17 research outputs found


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    It is presented the comparative assessment of the quality of the records of patients who died from malignant neoplasms (MN), according to the report of Rosstat used to calculate mortality rates (form No. 5 “the Distribution of deaths by sex, age groups and causes of death”), and according to the report of the Ministry of health (form № 35 “Data on patients with malignant neoplasms”), used to calculate the mortality rate of patients under medical observation. Improving the quality and completeness of information about cancer patients is associated not only with the necessity of improving the accounting system, but with a best option compared with the most used in the world practice, as with any organizational issues.The following materials will be used. Rosstat data:• the distribution of deaths from MN by age and sex (form No. 5);• average annual number of population in administrative territories of Russia. The data of the Ministry of health (form No. 35):• the number of deaths from the MN from the number taken into account;• the number of deaths from the MN, not consisting on the account of cancer institution, including:– with the diagnosis established postmortem, including autopsy;– consisted on the account in medical institutions of other ministries and departments;• the number of deaths (from those considered), the cause of death was non-oncological disease;• the number of deaths from complications related to the treatment (from the number registered during the previous year and died from the MN).The study was conducted with the use of information and analytical support of the database on Oncology on the basis of state statistical reporting, created by P. Herzen MORI

    Control of the turbulent wake flow behind a circular cylinder by asymmetric sectoral hydrophobic coatings

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    We demonstrate that sectoral coating by a hydrophobic fluoropolymer is an effective method for controlling flow separation and the turbulent wake behind a cylinder in high Reynolds number flows (Re = 2.2 × 105). Time-resolved particle image velocimetry measurements show that the shape of the wake and trajectory of large-scale vortex structures are inclined due to delayed flow separation on one side of the cylinder. Near-wall, high-resolution visualization reveals that this effect is related to micro-bubbles traveling along the coated surface. The properties of the coatings and bubble presence did not deteriorate, even after many hours of continuous facility operation


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    The problems of formation and effective use of the potential of industrial enterprises is becoming more and more urgent. In this paper we consider the productive capacity of organizations not only as a set of resources used or as production reserves, but also as a certain energy resource of a labor collective. The proposed approach allows us to formulate the essence of the socio-economic «potential» category in the context of synergetic approach, more efficient use of the economic entities functional, to apply integral estimates in description of all aspects of businesses activities


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    In this study of statistical data for the first time in Russia the analysis of the morbidity and mortality of patients with malignant neoplasms that may be associated with human papilloma virus (HPV) is performed: cervical cancer (cervical cancer), cancer of the vulva and vagina, cancer of penis, cancer of the rectum, anal canal and rectosigmoid junction cancer, cancer of the pharynx and larynx

    Oxidation of ablated silicon during pulsed laser deposition in a background gas with different oxygen partial pressures

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    We have analysed changes in the oxidation state of SiOx films produced by pulsed laser deposition in a background gas with different partial pressures of oxygen. The optical properties of the films in IR range are shown to be close to those of SiO2 while the total oxidation degree is considerably less than 2. It is suggested that the film consists of oxidized and unoxidized regions due to preferential oxidation of the periphery of the silicon ablation plume during expansion. These regions are overlapping in the film if the laser beam is scanned on the target