of priority sectors of the region’s economy to attract foreign investment, including: agriculture, food and processing industry, wine, health resort and tourist complex, manufacturing industry, information and communication technologies. The assessment of the dynamics of investment activity of the Krasnodar region, identified major investment projects currently being implemented. Analyzing the attraction of foreign investments, it is necessary to touch upon the issue of investment support, which is a multi-level process in the Krasnodar region, which has recently been ordered. Assessing the Krasnodar region as an attractive investment region and one of the leaders in terms of investment, with a very low investment risk, it is necessary to consider the existing problems in the region’s economy and attracting investors. Having studied the emerging problems on the way of investors, the possible directions of further development and improvement of the investment attractiveness of the Krasnodar region


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    The article describes the main directions of development of foreign economic activity of Russia, conducted the evaluation of its foreign trade, the factors affecting the foreign trade policy of the country, the analysis of export-import operations


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    Despite the proven effect of menopausal hormone therapy on menopausal syndrome, a number of factors prevent perimenopausal women from receiving the treatment. The article is a review of literature on the possibility of non-hormonal treatment with tofisopam for neuro-vegetative and psycho-emotional disorders associated with climacteric syndrome. The article tells about the efficacy and safety of the drug taking into account its pharmacodynamic properties


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    Ineffectiveness of the existing world monetary system that contributed to the resumption of its possible reform of the discussions has been revealed in the context of the global economic crisis. Due to the world economic interdependence of countries growing sharply raises the question of formation of the complex mechanism of global governance and the principles of a supranational character. This article analyzes the current trends and prospects of development of the world monetary system