25 research outputs found


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    The article describes design and implementation of a new personalized database to solve the problems of classification of test results in microbiology. The practice of design and implementation of the database «Microbes» based on the database management system FileMAkerPro has been described. The resulting database allows not only for control and for amalysis of large amounts of heterogeneous data, but also for dynamic comparison of the data generated throgh collaboration of multidisciplinary research teams.Работа посвящена созданию базы данных для решения задач систематизации результатовнаучныхисследований, проводимыхв микробиологии. Описан опыт написания и внедрения базы данных «Microbes» на основе системы управления базами данных «FileMakerPro 12». Разработанная база позволяет не только контролировать и анализировать большие объемы разнородной информации, но и оперативно сравнивать данные, полученные разными специалистами, работающими в одном проекте

    Oral microflora in children with hematologic malignancies

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    The goal was a comprehensive study of oral microflora in healthy children and those with hematologic malignancies, based on the analysis of mixed microbial biofilms composition, isolation and identification of new previously unknown microorganisms. The material was obtained in children with hematological diseases in remission, 2–10 years aged, and for the control group from St. Petersburg schoolchildren and in kindergartens. We used microbiological, biochemical and molecular genetic methods, including electron microscopy, proteomic analysis, sequencing and complete genome annotation. Microorganisms of 23 genera isolated as pure cultures and identified by biochemical activity from mixed microbial biofilm derived from saliva of healthy and sick children. In microflora of children with hematologic malignancies a previously unknown type of streptococci with a large number of antibiotic resistance genes was revealed. Differences in oral microbiota composition of healthy children and children with hematological diseases in remission were revealed. The microbiota of children with hematologic malignancies contains more genes controlling antibiotic resistance. Also, it was observed previously unknown bacterium of the genus Streptococcus

    Oral microflora in children with hematologic malignancies

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    The goal was a comprehensive study of oral microflora in healthy children and those with hematologic malignancies, based on the analysis of mixed microbial biofilms composition, isolation and identification of new previously unknown microorganisms. The material was obtained in children with hematological diseases in remission, 2–10 years aged, and for the control group from St. Petersburg schoolchildren and in kindergartens. We used microbiological, biochemical and molecular genetic methods, including electron microscopy, proteomic analysis, sequencing and complete genome annotation. Microorganisms of 23 genera isolated as pure cultures and identified by biochemical activity from mixed microbial biofilm derived from saliva of healthy and sick children. In microflora of children with hematologic malignancies a previously unknown type of streptococci with a large number of antibiotic resistance genes was revealed. Differences in oral microbiota composition of healthy children and children with hematological diseases in remission were revealed. The microbiota of children with hematologic malignancies contains more genes controlling antibiotic resistance. Also, it was observed previously unknown bacterium of the genus Streptococcus.</p

    An annotated checklist of the fossil birds of Australia

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