60 research outputs found

    Zaštita okoliša

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    Djelovanje TMB-4 na akutno letalno trovanje miševa antikolinesterazama

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    Poziomek, Hackley and Steinberg (1958) and, independently, Hobbiger, O\u27Sullivan and Sadler (1958) have recently described a series of NN\u27-polymethylenebis(4-hydroxyiminomethyl-pyridinium) compounds, which are potent reactivators of cholinesterases inhibited by organophosphate antichobinesterases. The most effective compound in this series NN\u27-trimethylenebis( 4-hydroxyimino-methyl-pyridinium bromide) (TMB-4) was reported to be an effective agent in protecting animals from the lethal poisoning by methylphosphorofluoridate (SARIN), DFP and TEPP (Bay, Krop and Yates, 1958; Berry, Davies and Green, 1959; Hobbig er and Sadler, 1959). In this paper additional experiments are described, carried out to estimate the antagonism of TMB-4 toward some other organo-P-compounds. A number of specific nonphosphorus anticholinesterases are included as well.TMB-4 pokazao se uspješnim u zaštiti miševa, koji su otrovani Ietalnim dozama paraoksona, parationa, metasistoksa, neostigmina, eserina, a djelomično i R0-2-1250, dimefoksa i ditereksa. Njegovo djelovanje, međutim, ne pruža dovoljnu zaštitu miševa otrovanih OMPA-om i BW284C51

    Osvrti: Podrška znanosti

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    Zaštita okoliša

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    Zaštita okoliša

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    Theoretical possibilities of predicting some harmful effects of different chemicals on mammals by using a physical expression

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    U radu je definisana korelacija između srednjeg potencijala elektron-jon interakcije raznih organskih jedinjenja i njihovih pesticidnih, odnosno baktericidnih i fungicidnih svojstava. Analizirana je mogućnost korišćenja ovih rezultata, u kombinaciji sa ranije uspostavljenim kriterijumom za moguću kancerogenost organskih jedinjenja, za preselekciju novih insekticida i herbicida kod kojih bi bila znatno smanjena verovatnoća prateće kancerogene aktivnosti.The correlation between the mean potential of the electron-ion interaction and the pesticidal, bactericidal and fungicidal properties of some chemicals was investigated. The chemical structure of the compounds was a basas for predicting possible harmful effects on mammals. In order to prove the usefulness of these calculations the authors compared own results with the data on chemical carcinogenesis in experimental animals of the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon. The method can also be used for predicting beneficial effects of some new chemicals and identifying compounds with a greater biological activity. The preliminary results obtained with this method are valuable and can serve for planning more extensive research of chemical hazards in experimental animals

    Zaštita okoliša

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    Zaštita okoliša

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    Zaštita okoliša

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    Zaštita okoliša

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